80R515 JPL-F
  By: Ritter H.B. No. 1038
relating to the operation of the Texas Residential Construction
       SECTION 1.  Sections 401.003(a) and (c), Property Code, are
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  In this title, "builder" means any business entity or
other person that [individual who], for a fixed price, commission,
fee, wage, or other compensation, constructs or supervises or
manages the construction of:
             (1)  a new home;
             (2)  a material improvement to a home, other than an
improvement solely to replace or repair a roof of an existing home;
             (3)  an improvement to the interior of an existing home
when the cost of the work exceeds $20,000.
       (c)  The term does not include any business entity or
individual who has been issued a license by this state or a state
[an] agency [or political subdivision of this state] to practice a
trade or profession related to or affiliated with residential
construction if the work being done by the entity or individual to
the home is solely for the purpose for which the license was issued.
       SECTION 2.  Section 401.005, Property Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
       (c)  An individual who builds a home or a material
improvement to a home with the intent to sell the home immediately
following completion of the building or remodeling and does not
live in the home for at least one year following completion of the
building or remodeling is liable as a builder under the warranty
obligation created by this title for work completed by the
       SECTION 3.  Chapter 401, Property Code, is amended by adding
Section 401.007 to read as follows:
       Sec. 401.007.  INJUNCTION.  (a)  The commission acting
through the executive director may petition the district court for
injunctive relief as provided by this section.  If the district
court finds that a person is violating this chapter, the district
court may by injunction:
             (1)  prohibit the person from continuing the violation;
             (2)  grant any other injunctive relief warranted by the
       (b)  The attorney general shall institute and conduct a suit
authorized by this section at the request of the commission, acting
through the executive director, and in the name of the state.
       (c)  The suit for injunctive relief must be brought in Travis
       SECTION 4.  Section 406.004(b), Property Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (b)  A person may not be a member of the commission and may
not be a commission employee employed in a "bona fide executive,
administrative, or professional capacity," as that phrase is used
for purposes of establishing an exemption to the overtime
provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29
U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.) and its subsequent amendments, if:
             (1)  the person is an officer, employee, or paid
consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of residential
construction; or
             (2)  the person's spouse is an officer, [a] manager, or
paid consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of
residential construction.
       SECTION 5.  Section 408.002, Property Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 408.002.  FEES.  (a)  The commission shall adopt fees
as required by this title in amounts that are reasonable and
necessary to provide sufficient revenue to cover the costs of
administering this title.
       (b)  The commission may charge a late fee for late payment of
any fee due to the commission.  The late fee may be any amount that
does not exceed the amount of the fee due.
       SECTION 6.  Section 408.003, Property Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
       (c)  The commission may distribute to consumers
informational materials and promotional items that contain
commission contact details and outreach information.
       SECTION 7.  Chapter 408, Property Code, is amended by adding
Section 408.005 to read as follows:
       Sec. 408.005.  COLLECTION OF AMOUNTS DUE.  The commission
may seek reimbursement of any amounts due to the commission and
restitution for any dishonored payment instrument presented for
payment to the commission.
       SECTION 8.  Section 416.004, Property Code, is amended by
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as
       (a)  The commission shall charge and collect:
             (1)  a filing fee for an application for an original
certificate of registration that does not exceed $500; [and]
             (2)  a fee for renewal of a certificate of registration
that does not exceed $300; and
             (3)  a late fee that does not exceed the amount of the
fee due if payment of a registration application or renewal fee due
under this title is late.
       (c)  All fees paid to the commission under this section are
       SECTION 9.  Section 416.008(d), Property Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (d)  The hearing officer may grant a motion for continuance
of the hearing on the request of the commission or the applicant
[may be continued from time to time with the consent of the
       SECTION 10.  Section 416.011(d), Property Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (d)  The certification issued by the commission as a "Texas
Star Builder" is valid for at most one year and renewable on a date
to be determined at the commission's discretion [shall be for the
same period of time as the builder's registration under this
       SECTION 11.  Section 417.003, Property Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 417.003.  FEES.  (a)  The commission shall charge and
             (1)  a filing fee for an application for certification
under this chapter that does not exceed $100; [and]
             (2)  a fee for renewal of a certification under this
chapter that does not exceed $50; and
             (3)  a late fee that does not exceed the amount of the
fee due if payment of a registration or application fee due under
this title is late.
