Senate Research Center                                                                                                     H.B. 2237

                                                                                                                  By: Eissler et al. (Shapiro)








For years, Texas has succeeded in producing quality elementary school students.  Recent results on the National Assessment of Educational Progress show that our Texas 4th grade students outperformed the national average in both reading and mathematics, and that our 8th grade students outperformed the national average in mathematics.


However, many Texas high schools fall short in preparing students for postsecondary studies and vocational opportunities.  According to the Southern Regional Education Board, 22 percent of  Texas adults between the ages of 22 to 44 do not have a diploma or GED, compared to the national average of 15 percent.  Over 50 percent of students entering postsecondary studies have to take at least one remedial course in mathematics, reading, or writing while in college.


In addition, the 78th and 79th Legislatures designated and appropriated over $100 million to be used to remedy such problems, but there has been little oversight as to how those funds are to be used. 


H.B. 2237 establishes the High School Completion and Success Initiative (initiative) in order to improve secondary school instruction in Texas.  The initiative provides support to schools and districts in implementing curriculum and instruction improvements that align with state standards and expectations for post-secondary success.  The initiative also includes technical assistance to assist schools and school districts in the implementation of successful secondary education programs that maximize the impact of all available funds, including high school allotment funds.


The bill also establishes the High School Completion and Success Initiative Board to develop and manage the implementation of a strategic plan that coordinates public and private high school improvement initiatives.  The bill establishes a number of pilot programs intended to aid in reducing the state’s high school dropout rate.




Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the commissioner of education in SECTION 4 (Section 21.4541, Education Code), SECTION 7 (Section 28.0212, Education Code), SECTION 8 (Section 29.096, Education Code), SECTION 10 (Section 29.918, Education Code), and SECTION 13 (Sections 39.359 and 39.367, Education Code) of this bill.


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the commissioner of higher education in SECTION 8 (Section 29.098, Education Code) and SECTION 13 (Sections 39.359 and 39.367, Education Code)of this bill.


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the State Board for Educator Certification in SECTION 5 (Section 21.462, Education Code) of this bill.


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in SECTION 5 (Section 21.462, Education Code) of this bill.




SECTION 1.  Amends Sections 7.009(a) and (b), Education Code, as follows:


(a)  Requires the Texas Education Agency (TEA), in coordination with the Legislative Budget Board, to establish an online clearinghouse of information relating to best practices of campuses and school districts regarding dropout prevention in addition to other areas previously set forth in this subsection.


(b)  Makes a conforming change.


SECTION 2.  Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 7, Education Code, by adding Section 7.031. as follows:


Sec. 7.031.  STUDY OF BEST PRACTICES FOR DROPOUT PREVENTION.  (a)  Requires the commissioner of education (commissioner) to contract with one or more centers for education research under Section 1.005 to study the best practices of campuses and school districts (districts) in this state and other states regarding dropout prevention programs and prepare a report regarding the findings of the study.


(b)  Requires the report under Subsection (a) to make certain identifications and recommendations set forth in this subsection.


(c)  Requires the commissioner to deliver the report produced under Subsection (a) to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the presiding officers of the standing committees of each house of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over public education not later than December 1, 2008.


(d)  Provides that this section expires January 1, 2009.


SECTION 3.  Amends Subchapter J, Chapter 21, Education Code, by adding Section 21.4511, as follows:


Sec. 21.4511.  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES FOR TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS.  (a)  Authorizes the High School Completion and Success Initiative Committee (committee) established under Subchapter L, Chapter 39, from funds appropriated for that purpose, to develop and recommend the award of grants as provided by Section 39.360 to districts, regional education service centers (regional centers), and institutions of higher education (institutions) for the establishment of technical assistance and professional development activities in the staff development training of public school teachers and administrators.


(b)  Requires the training under this section to include training relating to implementing curriculum and instruction that is aligned with the foundation curriculum described by Section 28.002(a)(1) and standards and expectations for college readiness, as determined by State Board of Education (SBOE) rule under Section 28.008(d).


(c)  Authorizes the committee to give preference to a district, regional center, or institution conducting professional development activities under this section that applies for a grant in partnership with a state or national organization that has demonstrated success in the development and implementation of high school reform strategies.


