80R3032 KFF-D
  By: Madden H.B. No. 424
relating to a competitive grant program to fund nurse-family
partnership programs in certain communities in this state.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 531, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter M to read as follows:
       Sec. 531.451.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
             (1)  "Competitive grant program" means the
nurse-family partnership competitive grant program established
under this subchapter.
             (2)  "Partnership program" means a nurse-family
partnership program.
COMPETITIVE GRANT PROGRAM. (a)  The commission shall establish a
nurse-family partnership competitive grant program through which
the commission will award grants for the implementation of
nurse-family partnership programs, or the expansion of existing
programs, and for the operation of those programs for a period of
not less than two years.
       (b)  The commission shall award grants under the program to
applicants, including the YWCA of Metropolitan Dallas, in a manner
that ensures that the partnership programs collectively:
             (1)  operate in multiple communities; and
             (2)  provide program services to approximately 1,200
partnership program funded through a grant awarded under this
subchapter must:
             (1)  strictly adhere to the program model developed by
the Nurse-Family Partnership National Service Office, including
any clinical, programmatic, and data collection requirements of
that model;
             (2)  require that registered nurses regularly visit the
homes of low-income, first-time mothers participating in the
program to provide services designed to:
                   (A)  improve pregnancy outcomes;
                   (B)  improve child health and development;
                   (C)  improve family economic self-sufficiency and
stability; and
                   (D)  reduce the incidence of child abuse and
neglect; and
             (3)  require that the regular nurse visits described by
Subdivision (2) begin not later than a mother's 28th week of
gestation and end when her child reaches two years of age.
       Sec. 531.454.  APPLICATION. (a)  A public or private entity,
including a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of
this state, may apply for a grant under this subchapter.
       (b)  To apply for a grant, an applicant must submit a written
application to the commission on a form prescribed by the
commission in consultation with the Nurse-Family Partnership
National Service Office.
       (c)  The application prescribed by the commission must:
             (1)  require the applicant to provide data on the number
of low-income, first-time mothers residing in the community in
which the applicant proposes to operate or expand a partnership
program and provide a description of existing services available to
those mothers;
             (2)  describe the ongoing monitoring and evaluation
process to which a grant recipient is subject under Section
531.459, including the recipient's obligation to collect and
provide information requested by the commission under Section
531.459(c); and
             (3)  require the applicant to provide other relevant
information as determined by the commission.
GRANTS. In addition to the factors described by Sections
531.452(b) and 531.453, in determining whether to award a grant to
an applicant under this subchapter, the commission shall consider:
             (1)  the demonstrated need for a partnership program in
the community in which the applicant proposes to operate or expand
the program, which may be determined by considering:
                   (A)  the poverty rate, the crime rate, the number
of births to Medicaid recipients, the rate of poor birth outcomes,
and the incidence of child abuse and neglect during a prescribed
period in the community; and
                   (B)  the need to enhance school readiness in the
             (2)  the applicant's ability to participate in ongoing
monitoring and performance evaluations under Section 531.459,
including the applicant's ability to collect and provide
information requested by the commission under Section 531.459(c);
             (3)  the applicant's ability to adhere to the
partnership program standards adopted under Section 531.456;
             (4)  the applicant's ability to develop broad-based
community support for implementing or expanding a partnership
program, as applicable; and
             (5)  the applicant's history of developing and
sustaining innovative, high-quality programs that meet the needs of
families and communities.
       Sec. 531.456.  PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM STANDARDS. The executive
commissioner, with the assistance of the Nurse-Family Partnership
National Service Office, shall adopt standards for the partnership
programs funded under this subchapter. The standards must adhere
to the Nurse-Family Partnership National Service Office program
model standards and guidelines that were developed in multiple,
randomized clinical trials and have been tested and replicated in
multiple communities.
       Sec. 531.457.  USE OF AWARDED GRANT FUNDS. The grant funds
awarded under this subchapter may be used only to cover costs
related to implementing or expanding and operating a partnership
program, including costs related to:
             (1)  administering the program;
             (2)  training and managing registered nurses who
participate in the program;
             (3)  paying the salaries and expenses of registered
nurses who participate in the program;
             (4)  paying for facilities and equipment for the
program; and
             (5)  paying for services provided by the Nurse-Family
Partnership National Service Office to ensure a grant recipient
adheres to the organization's program model.
       Sec. 531.458.  STATE NURSE CONSULTANT. Using money
appropriated for the competitive grant program, the commission
shall contract with a state nurse consultant to assist grant
recipients with implementing or expanding and operating the
partnership programs in the applicable communities.
COMMITTEE REPORTS. (a)  The commission, with the assistance of the
Nurse-Family Partnership National Service Office, shall:
             (1)  adopt performance indicators that are designed to
measure a grant recipient's performance with respect to the
partnership program standards adopted by the commission under
Section 531.456;
             (2)  use the performance indicators to continuously
monitor and formally evaluate on an annual basis the performance of
each grant recipient; and
             (3)  prepare and submit an annual report, not later
than December 1 of each year, to the Senate Health and Human
Services Committee, or its successor, and the House Human Services
Committee, or its successor, regarding the performance of each
grant recipient during the preceding state fiscal year with respect
to providing partnership program services.
       (b)  The report required under Subsection (a)(3) must
             (1)  the number of low-income, first-time mothers to
whom each grant recipient provided partnership program services;
             (2)  the extent to which each grant recipient made
regular visits to mothers during the period described by Section
531.453(3); and
             (3)  the extent to which each grant recipient adhered
to the Nurse-Family Partnership National Service Office's program
model, including the extent to which registered nurses:
                   (A)  conducted home visitations comparable in
frequency, duration, and content to those delivered in Nurse-Family
Partnership National Service Office clinical trials; and
                   (B)  assessed the health and well-being of mothers
and children participating in the partnership programs in
accordance with indicators of maternal, child, and family health
defined by the commission in consultation with the Nurse-Family
Partnership National Service Office.
       (c)  On request, each grant recipient shall timely collect
and provide data and any other information required by the
commission to monitor and evaluate
the recipient or to prepare the
report required by this section.
       Sec. 531.460.  COMPETITIVE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING.  (a)  The
commission shall actively seek and apply for any available federal
funds, including federal Medicaid and Temporary Aid for Needy
Family (TANF) funds, to assist in financing the competitive grant
program established under this subchapter.
       (b)  The commission may use appropriated funds from the state
government and may accept gifts, donations, and grants of money
from the federal government, local governments, private
corporations, or other persons to assist in financing the
competitive grant program.
       SECTION 2.  (a)  As required by Section 531.460(a),
Government Code, as added by this Act, the Health and Human Services
Commission shall, as soon as practicable, apply for any available
federal funds to assist in financing the nurse-family partnership
competitive grant program under Subchapter M, Chapter 531,
Government Code, as added by this Act.
       (b)  Not later than December 1, 2007, the Health and Human
Services Commission shall establish and implement the nurse-family
partnership competitive grant program required by Subchapter M,
Chapter 531, Government Code, as added by this Act.
       (c)  Not later than December 1, 2008, the Health and Human
Services Commission shall submit the initial annual report required
by Section 531.459(a)(3), Government Code, as added by this Act.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.