80R3701 DLF-F
  By: Dukes H.B. No. 1318
relating to retirement systems for police officers in certain
       SECTION 1.  Section 1.02(1), Chapter 452, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
             (1)  "Accumulated deposits" means the amount standing
to the credit of a member derived from the deposits required to be
made by the member to the police retirement system or to the
predecessor system. Accumulated deposits also include [improved
annually by] interest that is credited annually to the account of a
vested member at a rate of five percent or the rate determined by
the board and that is credited as of December 31 to amounts standing
to the credit of the member on January 1 of the same calendar year.
Accumulated deposits also include interest credited to the account
of a member before September 1, 2007, without regard to whether the
member is vested at the time the interest is credited to the
member's account.
       SECTION 2.  Article III, Chapter 452, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding Sections 3.13 and 3.14
to read as follows:
OR EMPLOYEE OF SYSTEM.  (a)  The board may:
             (1)  reimburse a board member or an employee of the
police retirement system for liability imposed as damages because
of an alleged act, error, or omission committed in the person's
capacity as a fiduciary or co-fiduciary of assets of the system or
as an employee of the system and for costs and expenses incurred by
the person in defense of a claim of an alleged act, error, or
omission; or
             (2)  purchase from an insurer authorized to engage in
business in this state one or more insurance policies that provide
for that reimbursement.
       (b)  The board may not provide reimbursement under this
section, and may not purchase an insurance policy under this
section that would provide reimbursement, of a board member or
employee of the police retirement system for liability imposed or
expenses incurred because of the person's personal dishonesty,
fraudulent breach of trust, lack of good faith, intentional fraud
or deception, or intentional failure to act prudently.
       (c)  The cost of reimbursement or an insurance policy
purchased under this section shall be paid from the assets of the
police retirement system.
in records that are in the custody of the police retirement system
concerning an individual member, retiree, annuitant, or
beneficiary is confidential under Section 552.101, Government
Code, and may not be disclosed in a form identifiable with a
specific individual unless:
             (1)  the information is disclosed to:
                   (A)  the individual or the individual's attorney,
guardian, executor, administrator, or conservator, or another
person who the administrator of the police retirement system
determines is acting in the interest of the individual or the
individual's estate;
                   (B)  a spouse or former spouse of the individual
after the administrator of the police retirement system determines
that the information is relevant to the spouse's or former spouse's
interest in member accounts, benefits, or other amounts payable by
the police retirement system;
                   (C)  a governmental official or employee after the
administrator of the police retirement system determines that
disclosure of the requested information is reasonably necessary to
the performance of the duties of the official or employee; or
                   (D)  a person authorized by the individual in
writing to receive the information; or
             (2)  the information is disclosed pursuant to a
subpoena and the administrator of the police retirement system
determines that the individual will have a reasonable opportunity
to contest the subpoena.
       (b)  This section does not prevent the disclosure of the
status or identity of an individual as a member, former member,
retiree, deceased member or retiree, or beneficiary of the police
retirement system.
       (c)  A determination and disclosure under Subsection (a) may
be made without notice to the individual member, retiree,
annuitant, or beneficiary.
       (d)  If a disclosure under Subsection (a) is a disclosure of
protected health information by a covered entity, as those terms
are defined by the privacy rule of the Administrative
Simplification subtitle of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (Pub. L. No. 104-191) contained in 45
C.F.R. Part 160 and 45 C.F.R. Part 164, Subparts A and E, the
covered entity shall ensure that the authorization for the
disclosure complies with all of the privacy rule's applicable
requirements, standards, and implementation specifications
relating to authorizations for uses and disclosures of protected
health information.
       SECTION 3.  Section 4.01(f)(1), Chapter 452, Acts of the
72nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
             (1)  A member shall cease to be a member of the police
retirement system and shall forfeit creditable service if, after
employment termination through dismissal, resignation, or from any
other cause, the member shall withdraw the member's accumulated
deposits as provided under the withdrawal benefit provisions of
this Act; provided, however, that any eligible member who has not
previously received credit for one-half of the member's previously
forfeited creditable service shall be entitled to reinstatement of
previously forfeited creditable service if such eligible member or
eligible surviving spouse shall have deposited in the system the
accumulated deposits withdrawn and an interest charge based on the
amount withdrawn times an interest factor. The interest factor is
eight percent per year for the [derived by adjusting and
compounding the annual rates of interest that were credited to the
accumulated deposits of members, where each annual rate is adjusted
by dividing it by 0.75. The] period that [for compounding the
interest factor] begins with the beginning of the month and year in
which the member withdrew the member's accumulated deposits and
ends with the beginning of the month and year payment is made to the
system to reinstate the service. [The annual rate of interest
applicable for the year when payment is made is considered to be
equal to the prior year's rate of interest for the purpose of making
the determination.]
