relating to eligibility for dismissal of certain speeding charges |
on completion of a driving safety course. |
SECTION 1. Article 45.0511(b), Code of Criminal Procedure, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(b) The judge shall require the defendant to successfully |
complete a driving safety course approved by the Texas Education |
Agency or a course under the motorcycle operator training and |
safety program approved by the designated state agency under |
Chapter 662, Transportation Code, if: |
(1) the defendant elects driving safety course or |
motorcycle operator training course dismissal under this article; |
(2) the defendant: |
(A) has not completed an approved driving safety |
course or motorcycle operator training course, as appropriate, |
within the 12 months preceding the date of the offense; or |
(B) does not have a valid Texas driver's license |
or permit, is a member of the United States military forces serving |
on active duty, and has not completed a driving safety course or |
motorcycle operator training course, as appropriate, in another |
state within the 12 months preceding the date of the offense; |
(3) the defendant enters a plea under Article 45.021 |
in person or in writing of no contest or guilty on or before the |
answer date on the notice to appear and: |
(A) presents in person or by counsel to the court |
a request to take a course; or |
(B) sends to the court by certified mail, return |
receipt requested, postmarked on or before the answer date on the |
notice to appear, a written request to take a course; |
(4) the defendant: |
(A) has a valid Texas driver's license or permit; |
or |
(B) is a member of the United States military |
forces serving on active duty; |
(5) the defendant is charged with an offense to which |
this article applies, other than speeding at a speed of: |
(A) 95 miles per hour or more; or |
(B) 25 miles per hour or more over the posted |
speed limit; and |
(6) the defendant provides evidence of financial |
responsibility as required by Chapter 601, Transportation Code. |
SECTION 2. (a) The change in law made by this Act applies |
only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this |
Act. For the purposes of this section, an offense is committed |
before the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense |
occurs before that date. |
(b) An offense committed before the effective date of this |
Act is governed by the law in effect when the offense was committed, |
and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2007. |