By: Hegar
Currently, management of the state telecommunications system is governed by the Telecommunications Planning and Oversight Council (council). This bill transfers some of the authority of the council to the board of directors of the Department of Information Resources (DIR) and also requires the council to consult with DIR under certain circumstances.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
This bill amends the Government Code by requiring the Department of Information Resources (DIR) to establish plans and policies for the system of telecommunications services managed and operated by DIR. The bill amends the reporting requirement the report on information resource technologies by state government, requiring that the report also assess the progress made toward accomplishing the goals of the plan for a state telecommunications network (plan) and to develop a system of telecommunications services as provided by Subchapter H.
The bill also requires the plan to include information about best practices to assist state agencies in adopting methods for design, deployment, and management of telecommunications services. The bill deletes existing text referring to the telecommunications planning and oversight council (council) being required to collect and manage certain information and replaces it with a reference to DIR.
DIR is also required by the bill to provide the information collected under this section to the council in a manner consistent with state and federal security restrictions. The bill requires the council to consult with DIR to establish plans and policies for a system of telecommunications services. The bill requires DIR to consult with the council regarding telecommunications elements of the State Strategic Plan.
The bill requires DIR to consult with the council regarding information that is required to be included in the performance report, and deletes existing text requiring the council to report biennially to the legislature by October 1 of each even-numbered year on the status of the current plan for a state telecommunications network and on the progress state government has made towards accomplishing the goals of the plan.
The bill repeals Section 2054.206, Government Code, which requires the telecommunications
planning and oversight council to submit an annual report to DIR. Finally, the bill makes conforming changes.
September 1, 2007.