By: Hochberg H.B. No. 186
relating to the regular procedure for not accepting voters.
       SECTION 1.  Section 63.001, Election Code, is amended by
adding Subsections (g) and (h) as follows:
       (g)  An election officer who determines not to accept a voter
shall provide the voter with a signed statement listing all reasons
why the voter was not accepted.  The statement shall be on a form
prescribed by the secretary of state.  This form shall include check
boxes for common reasons for which a voter might not be accepted,
and shall include an indication of whether the voter was offered the
opportunity to cast a provisional ballot.  A copy of the statement
shall be retained by the election officer and returned to the
general custodian of election records of the county when the
election returns are submitted.  The statements shall be public
       (h)  The secretary of state shall study filings of signed
statements required under Subsection (g) and shall recommend to the
legislature at least biennially any changes to reduce the number of
eligible voters not accepted.
       SECTION 2.  Section 62.011(d), Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (d)  The poster must also include the following information:
             (1)  the date of the election and the hours during which
the polling place is open;
             (2)  general information on voting rights under state
and federal laws, including information on the right of an
individual to cast a provisional ballot, the right to receive a
written explanation if an individual is not accepted to cast a
ballot, and the individuals to contact if a person believes these
rights have been violated; and
             (3)  general information on state and federal laws that
prohibit acts of fraud or misrepresentation.
       SECTION 3.  Section 62.0115(b), Election Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (b)  Except as revised by the secretary of state under
Subsection (d), the notice must state that a voter has the right to:
             (1)  vote a ballot and view written instructions on how
to cast a ballot;
             (2)  vote in secret and free from intimidation;
             (3)  receive up to two additional ballots if the voter
mismarks, damages, or otherwise spoils a ballot;
             (4)  request instructions on how to cast a ballot, but
not to receive suggestions on how to vote;
             (5)  bring an interpreter to translate the ballot and
any instructions from election officials;
             (6)  receive assistance in casting the ballot if the
                   (A)  has a physical disability that renders the
voter unable to write or see; or
                   (B)  cannot read the language in which the ballot
is written;
             (7)  cast a ballot on executing an affidavit as
provided by law, if the voter's eligibility to vote is questioned;
             (8)  receive a written and signed explanation if the
voter is not accepted to cast a ballot, as provided under Section
             (9) [(8)]  report an existing or potential abuse of
voting rights to the secretary of state or the local election
             (10) [(9)]  except as provided by Section 85.066(b),
Election Code, vote at any early voting location in the county in
which the voter resides in an election held at county expense, a
primary election, or a special election ordered by the governor;
             (11) [(10)]  file an administrative complaint with the
secretary of state concerning a violation of federal or state
voting procedures.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect on September 1, 2007.