80R2024 ESH-D
  By: Gonzales H.B. No. 1073
relating to ethics training for legislators and certain other state
officers and employees.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 571, Government Code, is
amended by amending Section 571.071 and adding Sections 571.0711
through 571.0714 to read as follows:
The following persons must complete the ethics training required by
this section:
             (1)  a member or member-elect of the legislature;
             (2)  the director, executive director, commissioner,
administrator, or other individual appointed to act as the chief
executive or administrative officer of a board, commission, or
other agency in the legislative or executive branch of state
government; and
             (3)  a full-time, paid employee of the house of
representatives, the senate, a member of the legislature, a
legislative committee, the governor, or the lieutenant governor.
       (b)  The commission shall[:
             [(1)]  provide training [by January of each
odd-numbered year] for persons required to complete ethics training
under this section [members and members-elect of the legislature]
concerning compliance with the laws administered and enforced by
the commission.
       (c)  A person required to complete ethics training under this
section must complete three hours of training every two years. A
person must complete the initial training not later than the 90th
day after the date the person is first elected or appointed to or
employed in a position for which ethics training is required. A
person must complete subsequent training not later than the second
anniversary of the date the person completed the most recent ethics
training under this section.
       (d)  Each board, commission, or other agency described by
Subsection (a) shall report to the commission, in accordance with
rules adopted by the commission, the appointment or employment of a
person required to complete ethics training under Subsection (a)(2)
or (3).
TRAINING. (a) A person who does not complete the ethics training
required by Section 571.071 is not eligible to receive a salary or
wage payment until the person completes the required training.
       (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date a person is
required to complete the ethics training under Section 571.071, the
commission shall certify the person's name to the comptroller if
the person did not complete the ethics training. Following receipt
of certification under this subsection, the comptroller may not
issue a warrant or make an electronic transfer representing a
salary or wage payment to the person until the commission certifies
that the person has completed the training.
       (c)  Not later than the 60th day before the date by which a
person is required to complete the ethics training under Section
571.071, the commission shall send a written notice to the person
that states:
             (1)  that the person is required by law to complete the
required amount of ethics training;
             (2)  the date of upcoming ethics training seminars;
             (3)  that the person will not be eligible to receive a
salary or wage payment if the person does not complete the required
training; and
             (4)  the date by which the person must complete the
ethics training.
commission shall[; and
             [(2)] provide, in cooperation with state agencies, a
program of ethics training for state employees other than those
required to complete the ethics training under Section 571.071.
       Sec. 571.0713.  COMPLIANCE GUIDELINES. [(b)] The commission
may disseminate, through pamphlets and seminars, explanations and
compliance guidelines concerning any law administered and enforced
by the commission.
       Sec. 571.0714.  SEMINARS FOR LOBBYISTS. (a) [(c)] The
commission may provide a seminar for persons required to register
under Chapter 305 that addresses issues involving lobbying,
political contributions and expenditures, and other issues as
determined by the commission.
       (b)  The commission may charge a fee for attending the
seminar in an amount necessary to cover the costs associated with
the seminar.
       SECTION 2.  A person who on January 1, 2008, holds an office
or employment for which the person is required to complete ethics
training under Section 571.071, Government Code, as amended by this
Act, must complete the ethics training required by that section not
later than April 1, 2008. A person who after January 1, 2008, is
elected or appointed to an office or employed in a position for
which the person is required to complete ethics training under
Section 571.071, Government Code, as amended by this Act, must
complete the ethics training required by that section in compliance
with that section.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2008.