SECTION 4.  Amends Subchapter J, Chapter 21, Education Code, by adding Section 21.4541, as follows:


Sec. 21.4541.  MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTIONAL COACHES PILOT PROGRAM.  (a)  Requires the  commissioner by rule to establish a pilot program under which participating districts and campuses receive grants to provide assistance in developing the content knowledge and instructional expertise of teachers who instruct students in mathematics at the middle school, junior high school, or high school level from funds appropriated for that purpose.


(b)  Provides that a district or campus is eligible to participate in the pilot program under this section if the district or campus meets the eligibility criteria established as provided by Section 39.360.


(c)  Authorizes a grant awarded under this section to be used to support intensive instructional coaching and professional development from a service provider approved by the commissioner.  Authorizes approved service providers to include certain entities set forth in this subsection.


(d)  Requires an instructional coaching or professional development program supported by a grant under this section to demonstrate significant past effectiveness in improving mathematics instruction in middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools serving a significant number of students identified as students at risk of dropping out of school, as described by Section 29.081(d).  Authorizes an instructional coaching or professional development program to include engaging in certain activities set forth in this subsection.


(e)  Requires the commissioner to adopt rules necessary to implement the pilot program.


SECTION 5.  Amends Subchapter J, Chapter 21, Education Code, by adding Section 21.462, as follows:


Sec. 21.462.  MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY TEACHER PREPARATION ACADEMIES.  (a)  Requires the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), from funds appropriated for that purpose, to establish academies at institutions to improve the instructional skills of teachers certified under Subchapter B (Certification of Educators) and train students enrolled in a teacher preparation program to perform at the highest levels in mathematics, science, and technology.  Authorizes THECB to adopt rules as necessary to administer this section.


(b)  Requires the institution, before it establishes an academy under this section, to apply through a competitive process, as determined by THECB, and meet any requirements established by THECB for designation as an academy under this section and  continued funding.  Requires the institution to have a teacher preparation program approved by the State Board for Educator Certification (certification board) or be affiliated with an approved program in a manner that allows participants to meet the certification requirements under Sections 21.0482 (Master Mathematics Teacher Certification), 21.0483 (Master Technology Teacher Certification), and 21.0484 (Master Science Teacher Certification).


(c)  Requires THECB and the certification board to adopt rules to coordinate the requirements of each board to facilitate the ability of a graduate of an academy established under this section to obtain a master teacher certificate under Section 21.0482, 21.0483, or 21.0484.


(d)  Requires a participant in an academy program to meet certain qualifications set forth in his subsection.


(e)  Requires an academy program to take certain actions set forth in this subsection.


(f)  Authorizes an academy program to take certain actions set forth in this subsection.


(g)  Requires the commissioner to take certain actions set forth in this subsection to the extent funds are appropriated for those purposes.


SECTION 6.  Amends Section 28.008, Education Code, by adding Subsection (d-1), to require SBOE to incorporate college readiness standards and expectations into the essential knowledge and skills of the foundation curriculum under Section 28.002(a)(1) for courses in which students in grades nine through 12 generally enroll, as determined by SBOE, rule beginning with the 2008-2009 school year.  Provides that this subsection expires December 1, 2012.


SECTION 7.  Amends Section 28.0212, Education Code, by adding Subsections (d) and (e), as follows:


(d)  Requires TEA to establish minimum standards for a personal graduation plan under this section (Personal Graduation Plan).


(e)  Authorizes the commissioner to adopt rules as necessary to administer this section.


SECTION 8.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 29, Education Code, by adding Sections 29.095 through 29.098, as follows:


Sec. 29.095.  GRANTS FOR STUDENT CLUBS.  (a)  Defines “committee” and “student at risk of dropping out of school.”


(b)  Requires the committee to administer a pilot program to provide grants to school districts to fund student club activities for students at risk of dropping out of school.  Requires the committee to spend an amount not to exceed $5 million in any state fiscal biennium on the program from funds appropriated for purposes of this subchapter (Compensatory Education Programs).


