80R6854 T
  By: Haggerty H.B. No. 1460
relating to the licensing, acquisition, and regulation of
manufactured housing.
       SECTION 1.  Section 11.432, Tax Code, is amended to read as
manufactured home to qualify for an exemption under Section 11.13
of this code, the application for the exemption must be accompanied
by a copy of the statement of ownership and location for the
manufactured home issued by the manufactured housing division of
the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs under
Section 1201.207, Occupations Code, showing that the individual
applying for the exemption is the owner of the manufactured home or
be accompanied by [a verified copy of the purchase contract showing
that the applicant is the purchaser of the manufactured home] a
photostatic copy of the current title page for said home displayed
on the computer website of the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs. Alternatively, the taxing authority may rely
upon the computer records of the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs.
       (b)  [The land on which a manufactured home is located
qualifies for an exemption under Section 11.13 only if:
             [(1)  the manufactured home qualifies for an exemption
as provided by Subsection (a); and
             [(2)  the manufactured home is listed together with the
land on which it is located under Section 25.08.] Whether the owner
has elected to treat the home as real property or personal property
and whether the home is listed on the tax rolls with the real
property to which it is attached or separately, the consumer is
entitled to obtain the homestead exemptions provided by Section
11.13 of this code.
       (c)  In this section, "manufactured home" has the meaning
assigned by Section 1201.003, Occupations Code
       SECTION 2.  Section 31.072, Tax Code, is amended by adding
Subsection (i) to read as follows:
       (i)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), if the property owner
requesting a collector to establish an escrow account under this
section is the owner of a manufactured home and the escrow account
is to be used solely to provide for the payment of property taxes
collected by the collector on the property owner's manufactured
home, the collector shall enter into a contract with the property
owner under this section.
       SECTION 3.  Section 32.03, Tax Code, is amended by amending
Subsections (a), (a-1), (a-2) and (b) and adding Subsections (c),
(d) and (e) to read as follows:
       (a)  [Except as provided by Subsection (a-1),] A [a] tax lien
may not be enforced against personal property transferred to a
buyer in ordinary course of business as defined by Section 1.201 (9)
of the Business & Commerce Code for value who does not have actual
notice of the existence of the lien. Once a valid tax lien has been
timely filed by the taxing authority with the Texas Department of
Housing and Community Affairs pursuant to the rules of the
department prior to the date of the transfer, the buyer is deemed to
have actual notice of the lien.
       (a-1)  A tax lien against a manufactured home may not be
enforced unless it has been recorded with the Texas Department of
Housing and Community Affairs as provided by Section 1201.219,
Occupations Code;
             (1)  before October 1, 2005; or
             (2)  not later than six months after the end of the year
for which the tax was owed.
       (a-2)  A person may not transfer title of a manufactured home
until all tax liens [perfected] on the home timely filed with the
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs have been
extinguished or satisfied and released as well as any personal
property taxes on the manufactured home which accrued on each
January 1 that falls within 18 months of the date of the sale. This
subsection does not apply to the sale of a manufactured home in
       (b)  A bona fide purchaser for value or the holder of a lien
recorded on a manufactured home statement of ownership and location
is not required to pay any taxes that have not been recorded with
the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Unless a tax
lien has been filed timely with the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs, no taxing unit, nor anyone acting on its behalf,
may use a tax warrant or any other method to attempt to execute or
foreclose on the manufactured home as a result of the unfiled tax
       (c)  A taxpayer shall have the right to designate which tax
year will be credited with a particular payment. If a taxpayer pays
all the amounts owing for a given year, the taxing unit shall issue
a receipt for the payment of the taxes for the designated year.
       (d)  If a person with an interest in the ownership of a
manufactured home believes that a collector or appraiser is acting
in disregard of this statute or of the provisions of Chapter 1201 of
the Occupations Code, the person may file a complaint with the
Comptroller. The office of the Comptroller will conduct an
administrative hearing to determine the validity of the complaint.
If the Comptroller finds that the collector or appraiser is
disregarding this statute or Chapter 1201 of the Occupations Code,
the Comptroller shall issue a mandate that the collector or
appraiser act in accordance with the Comptroller's mandate. The
Comptroller shall mail the mandate to the collector or appraiser by
United States Certified Mail. If the collector or appraiser fails
to comply with the Comptroller's mandate within seven days of the
receipt of the mandate, the Comptroller shall forward a complaint
to the Attorney General's office, which shall then file proceedings
to have the tax collector or appraiser held in contempt for failure
to obey the Comptroller's mandate. The District Court shall impose
such fines or other punishment as the Court deems appropriate to
punish the collector or appraiser for their failure to obey the
mandate of the Comptroller and to assure that the future actions of
the collector or appraiser will be in accordance with the
Comptroller's mandate.
