Amend SB 1879 by adding the following Sections to read as 
follows and renumbering the subsequent Sections appropriately:
	SECTION ____. Chapter 43, Code of Criminal Procedure, is 
amended by adding Article 43.27 to read as follows:
Sec. 1. CREATION. The Texas Innocence Commission is created. Sec. 2. COMPOSITION. (a) The commission is composed of nine members. The governor shall appoint two members, one of whom must be a dean of a law school and one of whom must be a law enforcement officer. The lieutenant governor shall appoint one member, who may be a member of the legislature. The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint one member, who may a member of the legislature. The presiding judge of the court of criminal appeals shall appoint one member, who must be a member of the judiciary. The presiding officer of the Texas Forensic Science Commission shall appoint one member, who must work in the forensic science field. The Texas District and County Attorneys Association shall appoint one member, who must be a prosecuting attorney. The Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association shall appoint one member, who must be a criminal defense lawyer. The president of the Texas Center for Actual Innocence at The University of Texas School of Law, the director of the innocence project at the University of Houston Law Center, or the director of the innocence project at the Texas Tech University School of Law, on a rotating basis, shall appoint one member, who must be an attorney with experience in filing successful appellate claims based an actual innocence. (b) Each member serves a two-year term. (c) The governor shall designate a member to serve as presiding officer. Sec. 3. DUTIES. (a) The commission shall investigate thoroughly all postconviction exonerations involving controlled substances under state law, and including convictions vacated based on a plea to time served, to: (1) ascertain errors and defects in the criminal procedure used to prosecute the defendant's case at issue; (2) identify errors and defects in the criminal justice process in this state generally; (3) develop solutions and methods to correct the identified errors and defects; and (4) identify procedures and programs to prevent future wrongful convictions. (b) The commission may enter into contracts for research services as considered necessary to complete the investigation of a particular case, including forensic testing and autopsies. Sec. 4. REPORT. (a) The commission shall compile a detailed annual report of its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation to implement procedures and programs to prevent future wrongful convictions or executions. (b) The report shall be made available to the public on request. (c) The findings and recommendations contained in the report may not be used as binding evidence in a subsequent civil or criminal proceeding. Sec. 5. SUBMISSION. The commission shall submit the report described by Section 4 to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year. Sec. 6. REIMBURSEMENT. A member of the commission is not