(c)  Authorizes the committee to recommend and the commissioner to award a grant as provided by Section 39.360 in an amount not to exceed $5,000 in a school year to a school district on behalf of a student club at a district high school campus that is eligible under the criteria established under that section.  Requires the student club and the club's sponsor to be sanctioned by the campus and district to be eligible for a grant.  Requires a grant awarded under this program to be matched by other federal, state, or local funds, including donations, in an amount equal to the amount of the grant.  Requires a district to seek donations or sponsorships from local businesses or community organizations to raise the matching funds.  Authorizes the committee to recommend and the commissioner to award a grant as provided by Section 39.360 on behalf of more than one student club at a campus in the same school year.


(d)  Requires the committee to establish application criteria for receipt of a grant under this section.  Requires the criteria to require confirmation that the appropriate campus-level planning and decision-making committee established under Subchapter F (District-level and Site-based Decision Making), Chapter 11, and the district board of trustees have approved a plan that includes certain provisions set forth in this subsection.


(e)  Requires the committee to establish the minimum requirements for a local grant agreement, including certain requirements.


(f)  Authorizes a student club to use funds awarded under this section to support academic or co-curricular club activities, other than athletics, in which at least 50 percent of the participating students have been identified as students at risk of dropping out of school and to use such funds for materials, sponsor stipends, and other needs that directly support the club's activities.  Requires a student club to use the entire amount of the grant to directly fund the club's activities described in the plan approved as provided by Subsection (d). Prohibits a student club from using more than 50 percent of a grant to pay sponsor stipends.


(g)  Requires the district board of trustees to ensure that funds awarded under this section are expended in compliance with Subsection (f).  Requires a student club that receives a grant to submit a report to the board of trustees summarizing the club's activities and the extent to which the club met the club's goals and achieved the club's intent at the end of the school year.  Provides that the decision of the board of trustees under this subsection relating to compliance with Subsection (f) is final and may not be appealed.


Sec. 29.096.  COLLABORATIVE DROPOUT REDUCTION PILOT PROGRAM.  (a)  Defines “committee.”


(b)  Requires the committee, using funds appropriated for that purpose, to establish a pilot program under which a district or open-enrollment charter school may receive a grant to implement a local collaborative dropout reduction program.


(c)  Provides that a district or open-enrollment charter school is eligible to participate and receive a grant under this section under the eligibility criteria established under Section 39.360.


(d)  Requires the committee to establish application criteria for receiving a grant under this section.  Requires the criteria to require a district or open-enrollment charter school that applies for a grant to collaborate with local businesses, other local governments or law enforcement agencies, nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, or institutions of higher education to deliver proven, research-based intervention services.  Provides that the goal of the program is to coordinate services and programs among local entities to comprehensively reduce the number of students who drop out of school in that community and increase the job skills, employment opportunities, and continuing education opportunities of students who might otherwise have dropped out of school.


(e)  Requires the committee to establish minimum standards for a local collaborative agreement, including a requirement that the agreement must be signed by an authorized district or open-enrollment charter school officer and an authorized representative of each of the other participating entities that is a partner in the collaboration. Requires the program to take certain actions set forth in this subsection.


(f)  Authorizes a local collaborative agreement under this section to consist of and take certain actions set forth in this subsection.


(g)  Authorizes the committee to approve innovative instructional techniques for course credit in the enrichment curriculum leading to high school graduation under a collaborative program.  Requires the committee to develop accountability measures appropriate to those programs.  Authorizes the commissioner, from funds appropriated, to fund electronic courses that are part of a collaborative program and that are otherwise eligible for state funds.  Prohibits funding for an electronic course from exceeding the total amount of state and local funding for a student to which the district or open-enrollment charter school would otherwise be entitled.


(h)  Provides that nothing in this section authorizes the award of a high school diploma other than in compliance with Section 28.025 (High School Diploma and Certificate; Academic Achievement Record).


(i)  Requires the commissioner to adopt rules necessary to administer the pilot program under this section.


Sec. 29.097.  INTENSIVE TECHNOLOGY-BASED ACADEMIC INTERVENTION PILOT PROGRAM.  (a)  Defines “committee” and “pilot program.”


(b)  Requires the committee, from funds appropriated for that purpose, to establish a pilot program for the commissioner to award grants to participating campuses to provide intensive technology-based supplementary instruction in English, mathematics, science, or social studies to students in grades nine through 12 identified as being at risk of dropping out of school, as described by Section 29.081(d).  Requires instruction techniques and technology used by a campus under this section to be based on the best available research, as determined by the committee, regarding college and workforce readiness.


