H.B. 1260

                                                                                                                       By: Martinez, "Mando"

                                                                                        Defense Affairs & State-Federal Relations

                                                                                                       Committee Report (Unamended)






Often, military personnel are provided a very short period of time to get their affairs in order before being deployed to a designated hostile zone.  To assist with this burden,  the bill exempts certain military personnel from certain state and local governmental fees.


HB 1260 exempts certain  military personnel being deployed to serve in a hostile fire zone from certain fees.  Further, it requires the adjutant general to identify fees that qualify for the waiver, including, but not limited to, copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates, and the transferring of property titles.




It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the adjutant general in SECTION 1 [Section 431.039(b), Government Code] of this bill. 




HB 1260 amends the Government Code to allow a member of the National Guard on federal

active duty, or a member of the armed forces of the United States on active duty, who is

preparing to be deployed to serve in a hostile fire zone as designated by the United States

secretary of defense is exempt from paying any state or local governmental fee the member

incurs because of the deployment to arrange the member's personal affairs.


Additionally, the adjutant general is required to identify fees that qualify for the exemption, which must include fees for obtaining copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates, and transferring property titles and, after consultation with federal authorities, prescribe the manner in which a governmental entity is made aware of the right to an exemption.




September 1, 2007.