By: Brown of Brazos, et al. (Senate Sponsor - Hegar) H.B. No. 610
         (In the Senate - Received from the House April 26, 2007;
  May 1, 2007, read first time and referred to Committee on
  Intergovernmental Relations; May 19, 2007, reported favorably, as
  amended, by the following vote:  Yeas 3, Nays 0; May 19, 2007, sent
  to printer.)
         Amend H.B. No. 610 (House engrossment) in Section 1 of the
  bill, in amended Section 43.056(b), Local Government Code (page 1,
  lines 52 through 59), by striking the language beginning with "and
  include a list" and ending with "after the effective date of the
  annexation." and substituting "unless certain services cannot
  reasonably be provided within that period and the municipality
  proposes a schedule for providing those services, and must include
  a list of all services required by this section to be provided under
  the plan.  If the municipality proposes a schedule to extend the
  period for providing certain services, the schedule must provide
  for the provision of full municipal services no later than 4-1/2
  years after the effective date of the annexation."
         Amend H.B. No. 610 (house engrossment) by adding the
  following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and
  renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
         SECTION ___.  Section 214.199, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  RESPONSE.  (a)  The governing body of a municipality may not adopt
  an ordinance or policy providing that law enforcement personnel of
  the municipality will not respond to any alarm signal indicated by
  an alarm system in the municipality unless, before adopting the
  ordinance or policy, the governing body of the municipality:
               (1)  makes reasonable efforts to notify permit holders
  of its intention to adopt the ordinance or policy; and
               (2)  conducts a public hearing at which persons
  interested in the response of the municipality to alarm systems are
  given the opportunity to be heard.
         (b)  A municipality that adopts an ordinance or policy under
  this section may not impose or collect any fine, fee, or penalty
  otherwise authorized by this subchapter.
  relating to a plan to provide services to an area annexed by a
         SECTION 1.  Section 43.056(b), Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The service plan, which must be completed in the period
  provided by Subsection (a) before the annexation, must include a
  program under which the municipality will provide full municipal
  services in the annexed area no later than 2-1/2 years after the
  effective date of the annexation, in accordance with Subsection
  (e), and include a list of all services required by this section to
  be provided under the plan. [unless certain services cannot
  reasonably be provided within that period and the municipality
  proposes a schedule for providing those services. If the
  municipality proposes a schedule to extend the period for providing
  certain services, the schedule must provide for the provision of
  full municipal services no later than 4-1/2 years after the
  effective date of the annexation. If the area was annexed after
  December 1, 1998, and before September 1, 1999, the municipality
  shall provide sewer services in the annexed area as provided by this
  subsection, except that, no later than five years after the
  effective date of the annexation, the municipality may not provide
  sewer services in the annexed area by means of a package wastewater
  treatment plant.]  However, under the program if the municipality
  provides any of the following services within the corporate
  boundaries of the municipality before annexation, the municipality
  must provide those services in the area proposed for annexation on
  the effective date of the annexation of the area:
               (1)  police protection;
               (2)  fire protection;
               (3)  emergency medical services;
               (4)  solid waste collection, except as provided by
  Subsection (o);
               (5)  operation and maintenance of water and wastewater
  facilities in the annexed area that are not within the service area
  of another water or wastewater utility;
               (6)  operation and maintenance of roads and streets,
  including road and street lighting;
               (7)  operation and maintenance of parks, playgrounds,
  and swimming pools; and
               (8)  operation and maintenance of any other publicly
  owned facility, building, or service.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
  * * * * *