80R419 MSE-D
  By: Branch H.B. No. 88
relating to the evacuation and sheltering of service animals and
household pets in a disaster.
       SECTION 1.  Section 418.043, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 418.043.  OTHER POWERS AND DUTIES.  The division shall:
             (1)  determine requirements of the state and its
political subdivisions for food, clothing, and other necessities in
event of a disaster;
             (2)  procure and position supplies, medicines,
materials, and equipment;
             (3)  adopt standards and requirements for local and
interjurisdictional emergency management plans;
             (4)  periodically review local and interjurisdictional
emergency management plans;
             (5)  coordinate deployment of mobile support units;
             (6)  establish and operate training programs and
programs of public information or assist political subdivisions and
emergency management agencies to establish and operate the
             (7)  make surveys of public and private industries,
resources, and facilities in the state that are necessary to carry
out the purposes of this chapter;
             (8)  plan and make arrangements for the availability
and use of any private facilities, services, and property and
provide for payment for use under terms and conditions agreed on if
the facilities are used and payment is necessary;
             (9)  establish a register of persons with types of
training and skills important in disaster mitigation,
preparedness, response, and recovery;
             (10)  establish a register of mobile and construction
equipment and temporary housing available for use in a disaster;
             (11)  develop plans for the humane evacuation,
transport, and temporary sheltering of service animals and
household pets in a disaster as required by Subchapter I and in
compliance with any applicable federal law;
             (12) prepare, for issuance by the governor, executive
orders and regulations necessary or appropriate in coping with
             (13) [(12)]  cooperate with the federal government and
any public or private agency or entity in achieving any purpose of
this chapter and in implementing programs for disaster mitigation,
preparation, response, and recovery; and
             (14) [(13)]  do other things necessary, incidental, or
appropriate for the implementation of this chapter.
       SECTION 2.  Chapter 418, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter I to read as follows:
       Sec. 418.201.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
             (1)  "Household pet" means a domesticated cat or dog or
other animal normally maintained in the home or on the property of
either the owner or the caretaker of the animal.  The term does not
include livestock as defined by Section 1.003, Agriculture Code.
             (2)  "Service animal" has the meaning assigned for the
purposes of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.
Section 12101 et seq.).
       Sec. 418.202.  EVACUATION OF SERVICE ANIMALS. Plans
developed under Section 418.043(11) must require that:
             (1)  a person with a disability who uses a service
animal be evacuated, transported, and sheltered with that service
animal; and
             (2)  all shelters be informed of the obligation to
provide shelter to both the person and the person's service animal.
       Sec. 418.203.  EVACUATION OF HOUSEHOLD PETS. (a) Plans
developed under Section 418.043(11) must permit:
             (1)  the simultaneous evacuation of a household pet and
the pet's owner or caretaker, if the evacuation can be made without
endangering human life; and
             (2)  the transportation of a household pet using public
transportation if:
                   (A)  the pet is safely and securely confined in a
cage or carrier designed for pet transport; and
                   (B)  transportation of the pet will not endanger
human life.
       (b)  The division shall coordinate the establishment of an
identification system to enable the owner or caretaker of a
household pet who is separated from the pet during a disaster
evacuation to locate and reclaim the pet.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.