relating to water conservation. |
SECTION 1. Section 1.003, Water Code, is amended to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 1.003. PUBLIC POLICY. It is the public policy of the |
state to provide for the conservation and development of the |
state's natural resources, including: |
(1) the control, storage, preservation, and |
distribution of the state's storm and floodwaters and the waters of |
its rivers and streams for irrigation, power, and other useful |
purposes; |
(2) the reclamation and irrigation of the state's |
arid, semiarid, and other land needing irrigation; |
(3) the reclamation and drainage of the state's |
overflowed land and other land needing drainage; |
(4) the conservation and development of its forest, |
water, and hydroelectric power; |
(5) the navigation of the state's inland and coastal |
waters; [and] |
(6) the maintenance of a proper ecological environment |
of the bays and estuaries of Texas and the health of related living |
marine resources; and |
(7) the voluntary stewardship of public and private |
lands to benefit waters of the state. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 1, Water Code, is amended |
by adding Section 1.004 to read as follows: |
(a) The legislature finds that voluntary land stewardship |
enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of this state's |
watersheds by helping to increase surface water and groundwater |
supplies, resulting in a benefit to the natural resources of this |
state and to the general public. It is therefore the policy of this |
state to encourage voluntary land stewardship as a significant |
water management tool. |
(b) "Land stewardship," as used in this code, is the |
voluntary practice of managing land to conserve or enhance suitable |
landscapes and the ecosystem values of the land. Land stewardship |
includes land and habitat management, wildlife conservation, and |
watershed protection. Land stewardship practices include runoff |
reduction, prescribed burning, managed grazing, brush management, |
erosion management, reseeding with native plant species, riparian |
management and restoration, and spring and creek-bank protection, |
all of which benefit the water resources of this state. |
SECTION 3. Subtitle A, Title 2, Water Code, is amended by |
adding Chapter 10 to read as follows: |
Sec. 10.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Best management practices" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 11.002. |
(2) "Board" means the Texas Water Development Board. |
(3) "Commission" means the Texas Commission on |
Environmental Quality. |
(4) "Council" means the Water Conservation Advisory |
Council. |
Sec. 10.002. PURPOSE. The council is created to provide the |
governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of |
representatives, legislature, board, commission, political |
subdivisions, and public with the resource of a select council with |
expertise in water conservation. |
Sec. 10.003. CREATION AND MEMBERSHIP. (a) The council is |
composed of 23 members appointed by the board. The board shall |
appoint one member to represent each of the following entities or |
interest groups: |
(1) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; |
(2) Department of Agriculture; |
(3) Parks and Wildlife Department; |
(4) State Soil and Water Conservation Board; |
(5) Texas Water Development Board; |
(6) regional water planning groups; |
(7) federal agencies; |
(8) municipalities; |
(9) groundwater conservation districts; |
(10) river authorities; |
(11) environmental groups; |
(12) irrigation districts; |
(13) institutional water users; |
(14) professional organizations focused on water |
conservation; |
(15) higher education; |
(16) agricultural groups; |
(17) refining and chemical manufacturing; |
(18) electric generation; |
(19) mining and recovery of minerals; |
(20) landscape irrigation and horticulture; |
(21) water control and improvement districts; |
(22) rural water users; and |
(23) municipal utility districts. |
(b) Each entity or interest group described by Subsection |
(a) may recommend one or more persons to fill the position on the |
council held by the member who represents that entity or interest |
group. If one or more persons are recommended for a position on the |
council, the board shall appoint one of the persons recommended to |
fill the position. |
Sec. 10.004. TERMS. (a) Members of the council serve |
staggered terms of six years, with seven or eight members' terms, as |
applicable, expiring August 31 of each odd-numbered year. |
(b) The board shall fill a vacancy on the council for the |
unexpired term by appointing a person who has the same |
qualifications as required under Section 10.003 for the person who |
previously held the vacated position. |
Sec. 10.005. PRESIDING OFFICER. The council members shall |
select one member as the presiding officer of the council to serve |
in that capacity until the person's term as a council member |
expires. |
Sec. 10.006. COUNCIL STAFF. On request by the council, the |
board shall provide any necessary staff to assist the council in the |
performance of its duties. |
The council may hold public meetings as needed to fulfill its duties |
under this chapter. |
(b) The council is subject to Chapters 551 and 552, |
Government Code. |
Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the size, |
composition, or duration of the council. |
Sec. 10.009. COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS. (a) Members of the |
council serve without compensation but may be reimbursed by |
legislative appropriation for actual and necessary expenses |