(c)  Authorizes the commissioner to select for participation in the pilot program only a campus that is eligible under the criteria established under Section 39.360.


(d)  Requires a program supported by a grant under this section, to provide intensive technology-based supplementary instruction at a campus, to take certain actions set forth in this subsection.


(e)  Provides that the primary purpose of a program supported by a grant under this section, to provide intensive technology-based supplementary instruction at a campus, is to benefit students identified as being at risk of dropping out of school, as described by Section 29.081(d), but authorizes grant funds to be used to benefit a campus-wide program if the use of the funds does not defeat the primary purpose provided by this subsection.


(f)  Prohibits a grant awarded under this section from exceeding $50 for each participating student and requires such a grant to be matched by other federal, state, or local funds, including private donations.


(g)  Provides that, for purposes of Subsection (f)(2) (requiring a grant to be matched), a district is encouraged to use funds allocated under Section 42.2516(b)(3) (state revenue the district is entitled to in order to provide an amount equal to the product of $275 multiplied by the number of students in average daily attendance in grades nine through 12 in the district).


(h)  Prohibits a grant awarded under this section from being used to replace federal, state, or local funds previously spent on an instructional program, but authorizes such a grant to be used to expand an existing program.


(i)  Requires the entire amount of a grant awarded under this section to fund the program described in the application for the grant and authorizes that amount to be used for certain other necessary costs.


Sec. 29.098.  INTENSIVE SUMMER PROGRAMS. (a)  Defines “pilot program.”


(b)  Requires the commissioner of higher education by rule and from funds appropriated for that purpose to establish a pilot program to award grants to participating campuses to provide intensive academic instruction during the summer semester to promote college and workforce readiness to students identified as being at risk of dropping out of school or college.  Authorizes a grant awarded under this section to be used to fund certain categories of programs set forth in this subsection.


(c)  Authorizes the commissioner of higher education to select for participation in the pilot program only a campus that is eligible under the criteria established under Section 39.360.


(d)  Authorizes a grant to be awarded to an institution of higher education for a program administered under Subsection (b)(1) (a program administered by an institution to provide intensive academic instruction in English, language arts, mathematics, and science to facilitate the transition from high school to college) only if at least 50 percent of the students served in the program meet certain qualifications set forth in this subsection.


(e)  Requires a program supported by a grant to provide intensive summer instruction under this section to take certain actions and be designed as set forth in this subsection.


(f)  Requires an institution to create work-study opportunities for students enrolled in teacher preparation programs to assist in providing instruction in programs described by this section to the extent practicable.


(g)  Prohibits a grant awarded under this section from exceeding $750 for each participating student and requires a grant to be matched by not less than $250 for each participating student in other federal, state, or local funds, including private donations.


(h)  Provides that, purposes of Subsection (g)(2) (requiring a grant to be matched), a school district is encouraged to use funds allocated under Section 42.2516(b)(3).


(i)  Prohibits a grant awarded under this section from being used to replace federal, state, or local funds previously spent on a summer intensive program, but authorizes such a grant to be used to expand an existing program.


(j)  Requires the entire amount of a grant awarded under this section to fund the program described in the application for the grant and authorizes that amount to be used for certain other necessary costs.


(k)  Requires the commissioner and the commissioner of higher education to jointly develop or adopt assessment instruments to diagnose students' readiness to perform college-level work, assess the cumulative knowledge of students participating in a program under this section, and ensure the rigorous quality of the instruction provided.  Requires existing state-adopted assessment instruments to be used for purposes of this subsection to the extent practicable and appropriate.


(l)  Requires all students enrolled in a program under this section to be administered an assessment instrument developed or adopted under Subsection (k).


(m)  Requires the commissioner, in coordination with THECB, to adopt a series of optional questions to be included in an assessment instrument administered under Subsection (l).  Requires these questions to be developed in a manner consistent with any college readiness standards adopted under Sections 39.113 (Recognition of High School Completion and Success and College Readiness Programs) and 51.3062 (Success Initiative).


(n)  Requires instructional materials adopted by SBOE to be used for instruction in a program under Subsection (b)(2) or (3) (a program administered by a district in partnership with an institution to provide intensive academic instruction in English, language arts, mathematics, and science, or in reading and mathematics to students in grades six through eight, to promote high school completion and to college readiness).  Authorizes SBOE to adopt any additional instructional materials as necessary for a program under those provisions.  Authorizes THECB to adopt instructional materials as necessary for students enrolled in a program under Subsection (b)(1).


