80R5400 SMH-F
  By: Howard of Fort Bend H.B. No. 1397
relating to the inclusion in a notice of appraised value of
information regarding ad valorem tax exemptions.
       SECTION 1.  Sections 25.19(b) and (g), Tax Code, are amended
to read as follows:
       (b)  The chief appraiser shall separate real from personal
property and include in the notice for each:
             (1)  a list of the taxing units in which the property is
             (2)  the appraised value of the property in the
preceding year;
             (3)  the taxable value of the property in the preceding
year for each taxing unit taxing the property;
             (4)  the appraised value of the property for the
current year and the kind and amount of each partial exemption, if
any, approved for the current year;
             (5)  if the appraised value is greater than it was in
the preceding year, the amount of tax that would be imposed on the
property on the basis of the tax rate for the preceding year;
             (6)  in italic typeface, the following statement: "The
Texas Legislature does not set the amount of your local taxes. Your
property tax burden is decided by your locally elected officials,
and all inquiries concerning your taxes should be directed to those
             (7)  a detailed explanation of the time and procedure
for protesting the value;
             (8)  the date and place the appraisal review board will
begin hearing protests; [and]
             (9)  a brief explanation that the governing body of
each taxing unit decides whether or not taxes on the property will
increase and the appraisal district only determines the value of
the property; and
             (10)  the following statement: "The property described
in this notice may qualify for residence homestead or other
exemptions. You may contact the appraisal district to request
exemption application forms and apply at no charge."[.]
       (g)  By May 15 or as soon thereafter as practicable, the
chief appraiser shall deliver a written notice to the owner of each
property not included in a notice required to be delivered under
Subsection (a), if the property was reappraised in the current tax
year, if the ownership of the property changed during the preceding
year, or if the property owner or the agent of a property owner
authorized under Section 1.111 makes a written request for the
notice. The chief appraiser shall separate real from personal
property and include in the notice for each property:
             (1)  the appraised value of the property in the
preceding year;
             (2)  the appraised value of the property for the
current year and the kind of each partial exemption, if any,
approved for the current year;
             (3)  a detailed explanation of the time and procedure
for protesting the value; [and]
             (4)  the date and place the appraisal review board will
begin hearing protests; and
             (5)  the following statement: "The property described
in this notice may qualify for residence homestead or other
exemptions. You may contact the appraisal district to request
exemption application forms and apply at no charge."[.]
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2008.