       (e)  If personal property taxes on a manufactured home have
not been levied by the taxing unit, the taxing unit shall provide
the prospective buyer of the manufactured home with an estimated
amount of taxes computed by multiplying the taxable value of the
manufactured home, according to the most recent certified appraisal
roll for the taxing unit, by the taxing unit's adopted tax rate for
the preceding tax year. In order to enable the transfer of the
manufactured home, the tax collector shall accept the payment of
the estimated personal property taxes and issue a certification to
the Department of Housing and Community Affairs that the estimated
taxes are being held in escrow until the taxes are levied. Once the
taxes are levied, the tax collector shall apply the escrowed sums to
the levied taxes. At the time that the tax collector accepts the
payment of the taxes, the tax collector shall notify the taxpayer
that the payment of the estimated taxes is an estimate that may be
raised once the appraisal rolls for the year are certified. The tax
collector shall notify the new owner that the new owner of the
manufactured home may be liable for the payment of any difference
between the tax established by the certified appraisal roll and the
estimate actually paid.
       (f)  If at the time the prospective buyer seeks a
certification from the tax collector that taxes have been paid, the
tax collector determines that the manufactured home has been
omitted from the tax rolls of either or both of the two preceding
years by mistake, the tax collector will calculate the taxes due for
the omitted years by applying the tax rate for the omitted years to
the proposed sales price that the buyer is paying for the
manufactured home. Upon payment of the resulting sum, the tax
collector shall issue a certification to the Department of Housing
and Community Affairs that the taxes have been paid for the omitted
years. Even though the buyer of the manufactured home pays the taxes
calculated hereunder for the manufactured home which was omitted
from the tax rolls, the buyer shall have the right to protest the
value established by this provision using the protest of valuation
procedures established by the Tax Code. If the protest is
successful, the tax collector shall refund to the buyer all sums in
excess of the taxes which were owed based upon the revised
       (g)  If the tax lien filed with the Department of Housing and
Community Affairs reflects a taxpayer name that is different from
the name of the owner of the manufactured home, the Department of
Housing and Community Affairs shall provisionally record the lien
on its records using the serial number or other identifying number
for the manufactured home. The Department of Housing and Community
Affairs shall notify the appraisal district of the disparity
between the name of the taxpayer and the owner of the home. The
taxing authority shall have sixty days from the date of the notice
to file an amended tax lien reflecting the taxpayer as the owner of
the home. The taxing authority shall notify both the taxpayer
originally reflected on the tax rolls and the owner of the
manufactured home reflected on the records of the Texas Department
of Housing and Community Affairs of the filing of the tax lien and
the disparity between the two names.
       SECTION 4.  Section 1201.003(15), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
             (15)  "Manufactured home" or "manufactured housing"
means a HUD-code manufactured home or a mobile home or any structure
that (1) regardless of size is designed for use as a dwelling when
it is connected to the required utilities, (2) is built on a
permanent chassis and (3) is not a modular home as defined in
Section 1202, Occupations Code.
       SECTION 5.  Section 1201.003, Occupations Code, is amended
by adding a definition to read as follows:
       "New Manufactured home" means a home which is not a Used
Manufactured home
       SECTION 6.  Section 1201.003, Occupations Code, is amended
by adding a definition to read as follows:
       "Used Manufactured home" means a home which has been occupied
for use.
       SECTION 7.  Section 1201.003, Occupations Code, is amended
by adding a definition to read as follows:
       "Fund" means the homeowners' recovery fund established by the
director under Subchapter I.
       SECTION 8.  Section 1201.008 Occupations Code, is amended by
adding subsection (e) to read as follows:
       (e)  Notwithstanding any zoning or other law to the contrary,
in the event that a manufactured home occupies a lot in a
municipality, the owner of the manufactured home may move the
manufactured home from its location and place another manufactured
home on the same property, provided that the replacement is a newer
manufactured home and is at least as large in living space as the
prior manufactured home.
       SECTION 9.  Section 1201.052(a), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The board [director] shall adopt rules[, issues orders]
and otherwise act as necessary to ensure compliance with the
purpose of this chapter to implement and provide for uniform
enforcement of this chapter and the standards code. The director
shall act as necessary to implement the rules adopted by the board
and to further the directions given by the board to ensure that all
persons comply with the provisions of this Section whether they are
licensed or not.
       SECTION 10.  Section 1201.053(a), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The board [director] shall adopt rules[, issue order,]
and otherwise act as necessary to:
             (1)  comply with the National Manufactured Housing
Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Section
5401 et seq.), including adopting and enforcing rules reasonable
required to implement the notification and correction procedures
provided by 42 U.S.C. Section 5414; and
             (2)  provide for the effective enforcement of all
HUD-code manufactured housing construction and safety standards in
order to have the state plan authorized by the National
Manufactured Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42
U.S.C. Section5401 et seq.) approved by the secretary of housing
and urban development.
       SECTION 11.  Section 1201.058, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       The board shall establish the fees imposed under Sections
1201.055-1201.057 in amounts that are reasonable and necessary to
cover the cost of administering this chapter. If the department's
rules provide an option to file a document electronically, the
department may charge a discounted fee for the electronic filing.
       SECTION 12.  Section 1201.105(a), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The department may not issue or renew a license unless a
bond or other security in a form prescribed by the director is filed
with the department as provided by this subchapter. The bond or
other security is payable to the trust fund except for any amounts
which are due directly to the retailer under Section 1201.356(c),
Occupations Code.
