Amend SB 1985 (Senate committee printing) as follows:                        

(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Subchapter C, 	Chapter 8821, Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, between 
lines 4 and 5), insert a new Section 8821.101 as follows:
AND DUTIES.  Except as provided by this chapter, the district has 
the powers and duties provided by the general law of this state, 
including Chapter 36, Water Code, and Section 59, Article XVI, 
Texas Constitution, applicable to groundwater conservation 
	(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 8821.101, 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, line 5), strike 
"8821.101" and substitute "8821.102".
	(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 8823.102, 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, line 10), strike 
"8821.102" and substitute "8821.103".
	(4)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 8823.102, 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, lines 21 and 22), strike 
proposed Subsection (c).
	(5)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 8821.103, 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, line 23), strike 
"8821.103" and substitute "8821.104".
	(6)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, immediately following proposed 
Section 8821.103, Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, between 
lines 25 and 26), insert new Sections 8821.105 and 8821.106 as 
CERTAIN EXEMPT WELLS. The district may adopt rules that require the 
owner or operator of a well or class of wells exempt from permitting 
under Section 36.117, Water Code, to register the well with the 
district and, if the well is not exempt under Section 36.117(b)(1), 
Water Code, to report groundwater withdrawals from the well using 
reasonable and appropriate reporting methods and frequency.
	Sec. 8821.106.  WELL SPACING RULES; EXEMPTIONS.  (a)  Except 
as provided by Subsection (b), the district shall exempt from the 
well spacing requirements adopted by the district any well that is 
completed on or before the effective date of those requirements.
	(b)  The district may provide by rule that a well may lose its 
exemption under this section if the well is modified in a manner 
that substantially increases the capacity of the well after the 
effective date of the well spacing requirements adopted by the 
	(c)  Except as provided by this section, the district may 
require any well or class of wells exempt from permitting under 
Chapter 36, Water Code, to comply with the well spacing 
requirements adopted by the district.  The district shall apply 
well spacing requirements uniformly to any well or class of wells 
based on the size or capacity of the well and without regard to the 
type of use of the groundwater produced by the well.
	(7)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 8821.104, 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, line 26), strike 
"8821.104" and substitute "8821.107".
	(8)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 8821.105, 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, line 35), strike 
"8821.105" and substitute "8821.108".
	(9)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 8821.106, 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, line 38), strike 
"8821.106" and substitute "8821.109".
	(10)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Section 8821.107, 
Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, line 42), strike 
"8821.107" and substitute "8821.110".
	(11)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in proposed Subchapter C, 
Chapter 8821, Special District Local Laws Code (page 3, between 
lines 43 and 44), insert a new Section 8821.111 as follows:
DISSOLUTION OF DISTRICT.  (a)  On September 1, 2011, the district 
boundaries must include at least one county adjacent to McLennan 
	(b)  As soon as practicable after September 1, 2011, the 
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality shall determine whether 
the district complies with Subsection (a).
	(c)  If the commission determines that the district does not 
comply with Subsection (a), the commission shall dissolve the 
district in accordance with Sections 36.304, 36.305, 36.307, 
36.308, 36.309, and 36.310, Water Code, regardless of whether the 
district meets the criteria for dissolution under Section 
36.304(a), Water Code.
	(d)  This section expires September 1, 2013.