(o)  Requires SBOE and THECB to include information technology instructional resources that incorporate established best practices for instruction among approved instructional materials for intensive summer programs under this section to enhance the effectiveness of the programs.


SECTION 9.  Amends Subchapter Z, Chapter 29, Education Code, by adding Section 29.911, as follows:


Sec. 29.911.  “EDUCATION:  GO GET IT” WEEK.  (a)  Requires each district and open-enrollment charter school offering a middle school, junior high school, and high school education to designate one week during the school year as "Education:  Go Get It" Week in order to educate middle, junior high, and high school students about the importance of higher education.


(b)  Requires each middle, junior high, and high school to provide students with comprehensive grade-appropriate information regarding the pursuit of higher education during the designated week.  Requires the information provided to include certain information as set forth in this subsection.


(c)  Requires each middle, junior high, and high school, in addition to the information provided under Subsection (b), to provide to the students during the designated week at least one public speaker to promote the importance of higher education.


SECTION 10.  Amends Subchapter Z, Chapter 29, Education Code, by adding Sections 29.917 and 29.918, as follows:


Sec. 29.917.  HIGHER EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE READINESS PROGRAMS.  (a)  Authorizes the commissioner to award grants to organizations that provide volunteers to teach classroom or after-school programs to enhance college readiness, workforce readiness, dropout prevention, or personal financial literacy.


(b)  Authorizes the commissioner to accept gifts, grants, and donations from public or private entities to implement or administer a program under this section.


(c)  Authorizes the commissioner to conduct a study of the programs under this section to determine the success of the programs in preparing students for higher education and participation in the workforce.


Sec. 29.918.  DROPOUT PREVENTION STRATEGIES.  (a)  Requires a district or open-enrollment charter school with a high dropout rate, as determined by the commissioner, to submit a plan to the commissioner describing the manner in which the district or charter school intends to use the compensatory education allotment under Section 42.152 for developing and implementing research-based strategies for dropout prevention.  Requires the district or charter school to submit the plan not later than December 1 of each school year preceding the school year in which the district or charter school will receive the compensatory education allotment to which the plan applies.


(b)  Prohibits a district or open-enrollment charter school to which this section applies from spending or obligating more than 25 percent of the district's or charter school's compensatory education allotment unless the commissioner approves the plan submitted under Subsection (a).  Requires the commissioner to complete an initial review of the district's or charter school's plan not later than March 1 of the school year preceding the school year in which the district or charter school will receive the compensatory education allotment to which the plan applies.


(c)  Requires the commissioner to adopt rules to administer this section.  Authorizes the commissioner to impose sanctions under Section 39.131 (Acquisition of Professional Services) or 39.1321 (Sanctions for Charter Schools) if a district or open-enrollment charter school fails to timely comply with this section.


SECTION 11.  Amends Section 39.051(b), Education Code, to require performance indicators to include the measure of a reduction or increase in any disparity between students who are educationally disadvantaged and all other students in performance on assessment instruments administered under Subchapter B (Assessment of Academic Skills) and high school graduation rates computed under Subdivision (3) (in accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Pub. L. No. 107-110)), in addition to other factors previously set forth in this subsection.


SECTION 12.  Amends Subchapter F, Chapter 39, Education Code, by adding Section 39.115, as follows:


Sec. 39.115.  HIGH SCHOOL INNOVATION GRANT INITIATIVE.  (a)  Authorizes the committee established under Subchapter L, from funds appropriated for that purpose, to establish a grant program under which grants are awarded to secondary campuses and districts to support the implementation of innovative high school improvement programs that are based on the best available research, as determined by the committee, regarding high school reform, dropout prevention, and preparing students for postsecondary coursework or employment; and the enhancement of education practices that have been demonstrated by significant evidence of effectiveness, as determined by the committee.


(b)  Authorizes the committee to require a campus or district to obtain local matching funds or meet other conditions, including developing a personal graduation plan under Section 28.0212 for each student enrolled at the campus or in a district high school to receive a grant under this section.


