H.B. 3541

                                                                                                                                       By: Christian

                                                                                                          Culture, Recreation, & Tourism

                                                                                                       Committee Report (Unamended)






In order for Texas to move forward into the future, it is important to remember the people who came before us in the state.  Frances Cox Henderson was the first First Lady of the State of Texas.  First Lady Cox Henderson was a well educated woman knowing many languages and operating a law practice while her husband was on state business.  She also raised a family of three daughters and helped establish places of worship across east Texas.  It is important for the citizens and the youth of Texas to remember and honor past leaders of the state. The purpose of HB3541 is to designate July 21st as Frances Cox Henderson Remembrance Day. 




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. 




SECTION 1:  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 662 of the Government Code by adding section 662.054.  The added section designates July 21st as First Lady Frances Cox Henderson Remembrance Day in honor of the life and achievements of Frances Cox Henderson, who was the first First Lady of the State of Texas in 1846. The bill also states that this day shall be regularly observed by appropriate programs and activities in public schools and other places to properly commemorate her life and achievements and to inspire a greater appreciation of the history of this state.  


SECTION 2:  Effective Date: Upon passage, or, if the Act does not receive the necessary vote, the Act takes effect September 1, 2007.




Upon passage, or, if the Act does not receive the necessary vote, the Act takes effect September 1, 2007.