80R2844 KEL-D
  By: Madden H.B. No. 1367
relating to access to the criminal history record information of
students, prospective students, and prospective employees by
certain public or private postsecondary educational institutions.
       SECTION 1.  Section 51.215, Education Code, is amended to
read as follows:
institution of higher education or a private or independent
institution of higher education [is entitled to obtain criminal
history record information pertaining to an applicant for
employment for a security-sensitive position. The institution of
higher education] may deny employment to an applicant for a
security-sensitive position who fails to provide a complete set of
fingerprints upon request.
       (b) [(c)  An institution of higher education may use
information obtained under this section only for the purpose of
evaluating applicants for employment in security-sensitive
positions. Security-sensitive positions shall be restricted to
employees who handle currency, have access to a computer terminal,
have access to a master key, or who work in an area of the
institution which has been designated as a security-sensitive
area.] A security-sensitive position shall be so identified in the
job description and advertisement for the position.
       (c) [(e)]  In this section:
             (1)  "Institution[, "institution] of higher education"
has the meaning assigned by Section 61.003.
             (2)  "Private or independent institution of higher
education" means:
                   (A)  a private or independent institution of
higher education as defined by Section 61.003; or
                   (B)  another private postsecondary educational
institution, as defined by Section 61.302, that is accredited by an
association or organization designated as a recognized accrediting
agency by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
             (3)  "Security-sensitive position" has the meaning
assigned by Section 411.094, Government Code [means:
             [(1)  an institution of higher education, as defined by
Section 61.003(8) of this code; and
             [(2)  a private institution of higher education, as
defined by Section 61.003(15) of this code].
       SECTION 2.  Section 411.094, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
HIGHER EDUCATION.  (a)  In this section:
             (1)  "Institution of higher education" [:
                   [(A)]  has the meaning assigned by Section 61.003,
Education Code[; or
                   [(B)  means a private institution of higher
education that is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools].
             (2)  "Private or independent institution of higher
education" means:
                   (A)  a private or independent institution of
higher education as defined by Section 61.003, Education Code; or
                   (B)  another private postsecondary educational
institution, as defined by Section 61.302, Education Code, that is
accredited by an association or organization designated as a
recognized accrediting agency by the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board.
             (3)  "Security-sensitive position" means employment at
[in] an institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education held by an employee who:
                   (A)  handles currency;
                   (B)  has access to a computer terminal;
                   (C)  has access to a master key; or
                   (D)  works in a location designated as a
security-sensitive area.
       (b)  An institution of higher education or private or
independent institution of higher education is entitled to obtain
from the department criminal history record information maintained
by the department that relates to a person who is:
             (1)  an applicant for a security-sensitive position;
             (2)  an applicant for admission to the institution as a
student; or
             (3)  a currently enrolled student of the institution.
       (c)  Criminal history record information obtained by an
institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education under Subsection (b)(1) [(b)] may
be used only for the purpose of evaluating applicants for
employment in security-sensitive positions.
       (c-1)  Criminal history record information obtained by an
institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education under Subsection (b)(2) or (3) may
be used only for the purpose of:
             (1)  determining the eligibility of an applicant for
admission to the institution in accordance with the admissions
policies of the institution; or
             (2)  determining whether a currently enrolled student
of the institution is eligible to remain enrolled as a student of
the institution in accordance with the policies and procedures of
the institution.
       (d)  Criminal history record information obtained [received]
by an institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education under Subsection (b)(1) [(b)] may
not be released or disclosed to any person except on court order.
       (e)  After the expiration of the probationary term of the
individual's employment, all criminal history record information
obtained about an individual under Subsection (b)(1) [(b)] shall be
destroyed by the chief of police or chief personnel officer of the
institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education, as applicable.
       (f)  Criminal history record information obtained by an
institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education under Subsection (b)(2) or (3) may
be released or disclosed only to the individual who is the subject
of the criminal history record information and to appropriate
faculty and administrative personnel of the institution as
reasonably necessary to determine, in accordance with the policies
and procedures of the institution, whether the applicant for
admission is eligible for admittance to the institution or the
currently admitted student is eligible to remain enrolled as a
student of the institution, as applicable. Immediately after a
final determination of an individual's eligibility for admission or
for continuing enrollment has been made, all criminal history
record information obtained about the individual under Subsection
(b)(2) or (3), as applicable, shall be destroyed by the chief of
police, chief admissions officer, or other official of the
institution with custody of the information.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.