80R4112 UM-F
  By: Dukes, Coleman H.B. No. 1396
relating to the Office for the Elimination of Health Disparities
and the health disparities task force.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter G, Chapter 12, Health and Safety
Code, is transferred to Subtitle E, Title 2, Health and Safety Code,
redesignated as Chapter 107A, Health and Safety Code, and amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 107A.001 [12.081].  OFFICE FOR THE ELIMINATION OF
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission
[department] shall [establish and] maintain an office for the
elimination of health disparities [of minority health] in the
Health and Human Services Commission [department] to:
             (1)  assume a leadership role in working or contracting
with state and federal agencies, universities, private interest
groups, communities, foundations, and offices of minority health to
develop [minority] health initiatives to decrease or eliminate
health and health access disparities among multicultural,
disadvantaged, and regional populations, including appropriate
language services [bilingual communications]; and
             (2)  maximize use of existing resources without
duplicating existing efforts.
       Sec. 107A.002 [12.082].  POWERS OF OFFICE.  The office may:
             (1)  provide a central information and referral source,
including a clearinghouse for health disparities information, and
serve as the primary state resource in coordinating, planning, and
advocating access to [minority] health care services to eliminate
health disparities in this state;
             (2)  coordinate conferences and other training
opportunities to increase skills among state agencies and
government staff in management and in the appreciation of cultural
             (3)  pursue and administer grant funds for innovative
projects for communities, groups, and individuals;
             (4)  provide recommendations and training in improving
minority recruitment in state agencies;
             (5)  publicize information regarding health
disparities and minority health issues through the use of the
             (6)  network with existing minority organizations,
community-based health groups, and statewide health coalitions;
             (7)  solicit, receive, and spend grants, gifts, and
donations from public and private sources; and
             (8)  contract with public and private entities in the
performance of its responsibilities.
       Sec. 107A.003 [12.083].  FUNDING.  The Health and Human
Services Commission [department] may distribute to the office
unobligated and unexpended appropriations to be used to carry out
its powers.
       [Sec. 12.084.  REPORT TO LEGISLATURE.  Not later than
January 1 of each odd-numbered year, the office shall submit a
biennial report to the legislature regarding the activities of the
office and any findings and recommendations relating to minority
health issues.]
       SECTION 2.  Sections 107.001 through 107.004 and 107.008,
Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 107.001.  DEFINITIONS [DEFINITION].  In this chapter:
             (1)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services
             (2)  "Executive commissioner" means the executive
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission.
             (3)  "Health and human services agency" means a health
and human services agency listed by Section 531.001, Government
             (4)  "Task[, "task] force" means the health disparities
task force established under this chapter.
       Sec. 107.002.  PURPOSE.  The purpose of the task force is to
assist the commission [department] in accomplishing the following
             (1)  to eliminate health and health access disparities
in Texas among multicultural, disadvantaged, and regional
populations; and
             (2)  to structure health and human services agency 
[reorganize department] programs to eliminate health and health
access [those] disparities.
       Sec. 107.003.  DUTIES.  (a)  The task force shall:
             (1)  investigate and report on issues related to health
and health access disparities among multicultural, disadvantaged,
and regional populations;
             (2)  develop short-term and long-term strategies to
eliminate health and health access disparities among
multicultural, disadvantaged, and regional populations, with a
focus on structuring health and human services agency [reorganizing
department] programs to eliminate those disparities;
             (3)  monitor the progress of each health and human
services agency [the department] in:
                   (A)  eliminating [the] health and health access
disparities; and
                   (B)  structuring the agency's program activities
[reorganizing department programs] to eliminate the disparities;
             (4)  advise each health and human services agency [the
department] on the implementation of any targeted programs or
funding authorized by the legislature to address health and health
access disparities.
       (b)  In performing the duties described in Subsection (a),
the task force shall consult with each health and human services
agency [the department], the Office for the Elimination of Health
Disparities [of Minority Health and Cultural Competency, women's
health offices of the department], and any other relevant division
of the commission [the department].
       Sec. 107.004.  REPORT.  The task force shall submit a
biennial report on the progress of each health and human services
agency [the department] in accomplishing the goals described by
Section 107.002 to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker
of the house of representatives. This report may be combined with
any other report required of the commission [department] by law.
       Sec. 107.008.  PERSONNEL AND FACILITIES.  The task force is
administratively attached to the commission [department]. The
commission [department] shall provide the necessary staff and
facilities to assist the task force in performing its duties.
       SECTION 3.  The changes in law made by this Act do not affect
the entitlement of a member serving on the health disparities task
force immediately before the effective date of this Act to continue
to carry out the task force's functions for the remainder of the
member's term.
       SECTION 4.  (a) On January 1, 2008, or on an earlier date
specified by the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
Services Commission:
             (1)  the Department of State Health Services shall
transfer any property, records, or personnel of the department
related to the administration of the Office for the Elimination of
Health Disparities, formerly known as the Office of Minority
Health, or the health disparities task force to the Health and Human
Services Commission to assist the commission to begin administering
Chapter 107, Health and Safety Code, as amended by this Act, as
efficiently as practicable;
             (2)  all powers, duties, functions, activities,
obligations, rights, contracts, records, property, and
appropriations or other money of the Office for the Elimination of
Health Disparities, formerly known as the Office of Minority
Health, or the health disparities task force are transferred to the
Health and Human Services Commission;
             (3)  a rule or form adopted by the Department of State
Health Services that relates to the Office for the Elimination of
Health Disparities, the Office of Minority Health, or the health
disparities task force is a rule or form of the Health and Human
Services Commission and remains in effect until altered by the
commission; and
             (4)  a reference in law or an administrative rule to the
Department of State Health Services that relates to the Office for
the Elimination of Health Disparities, the Office of Minority
Health, or the health disparities task force means the Health and
Human Services Commission.
       (b)  The Health and Human Services Commission shall take all
action necessary to provide for the transfer of the Office for
Elimination of Health Disparities, formerly known as the Office of
Minority Health, to the commission as soon as possible after the
effective date of this Act but not later than January 1, 2008.
       SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.