Senate Research Center S.B. 622
80R2450 RMB-D By: Carona
Transportation & Homeland Security
The Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) is a division of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and serves as the state's clearinghouse for maps, aerial photos, and digital natural resources data. Current law is silent on the TNRIS's role in emergency management activities; however, it is active in emergency preparedness and response activities.
The Texas Geographic Information Council (TGIC) is the primary coordinating body for the state's geographic information systems. The executive director of the Department of Information Resources (DIR) and the executive administrator of the TWDB are the executive sponsors of TGIC. TGIC is required to submit a biennial report to the legislature by September 1 of each even-numbered year, which is concurrent with the Legislative Appropriations Request process.
As proposed, S.B. 622 amends the Water Code to reflect TNRIS's expanded role in emergency management activities. S.B. 622 also amends the Water Code to move the deadline on which the biennial report must be submitted from September 1 to November 1 of each even-numbered year.
SECTION 1. Amends Sections 16.021(a) and (d), Water Code, as follows:
(a) Includes data related to emergency management in the list of areas for which the Texas Natural Resources Information System acts as a centralized clearinghouse and referral center. Makes conforming changes.
(d) Provides that by November 1, rather than September 1, of each even-numbered year, the Texas Geographic Information Council (TGIC) is required to prepare and provide a report to the Texas Water Development Board, the Department of Information Resources, the governor, and the legislature. Sets forth that this report should include a description of progress made by each TGIC member entity toward meeting geographic information system (system) goals and implementing system initiatives, and recommend additional, rather than prepare and provide a plan that inventories known state agency projects and recommends, initiatives to improve the system.
SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2007.