SECTION 13.  Amends Chapter 39, Education Code, by adding Subchapter L, as follows:




Sec. 39.351.  DEFINITION.  Defines “committee.”


Sec. 39.352.  HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION AND SUCCESS INITIATIVE COMMITTEE.  (a)  Provides that the High School Completion and Success Initiative Committee is established to coordinate high school completion efforts.


(b)  Sets forth the composition of the committee.


(c)  Requires the commissioner, in making appointments required by Subsection (b)(3), to appoint certain individuals as set forth in this subsection.


Sec. 39.353.  TERMS.  Provides that members of the committee appointed under Section 39.352(b)(3) by the commissioner serve terms of two years and may be reappointed for additional terms.


Sec. 39.354.  PRESIDING OFFICER.  Provides that the commissioner serves as the presiding officer of the committee.


Sec. 39.355.  COMMITTEE MEETINGS.  Provides that meetings of the committee are subject to Chapter 551 (Public Information), Government Code.


Sec. 39.356.  COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT.  Provides that a member of the committee is not entitled to compensation for service on the board  [sic] but is entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing committee duties.


Sec. 39.357.  COMMITTEE STAFF AND FUNDING.  (a)  Requires TEA staff members, with the assistance of THECB, to provide administrative support for the committee, except as otherwise provided.


(b)  Requires funding for the administrative and operational expenses of the committee to be provided by appropriation to and by gifts, grants, and donations solicited and accepted by TEA for that purpose.


Sec. 39.358.  ADVISORY PANELS.  (a)  Authorizes the committee to establish advisory panels to assist the committee under this subchapter.


(b)  Authorizes an advisory panel member to be an educator, researcher, or any other knowledgeable person as determined by the committee.


Sec. 39.359.  STRATEGIC PLAN.  (a)  Requires the committee to adopt a strategic plan under this subchapter as set forth in this subsection.


(b)  Requires the commissioner and the commissioner of higher education to adopt rules as necessary to administer the strategic plan adopted by the committee under this section.


Sec. 39.360.  ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR CERTAIN GRANT PROGRAMS.  (a)  Sets forth the eligibility criteria for a district or campus to participate in programs under Sections 21.4541, 29.095, 29.096, 29.097, and 29.098.


(b)  Requires the commissioner or the commissioner of higher education, as appropriate, in consultation with the state demographer, to develop certain eligibility criteria based on relevant state and federal data.


Sec. 39.361.  GRANT APPLICATION REVIEW.  Requires the board [sic], from funds appropriated for high school completion and success, to set aside not more than $500,000 annually to contract with one or more persons who have experience in reviewing grant applications to score grant applications subject to the criteria established under the strategic plan and make funding recommendations to the committee.


Sec. 39.362.  PRIVATE FOUNDATION PARTNERSHIPS.  (a)  Authorizes the board [sic] to coordinate with private foundations that have made a substantial investment in the improvement of high schools in this state to maximize the impact of public and private investments.


(b)  Provides that a private foundation is not required to obtain the approval of the committee under Subsection (a) before allocating resources to a school in this state.


Sec. 39.363.  GRANT PROGRAM EVALUATION.  (a)  Requires the commissioner, from funds appropriated for high school completion and success, to set aside not more than $1.5 million annually to contract for the evaluation of programs supported by grants approved under this subchapter.  Requires the commissioner to consider centers for education research established under Section 1.005 in awarding a contract under this subsection.


(b)  Requires a person who receives a grant approved under this subchapter to consent to an evaluation under this section as a condition of receiving the grant.


(c)  Requires the commissioner to ensure that a rigorous evaluation is conducted under this section.  Requires the results of the evaluation to be provided through the online clearinghouse of information relating to the best practices of campuses and school districts established under Section 7.009.


Sec. 39.364.  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS.  (a)  Requires the committee, based on the strategic plan adopted under this section, to make recommendations to the commissioner or the commissioner of higher education, as applicable, using the review and evaluation processes established by the committee for the award of federal and state funds appropriated or received for high school reform, college readiness, and dropout prevention.


(b)  Requires the committee to include recommendations under this section for program design, criteria for awarding grants and evaluating programs, and program funding levels.


