By: Bonnen
Committee Report (Substituted)
Currently, Texas does not have a long-term energy plan. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Texas' population has increased by 2,655,963 since 2000. With a vastly growing population, the state's demand for energy is increasing and the time for a sound and effective energy plan is now.
CSHB 2713 creates an Interim Special Committee to study the state's demand for electric generation capacity, the development of a long-term energy plan, and the effects on the environment of electric generating facilities.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
CSHB 2713 establishes the Interim Special Committee on Electric Energy Generation Capacity and Environmental Impact. The committee consists of members from both the Senate and House of Representatives with co-chairs being designated by the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House.
The joint interim committee will study the state's demand for electric generation capacity for the next 50 years, along with the infrastructure and technology available for meeting that demand. They will examine the environmental effects of existing electric generating facilities and prepare a long-term electric energy and environmental impact plan for the 80th Legislature no later than January 15, 2009.
The impact plan includes an estimate of the demand for electric generation capacity by the state for the next 50 years, in addition to an inventory of all existing electric generating facilities operating in Texas. It also includes an assessment of the types of and amount of electric generation capacity from various technologies available. The plan must include the environmental effects of existing potential electric generating facilities and energy generation technology.
The committee is authorized to consult with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Railroad Commission of Texas.
The joint interim committee will meet subject to the call of the co-chairs and retain all powers and duties provided to special committees by the senate and house of representative rules of procedure and by policies of the committees on administration.
The committee is funded equally through the expense fund of the senate and the contingent expense fund of the house of representatives. Committee members will be reimbursed for expenses incurred while carrying out the provisions outlined in this Act and other necessary operational expenses will be paid equally from the contingent expense fund of the senate and house of representatives.
September 1, 2007.
The substitute requires the committee to study the state's demand for electric generation capacity for the next 50 years, rather than 25 years.
The substitute requires the committee to include in the their energy and environmental impact plan an assessment of the effects on the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses of existing and potential electric generating facilities and energy generation technology.