       SECTION 4.  Section 5.03(a), Chapter 452, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
       (a)  An eligible member or eligible surviving spouse may
establish creditable service for probationary service performed as
provided under this section according to the following conditions,
limitations, and restrictions:
             (1)  Probationary service creditable in the system is
any probationary service following commission date for which the
member does not have creditable service.
             (2)  An eligible member or eligible surviving spouse
may establish creditable service under this section by contributing
to the system a single payment equal to the contribution the member
would have made to the system for that service at the time the
service was performed and an interest charge based on the
contribution amount to be repaid times an interest factor. The
interest factor is eight percent per year for the [derived by
adjusting and compounding the annual rates of interest that were
credited to the accumulated deposits of members, where each annual
rate is adjusted by dividing it by 0.75. The] period that [for
compounding the interest factor] begins with the beginning of the
month and year at the end of the probationary period for which
creditable service is being established to the beginning of the
month and year payment is made to the system for the purpose of
establishing said service. [The annual rate of interest applicable
for the year when payment is made is considered to be equal to the
prior year's rate of interest for the purpose of making the
             (3)  After the eligible member or eligible surviving
spouse makes the deposit required by Subdivision (2) of this
subsection, the system shall grant the member one month of
creditable service for each month of probationary service
established under this section.
       SECTION 5.  Section 5.04(c), Chapter 452, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
       (c)  An eligible member or eligible surviving spouse may
establish creditable service for cadet service performed as
provided under this section according to the following conditions,
limitations, and restrictions:
             (1)  Cadet service creditable in the system is any
service while a member of a cadet class for which the member does
not have creditable service.
             (2)  An eligible member or eligible surviving spouse
may establish creditable service under this section by contributing
to the system a single payment equal to the contribution the member
would have made to the system for that service at the time the
service was performed and an interest charge based on the
contribution amount to be repaid times an interest factor. The
interest factor is eight percent per year for the [derived by
adjusting and compounding the annual rates of interest that were
credited to the accumulated deposits of members, where each annual
rate is adjusted by dividing it by 0.75. The] period that [for
compounding the interest factor] begins with the beginning of the
month and year at the end of the cadet class for which creditable
service is being established and ends with the beginning of the
month and year payment is made to the system for the purpose of
establishing said service. [The annual rate of interest applicable
for the year when payment is made is considered to be equal to the
prior year's rate of interest for the purpose of making the
             (3)  After the eligible member or eligible surviving
spouse makes the deposit required by Subsection (c)(2) of this
section, the system shall grant the member one month of creditable
service for each month of cadet service established under this
       SECTION 6.  Section 5.05, Chapter 452, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections (a) and
(c) and adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
       (a)  The police retirement board may by rule provide that a
member or eligible surviving spouse of a member, or a deceased
member's designated beneficiary if there is no surviving spouse,
may establish creditable service by depositing with the retirement
system the actuarial present value, at the time of deposit, of the
additional life annuity (modified cash refund) defined in Section
6.01 of this Act that would be attributable to the purchase of the
service credit under this section, based on rates and tables
recommended by the retirement system's actuary and adopted by the
board of trustees. The police retirement board may also by rule
provide that a member or eligible surviving spouse of a member, or a
deceased member's designated beneficiary if there is no surviving
spouse, may establish creditable service by depositing with the
retirement system the actuarial present value, at the time of
deposit, of the additional deferred life annuity (modified cash
refund) that would be attributable to the purchase of the service
credit under this section, based on rates and tables recommended by
the retirement system's actuary and adopted by the board of
trustees. As used in this section, a "deferred life annuity
(modified cash refund)" means a series of equal monthly payments,
payable for life after an inactive member's deferred retirement
date, which is on or before the last day of the month in which the
inactive member would have satisfied the eligibility requirements
of Section 6.02 of this Act if the member had continued as an
active-contributory member, excluding any permissive service
credit established under this section and excluding any military
service credit established under Section 5.02 of this Act.
