By: Haggerty
Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Committee Report (Substituted)
Currently, operation of bingo is regulated under Subchapter I, Chapter 2001, Occupations Code. Section 2001.409 prohibits a person from using a card-minding device to generate or determine random letters, numbers, or other symbols used in playing the bingo card played with the device’s assistance, as a receptacle for the deposit of tokens or money in payment for playing the bingo card played with the device’s assistance, or as a dispenser for the payment of a bingo prize, including coins, paper currency, or a thing of value for the bingo card played with the device’s assistance.
Licensed authorized organizations that hold a license to conduct bingo are seeking statutory authority to use a card-minding device on the organization’s bingo premises during a bingo occasion. The organizations would not use the device in a manner prohibited by Section 2001.409, such as generating numbers, receiving payment, or dispensing payment of a prize. Instead, the organizations seek to display or play a pull-tab bingo ticket, approved by the Texas Lottery Commission, to a bingo player.
C.S.H.B. 2206 would allow a licensed authorized organization to use a card-minding device on the organization’s bingo premises during a bingo occasion to display or play a commission-approved pull-tab bingo ticket to a bingo player, while clarifying that existing prohibitions currently in law regarding card-minding devices to apply to a person, including a licensed authorized organization.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
C.S.H.B. 2206 allows a licensed authorized organization to use a card-minding device on the organization’s bingo premises during a bingo occasion to display or play a commission-approved pull-tab bingo ticket to a bingo player. Also clarifies that existing prohibitions on use of a card-minding device to apply to a person, including a licensed authorized organization; makes conforming changes.
Immediately, or, if the Act does not receive the necessary vote, the Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
The substitute, in addition to allowing a licensed authorized organization to use a card-minding device to display a commission-approved pull-tab bingo ticket to a bingo player, would allow the organization to permit the player to play the pull-tab bingo ticket.
The substitute also makes minor revisions to clarify that existing prohibitions on use of a card-minding device to apply to a person, including a licensed authorized organization; makes conforming changes.