       (b)  All fees paid to the commission under this section are
       SECTION 12.  Sections 418.001 and 418.002, Property Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 418.001.  GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION.  (a)  A
person, including a builder or a person who is designated as a
builder's agent under Section 416.006 and who owns or controls a
majority ownership interest in the builder, is subject to
disciplinary action under this chapter for:
             (1)  fraud or deceit in obtaining a registration or
certification under this subtitle;
             (2)  misappropriation of trust funds in the practice of
residential construction;
             (3)  naming false consideration in a contract to sell a
new home or in a construction contract;
             (4)  discriminating on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, or ancestry;
             (5)  publishing a false or misleading advertisement;
             (6)  failure to honor, within a reasonable time, a
check issued to the commission, or any other instrument of payment,
including a credit or debit card or electronic fund transfer, after
the commission has sent by certified mail a request for payment to
the person's last known business address, according to commission
             (7)  failure to pay an administrative penalty assessed
by the commission under Chapter 419 or a fee due under Chapter 426;
             (8)  nonpayment of a final nonappealable judgment
arising from a construction defect or other transaction between the
person and a homeowner;
             (9)  failure to register a home as required by Section
             (10)  failure to remit the fee for registration of a
home under Section 426.003; [or]
             (11)  failure to reimburse a homeowner the amount
ordered by the commission as provided by [in] Section 428.004(d);
             (12)  engaging in statutory or common law fraud or
misappropriation of funds, as determined by the commission after a
hearing under Section 418.003;
             (13)  failure to participate in the state-sponsored
inspection and dispute resolution process if required by this
             (14)  failure to register as a builder as required
under Chapter 416;
             (15)  continuous or repeated failure to comply with the
statutory warranties and building performance standards required
by this title; or
             (16)  otherwise violating this title or a commission
rule adopted under this title.
       (b)  For the purposes of Subsection (a)(12), the commission
may not revoke a registration or certification or impose an
administrative penalty unless the determination of statutory or
common law fraud or misappropriation of funds has been made in a
final nonappealable judgment by a court.
determination that a ground for disciplinary action under Section
418.001 exists, the commission may:
             (1)  revoke or suspend a registration or certification;
             (2)  probate the suspension of a registration or
certification; [or]
             (3)  formally or informally reprimand a registered or
certified person; or
             (4)  impose an administrative penalty under Chapter
       SECTION 13.  Chapter 418, Property Code, is amended by
adding Section 418.005 to read as follows:
AGENT.  (a)  The commission may simultaneously take administrative
action under this chapter against:
             (1)  a builder; and
             (2)  a builder's agent who:
                   (A)  is designated as the builder's agent under
Section 416.006; and
                   (B)  owns or controls a majority ownership
interest in the builder.
       (b)  A builder and a builder's agent who is designated under
Section 416.006 and owns or controls a majority ownership interest
in the builder are jointly and severally liable for any amounts due
to the commission under this title.
       SECTION 14.  Section 419.001, Property Code, is amended to
read as follows:
PENALTY.  (a)  The [In a contested case involving disciplinary
action, the] commission may[, as part of the commission's order,]
impose an administrative penalty on a [registered or certified]
person who violates this title or a rule adopted or order issued by
the commission under this title.
       (b)  To impose an administrative penalty for failure to
comply with statutory warranties or building and performance
standards, the commission must show at a hearing that the
violations were repeated or continuous.