       (c)  The board may not adopt a rule authorizing the purchase
of credit under this section unless the board has obtained an
actuarial study indicating that adoption of the rule will not cause
the amortization period for [make the retirement system financially
unsound and that, after adoption of the rule,] the retirement
system's unfunded actuarial accrued liability to exceed [can be
amortized within] the maximum amortization period adopted by the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
       (f)(1)  At the time a member establishes creditable service
for a deferred retirement date under this section, the member may
file with the board the member's written statement either selecting
one of the optional benefits authorized by this Act and designating
the beneficiary of the option if one is selected or stating that the
member has been afforded an opportunity to select an option but does
not desire to do so. An option selection becomes effective at the
member's date of deferred retirement. The member retains the right
to make a final selection until the date of deferred retirement.
The final selection is binding on all parties.
             (2)  If the member dies before the date of deferred
retirement but after filing the written statement selecting one of
the optional benefits, the member's survivor benefit is calculated
as if the member had retired on the date of deferred retirement
under the optional benefit selected and died the next day.
             (3)  In the event a member who is eligible for a
deferred retirement dies before the deferred retirement date
without making a written selection of an option listed in Section
6.03 of this Act and the member has a spouse surviving, the
surviving spouse of the member may select the optional form of a
survivor benefit in the same manner as if the member had made the
selection on the member's scheduled date of deferred retirement or
may select a lump-sum payment equal to the accumulated deposits
standing to the member's credit in Fund No. 1 plus an equivalent
amount from Fund No. 2. If the member does not have a surviving
spouse, the member's beneficiary or, if no beneficiary exists, the
executor or administrator of the member's estate is entitled to
select either an Option V survivor benefit (15-Year Certain and
Life Annuity), effective on the member's scheduled date of deferred
retirement, or a lump-sum payment equal to the accumulated deposits
standing to the member's credit in Fund No. 1 plus an equivalent
amount from Fund No. 2.
             (4)  When monthly survivor benefits are payable as a
result of the death of a member before the member's deferred
retirement date, an additional sum of $10,000 is payable as a death
benefit to the member's beneficiary or, if no beneficiary exists,
to the member's estate.
       SECTION 7.  Sections 6.05(a) and (c), Chapter 452, Acts of
the 72nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1,
Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  In the event of death of a member who is ineligible for
retirement, the accumulated deposits standing to the member's
credit in Fund No. 1 and an equivalent amount from Fund No. 2 shall
be payable in a lump sum to the member's beneficiary or, if no
beneficiary, to the member's estate, unless the member shall have
directed otherwise in writing duly acknowledged and filed with the
board. The lump sum may not be less than $10,000 [$7,500]. When the
$10,000 [$7,500] minimum is payable, the amount payable from Fund
No. 2 is $10,000 [$7,500] minus the accumulated deposits standing
to the member's credit in Fund No. 1.
       (c)  In the event of death of a member receiving a retirement
benefit, the sum of $10,000 [$7,500] shall be payable in a lump sum
to the member's beneficiary or, if no beneficiary, to the member's
estate, unless the member shall have directed otherwise in writing,
duly acknowledged and filed with the board. The payment under this
subsection shall be made from the retiree death benefits fund
described in Section 6.08 of this Act.
       SECTION 8.  Section 6.06(a)(4), Chapter 452, Acts of the
72nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
             (4)  When monthly survivor benefits are payable as a
result of the death of a member before retirement, an additional sum
of $10,000 [$7,500] shall be payable as a death benefit to the
member's beneficiary or, if no beneficiary exists, to the member's
       SECTION 9.  Section 7.01(a), Chapter 452, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
       (a)  Only members who are classified as
Active-Contributory[, Active-Noncontributory,] or
Inactive-Contributory, pursuant to Subsection (e) of Section 4.01
of this Act, or who are approved for extended disability retirement
eligibility under this subsection, are eligible for consideration
for disability retirement pursuant to this article. A member may be
approved by the board for extended disability retirement
eligibility only:
             (1)  if that member applies in writing to the board for
extended eligibility on a date not earlier than the 30th day before
and not later than the 30th day after the date of becoming an
Active-Noncontributory member, setting forth the reason why the
member should be granted the extended eligibility;
             (2)  if the board, in its sole discretion, approves the
application for extended eligibility; and
             (3)  on the terms the board determines to be
       SECTION 10.  Article XIII, Chapter 452, Acts of the 72nd
Legislature, Regular Session, 1991 (Article 6243n-1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding Section 13.02 to read as
or former member who has separated from service may not be required
to receive an eligible rollover distribution, as defined in Section
13.01(b)(1) of this Act, without the member's consent unless the
member or former member is at least 70-1/2 years of age.
       SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.