By: Christian
In the 79th Legislative Session (S.B. 20), the Legislature adopted a target for 500 MW of “non-wind” renewable generation to be installed by 2015 in order to support the development of renewable energy resources such as biomass power, geothermal power, solar power, hydropower and others. Yet, the Public Utility Commission of Texas has been hindered in its effort to implement S.B. 20 by uncertainty regarding whether the Legislature intended the 500 MW non-wind target to be voluntary or mandatory.
The development of non-wind renewable generation will bring significant economic and environmental benefits to electricity consumers in Texas. Non-wind renewable resources can provide reliable base load renewable generation, generation located in areas without transmission constraints and provide other local economic benefits.
As proposed, H.B. 1214 clarifies that 500 MW of non-wind renewable generation must be installed by 2015.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
SECTION 1. Amends Sections 39.904(a) and (c), Utilities Code, to require that at least 500 megawatts of generating capacity from renewable energy technologies other than wind energy technologies be installed by January 1, 2015 and directs the Public Utility Commission of Texas to establish the minimum annual requirement for the installation of generating capacity from renewable energy technologies other than wind energy technologies, for each retail electric provider, municipally owned utility, and electric cooperative operating in Texas. Makes conforming changes.
SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 2007.
September 1, 2007.