       SECTION 15.  Section 426.003(b), Property Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (b)  A builder who enters into a transaction governed by this
title, other than the transfer of title of a new home from the
builder to the seller, shall register the home involved in the
transaction with the commission.  The registration must:
             (1)  include the information required by the commission
by rule;
             (2)  be accompanied by the fee required by Subsection
(c); and
             (3)  be delivered to the commission not later than the
15th day after the earlier of:
                   (A)  the date of the substantial completion of the
construction of the home by [agreement that describes the
transaction between the homeowner and] the builder; [or]
                   (B)  the date the home is occupied; or
                   (C)  the date of issuance of a certificate of
occupancy or a certificate of completion [the commencement of the
work on the home].
       SECTION 16.  Section 426.004, Property Code, is amended by
adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
       (d)  The commission may reimburse an inspector for travel
expenses incurred to complete an inspection regardless of whether
the expenses exceed the amount collected under this section.
       SECTION 17.  Section 428.001(g), Property Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (g)  The commission by rule shall establish a standard form
for submitting a request under this section [and provide a means to
submit a request electronically].
       SECTION 18.  Sections 428.004(a) and (d), Property Code, are
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  If the dispute involves workmanship and materials in the
home of a nonstructural matter, the third-party inspector shall
issue a recommendation not later than the 30th [15th] day after the
date the third-party inspector receives the appointment from the
       (d)  Except as provided by this subsection, the third-party
inspector's recommendation may not include payment of any monetary
consideration. If the inspector finds for the party who submitted
the request, the commission may order the other party to reimburse
all or part of the fees and inspection expenses paid by the
requestor under Section 426.004.  The commission may not require a
builder to reimburse fees or inspection expenses under this
subsection if, before the inspection, the builder made or offered
to make repairs substantially equivalent to those required by the
findings of the final report confirming the defect requiring
       SECTION 19.  Section 430.001(f), Property Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (f)  Except as provided by a written agreement between the
builder, developer, or marketing company and the initial homeowner,
a warranty period adopted under this section for a new home begins
on the earlier of the date of:
             (1)  occupancy; or
             (2)  transfer of title from the builder, developer, or
marketing company to the initial homeowner.
       SECTION 20.  Section 430.005, Property Code, is amended to
read as follows:
CONSTRUCTION.  (a) For the purpose of this title, the only
statutory warranty and building and performance standards that
apply to residential construction in unincorporated areas of
counties that are considered economically distressed areas as
defined by Section 15.001(11) of the Water Code and located within
50 miles of an international border are the standards established
for colonial housing programs administered by the Texas Department
of Housing and Community Affairs, unless a county commissioners
court has adopted other building and performance standards
authorized by statute.
       (b)  This section does not exempt a builder in an area
described by Subsection (a) from the registration requirements
imposed by this title, including the requirements of Sections
416.001 and 426.003.
       (c)  An allegation of a postconstruction defect in a
construction project in an area described by Subsection (a) is
subject to the state-sponsored inspection and dispute resolution
process described by this subtitle.
       SECTION 21.  Section 430.006, Property Code, is amended to
read as follows:
warranties established under this chapter supersede all implied
warranties. The only warranties that exist for residential
construction or residential improvements are:
             (1)  warranties created by this chapter;
             (2)  warranties created [or] by other statutes
expressly referring to residential construction or residential
             (3)  [, or] any express, written warranty acknowledged
by the homeowner and the builder; and
             (4)  warranties that apply to an area described by
Section 430.005(a) as described by that section.
       SECTION 22.  Subchapter Z, Chapter 214, Local Government
Code, is amended by adding Section 214.906 to read as follows:
municipality may not issue a building permit to a builder, as
defined by Section 401.003, Property Code, for construction
described by Section 401.003(a), Property Code, unless the
municipality has determined that the builder is registered with the
Texas Residential Construction Commission under Chapter 416,
Property Code.
       SECTION 23.  (a)  This Act applies only to the following
that are filed on or after the effective date of this Act:
             (1)  an application for a building permit or
certification as a builder or a Texas Star Builder; or
             (2)  a request for state-sponsored inspection and
dispute resolution.
       (b)  An application for a building permit or for
certification as a builder or a Texas Star Builder or a request for
state-sponsored inspection and dispute resolution that was filed
before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it
existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that
law is continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 24.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.