related to the performance of council duties. |
(b) Reimbursement under Subsection (a) is subject to the |
approval of the presiding officer of the council. |
Sec. 10.010. POWERS AND DUTIES OF COUNCIL. The council |
shall: |
(1) monitor trends in water conservation |
implementation; |
(2) monitor new technologies for possible inclusion by |
the board as best management practices in the best management |
practices guide developed by the water conservation implementation |
task force under Chapter 109, Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2003; |
(3) monitor the effectiveness of the statewide water |
conservation public awareness program developed under Section |
16.401 and associated local involvement in implementation of the |
program; |
(4) develop and implement a state water management |
resource library; |
(5) develop and implement a public recognition program |
for water conservation; |
(6) monitor the implementation of water conservation |
strategies by water users included in regional water plans; and |
(7) monitor target and goal guidelines for water |
conservation to be considered by the board and commission. |
Sec. 10.011. REPORT. Not later than December 1 of each |
even-numbered year, the council shall submit to the governor, |
lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives a |
report on progress made in water conservation in this state. |
TRAINING FACILITIES STUDY. (a) The council shall conduct a study |
to evaluate the desirability of requiring the board to: |
(1) designate as certified water conservation |
training facilities entities and programs that provide assistance |
to retail public utilities in developing water conservation plans |
under Section 13.146; and |
(2) give preference to certified water conservation |
training facilities in making loans or grants for water |
conservation training and education activities. |
(b) Not later than December 1, 2008, the council shall |
submit a written report containing the findings of the study and the |
recommendations of the council to the governor, lieutenant |
governor, and speaker of the house of representatives. |
(c) This section expires June 1, 2009. |
SECTION 4. Section 11.002, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subdivision (15) to read as follows: |
(15) "Best management practices" means those |
voluntary efficiency measures developed by the commission and the |
board that save a quantifiable amount of water, either directly or |
indirectly, and that can be implemented within a specified time |
frame. |
SECTION 5. Section 11.0235(b), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) Maintaining the biological soundness of the state's |
rivers, lakes, bays, and estuaries is of great importance to the |
public's economic health and general well-being. The legislature |
encourages voluntary water and land stewardship to benefit the |
water in the state, as defined by Section 26.001. |
SECTION 6. Subchapter E, Chapter 13, Water Code, is amended |
by adding Section 13.146 to read as follows: |
Sec. 13.146. WATER CONSERVATION PLAN. The commission shall |
require a retail public utility that provides potable water service |
to 3,300 or more connections to submit to the executive |
administrator of the board a water conservation plan based on |
specific targets and goals developed by the retail public utility |
and using appropriate best management practices, as defined by |
Section 11.002, or other water conservation strategies. |
SECTION 7. Section 15.102(b), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) The loan fund may also be used by the board to provide: |
(1) grants or loans for projects that include |
supplying water and wastewater services in economically distressed |
areas or nonborder colonias as provided by legislative |
appropriations, this chapter, and board rules, including projects |
involving retail distribution of those services; and |
(2) grants for: |
(A) projects for which federal grant funds are |
placed in the loan fund; |
(B) projects, on specific legislative |
appropriation for those projects; or |
(C) water conservation, desalination, brush |
control, weather modification, regionalization, and projects |
providing regional water quality enhancement services as defined by |
board rule, including regional conveyance systems. |
SECTION 8. Chapter 16, Water Code, is amended by adding |
Subchapter K to read as follows: |
PROGRAM. (a) The executive administrator shall develop and |
implement a statewide water conservation public awareness program |
to educate residents of this state about water conservation. The |
program shall take into account the differences in water |
conservation needs of various geographic regions of the state and |
shall be designed to complement and support existing local and |
regional water conservation programs. |
(b) The executive administrator is required to develop and |
implement the program required by Subsection (a) in a state fiscal |
biennium only if the legislature appropriates sufficient money in |
that biennium specifically for that purpose. |
entity that is required to submit a water conservation plan to the |
commission under this code shall submit a copy of the plan to the |
executive administrator. |
(b) Each entity that is required to submit a water |
conservation plan to the executive administrator, board, or |
commission under this code shall report annually to the executive |
administrator on the entity's progress in implementing the plan. |
(c) The executive administrator shall review each water |
conservation plan and annual report to determine compliance with |