(c)  Requires the commissioner or the commissioner of higher education, as applicable, to consider the committee's recommendations.  Authorizes those individuals, based on the recommendations, to award grants to districts, open-enrollment charter schools, institutions, regional centers, and nonprofit organizations to meet the goals of the committee's strategic plan.


(d)  Requires the deciding commissioner, if the commissioner or the commissioner of higher education, as applicable, decides not to award a grant contrary to the committee's recommendation, to provide a written explanation of the deciding commissioner's decision.


(e)  Prohibits the commissioner or the commissioner of higher education from awarding a grant under this section without the recommendation of the committee.


Sec. 39.365.  FUNDING FOR CERTAIN PROGRAMS.  (a)  Requires TEA, from funds appropriated, to transfer $8.75 million each year to THECB to establish mathematics, science, and technology teacher preparation academies under Section 21.462 and implement and administer the program under Section 29.098.


(b)  Requires THECB to establish mathematics, science, and technology teacher preparation academies under Section 21.462 and implement and administer the program under Section 29.098 in a manner consistent with the goals of this subchapter and the goals in "Closing the Gaps," the state's master plan for higher education.


Sec. 39.366.  REPORTS.  (a)  Requires the committee to prepare and deliver a report to the legislature that recommends any statutory changes the committee considers appropriate to promote high school completion and college and workforce readiness not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year.


(b)  Requires the commissioner to prepare and deliver a progress report to the presiding officers of the standing committees of each house of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over public education, the Legislative Budget Board, and the Governor's Office of Policy and Planning on the implementation of certain provisions and the programs supported by grants approved under this subchapter not later than March 1 and September 1 of each year.


Sec. 39.367.  RULES.  Requires the commissioner and the commissioner of higher education to adopt rules as necessary to administer this subchapter and any programs under the authority of the commissioner or the commissioner of higher education and the committee under this subchapter.


SECTION 14.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, by adding Section 61.0801, as follows:


Sec. 61.0801.  RESEARCH AND PROGRAM TO FOCUS ON MINORITY STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT.  (a)  Authorizes THECB to enter into an agreement with a nonprofit educational leadership organization that qualifies for an exemption from federal taxes under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, to conduct, coordinate, collect, and evaluate research relating to eliminating educational and other achievement gaps among ethnic and racial minority students, with a particular focus on eliminating achievement gaps among African American students, and develop programs, policies, and strategies to address such achievement gaps.


(b)  Requires an organization that enters into an agreement under this section to report to THECB, by a date as determined by THECB, certain findings and recommendations as set forth in this subsection.


(c)  Requires THECB to present the report described by Subsection (b) to the legislature and the governor.


(d)  Authorizes an organization that enters into an agreement under this section or THECB to solicit and accept gifts and grants from any public or private source to conduct the research described by this section.


(e)  Authorizes THECB to use money appropriated for the purposes of this section and any gifts and grants received under Subsection (c) to establish and operate the research project described by this section.


SECTION 15.  (a)  Amends Section 52.01, Family Code, adding Subsection (e), to authorize a law-enforcement officer who has probable cause to believe that a child is in violation of the compulsory school attendance law under Section 25.085, Education Code, to take the child into custody for the purpose of returning the child to the school campus of the child to ensure the child's compliance with compulsory school attendance requirements.


(b)  Amends Section 25.091, Education Code, by adding Subsection (b-1), to authorize a peace officer who has probable cause to believe that a child is in violation of the compulsory school attendance law under Section 25.085 to take the child into custody for the purpose of returning the child to the school campus of the child to ensure the child's compliance with compulsory school attendance requirements.


(c)  Provides that Section 52.01(e), Family Code, and Section 25.091(b-1), Education Code, as added by this section take effect September 1, 2007, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act.


SECTION 16.  (a)  Requires the commissioner to prepare and deliver to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and the presiding officers of the standing committees of each house of the legislature with primary jurisdiction over public education a preliminary report on or before December 1, 2008, and a final report on or before December 1, 2010, as described by Subsection (b) of this section.


(b)  Requires the reports referred to in Subsection (a) of this section to include an assessment of the impact of programs for which grants have been awarded under Subchapter L, Chapter 39, Education Code, as added by this Act, on certain factors set forth in this subsection.


SECTION 17.  Provides that this Act applies beginning with the 2007-2008 school year. 


SECTION 18.  Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2007.