the minimum requirements established by Section 11.1271 and the |
submission deadlines developed under Subsection (e) of this |
section. |
(d) The board may notify the commission if the board |
determines that an entity has violated this section or a rule |
adopted under this section. Notwithstanding Section 7.051(b), a |
violation of this section or of a rule adopted under this section is |
enforceable in the manner provided by Chapter 7 for a violation of a |
provision of this code within the commission's jurisdiction or of a |
rule adopted by the commission under a provision of this code within |
the commission's jurisdiction. |
(e) The board and commission jointly shall adopt rules: |
(1) identifying the minimum requirements and |
submission deadlines for the annual reports required by Subsection |
(b); and |
(2) providing for the enforcement of this section and |
rules adopted under this section. |
SECTION 9. Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 51.969 to read as follows: |
CURRICULUM. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall |
encourage each institution of higher education to develop |
curriculum and provide related instruction regarding on-site |
reclaimed system technologies, including rainwater harvesting, |
condensate collection, or cooling tower blow down. |
SECTION 10. Section 447.004, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (c-1) to read as follows: |
(c-1) The procedural standards adopted under this section |
must require that on-site reclaimed system technologies, including |
rainwater harvesting, condensate collection, or cooling tower blow |
down, or a combination of those system technologies, for nonpotable |
indoor use and landscape watering be incorporated into the design |
and construction of: |
(1) each new state building with a roof measuring at |
least 10,000 square feet; and |
(2) any other new state building for which the |
incorporation of such systems is feasible. |
SECTION 11. Section 341.042, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
commission shall establish recommended standards relating to the |
domestic use of harvested rainwater, including health and safety |
standards for treatment and collection methods for harvested |
rainwater intended for drinking, cooking, or bathing. |
(b) The commission by rule shall provide that if a structure |
is connected to a public water supply system and has a rainwater |
harvesting system for indoor use: |
(1) the structure must have appropriate |
cross-connection safeguards; and |
(2) the rainwater harvesting system may be used only |
for nonpotable indoor purposes. |
(c) Standards and rules adopted by the commission under this |
chapter governing public drinking water supply systems do not apply |
to a person: |
(1) who harvests rainwater for domestic use; and |
(2) whose property is not connected to a public |
drinking water supply system. |
SECTION 12. Chapter 401, Local Government Code, is amended |
by adding Section 401.006 to read as follows: |
MUNICIPALITY. A home-rule municipality may adopt and enforce |
ordinances requiring water conservation in the municipality and by |
customers of the municipality's municipally owned water and sewer |
utility in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality. |
SECTION 13. Section 1903.053, Occupations Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 1903.053. STANDARDS. (a) The commission shall adopt |
by rule and enforce standards governing: |
(1) the connection of irrigation systems to any water |
supply; |
(2) the design, installation, and operation of |
irrigation systems; |
(3) water conservation; and |
(4) the duties and responsibilities of licensed |
irrigators. |
(b) [The commission may adopt standards for irrigation that
include water conservation, irrigation system design and
installation, and compliance with municipal codes.
[(c)] The commission may not require or prohibit the use of |
any irrigation system, component part, or equipment of any |
particular brand or manufacturer. |
(c) In adopting standards under this section, the |
commission shall consult the council. |
SECTION 14. As soon as practicable on or after the effective |
date of this Act, the Texas Water Development Board shall appoint |
the initial members of the Water Conservation Advisory Council, as |
required by Section 10.003, Water Code, as added by this Act. In |
making the initial appointments, the board shall designate seven |
members to serve terms expiring August 31, 2009, eight members to |
serve terms expiring August 31, 2011, and eight members to serve |
terms expiring August 31, 2013. |
SECTION 15. Section 15.102(b), Water Code, as amended by |
this Act, applies only to an application for financial assistance |
filed with the Texas Water Development Board on or after the |
effective date of this Act. An application for financial assistance |
filed before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law |
in effect on the date the application was filed, and the former law |
is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 16. Not later than January 1, 2008, the Texas Water |
Development Board and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality |
jointly shall adopt rules as required by Section 16.402(e), Water |
Code, as added by this Act. |
SECTION 17. Not later than June 1, 2008, the Texas |
Commission on Environmental Quality shall adopt standards as |
required by Section 1903.053, Occupations Code, as amended by this |
Act, to take effect January 1, 2009. |
SECTION 18. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2007. |