       SECTION 13.  Section 1201.106(a), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  An applicant for a license or a license holder shall
file a bond or other security under Section 1201.105 for the
issuance or renewal of a license in the following amount:
             (1)  $100,000 for a manufacturer;
             (2)  $50,000 for a retailer;
             (3)  $50,000 [($30,000)] for a rebuilder;
             (4)  $50,000 for a broker; or
             (5)  $50,000 [($10,000)] for an installer.
       SECTION 14.  Section 1201.162(a), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  Before the completion of a credit application in credit
sale and more than one day before the execution of a purchase
contract in a cash sale, the retailer or agent must provide to the
consumer the following statement that is printed in at least
12-point type and not attached to or combined with any other written
       "When buying a manufactured home, there are a number of
important considerations, including price, quality of
construction, features, floor plan, and financing alternatives.
       "The United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) helps protect consumers through regulation and
enforcement of HUD design and construction standards for
manufactured homes. Manufactured homes that meet HUD standards are
known as "HUD-code manufactured homes.' The Texas Department of
Housing and Community Affairs regulates Texas manufacturers,
retailers, brokers, salespersons, installers, and rebuilders of
manufactured homes.
       "If you plan to place a manufactured home on land that you own
or will buy, you should consider items such as:
subdivisions may restrict placement of manufactured homes on
certain lots, may prohibit the placement of homes within a certain
distance from property lines, may require that homes be a certain
size, and may impose certain construction requirements. You may
need to obtain building permits and homeowner association approval
before you place a manufactured home on a certain lot. Contact the
local municipality, county, and subdivision manager to find out if
you can place the manufactured home of your choice on a certain lot.
       "WATER. Be sure that your lot has access to water. If you must
drill a well, contact several drillers for bids. If water is
available through a municipality, utility district, water
district, or cooperative, you should inquire about the rates you
will have to pay and the costs necessary to join the water system.
       "SEWER. If your lot is not serviced by a municipal sewer
system or utility district, you will have to install an on-site
sewer facility (commonly known as a septic system). There are a
number of concerns or restrictions that will determine if your lot
is adequate to support an on-site sewer facility. Check with the
local county or a licensed private installer to determine the
requirements that apply to your lot and the cost to install such a
       "HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION FEES. Many subdivisions have
mandatory assessments and fees that lot owners must pay. Check with
the manager of the subdivision in which your lot is located to
determine if any fees apply to your lot.
       "TAXES. Your home will be appraised and subject to ad valorem
taxes as are other single family residential structures. These
taxes must be escrowed with your monthly payment, except that your
lender is not obligated to impose an escrow requirement in a real
property transaction involving a manufactured home if the lender is
a federally insured financial institution and does not otherwise
require the escrow of taxes, insurance premiums, fees, or other
charges in connection with loans secured by residential real
property. On closing, you will be notified of all provisions
pertaining to federal truth in lending disclosures.
       "INSURANCE. Your lender may require you to obtain insurance
that meets lender requirements and protects your investment. You
should request quotes from the agent of your choice to obtain the
       "TYPES OF MORTGAGES AVAILABLE. The acquisition of a
manufactured home may be financed by a real estate mortgage or a
chattel mortgage. A real estate mortgage may have a lower interest
rate than a chattel mortgage.
       "RIGHT OF RESCISSION. If you acquire a manufactured home, by
purchase, exchange, or lease-purchase, you may, not later than the
third day after the date the applicable contract is signed, rescind
the contract without penalty or charge."
       SECTION 15.  Section 1201.162(d) and (e), Occupations Code,
is amended by renumbering and amending Subsection (c) to read as
       (b) [(d)]  A federally insured financial institution or
lender approved or authorized by the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development as a mortgagee with the direct
endorsement underwriting authority that fully complies with
federal Truth in Lending disclosures concerning the terms of a
manufactured housing transaction is exempt from the disclosure
provisions of this section.
       (c) [(e)]  The right of rescission described in subsection
(a) shall apply only to the sale transaction between the retailer
and buyer. Failure by the retailer to comply with the disclosure
provisions of this section does not affect the validity of a
subsequent conveyance or transfer of title of a manufactured home
or otherwise impair a title or lien position of a person other than
the retailer. Until three days after the retailer delivers a copy of
the notice required by subsection (a), the buyer shall continue to
have the right of rescission with regard to the retailer. The
buyer's execution of a signed receipt of a copy of the notice
required by subsection (a) shall constitute conclusive proof of the
delivery of the notice. If buyer grants a person other than the
retailer a lien on the manufactured home, the right of rescission
shall immediately cease upon the filing of the lien with the Texas
Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
       SECTION 16.  Section 1201.165, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       The consumer may modify or waive the right to rescind as well
as the time periods provided herein for disclosures prior to the
execution of the contract if the consumer determines that the
purchase of the manufactured home is needed to meet a bona fide
personal emergency. If the consumer has a bona fide personal
emergency that necessitates the immediate purchase of the
manufactured home, the consumer shall give the retailer a dated
written statement that describes the emergency, specifically
modifies or waives the notice periods and any right of rescission
and bears the signature of all of the consumers entitled to the
disclosures and right of rescission. In such event the retailer
shall immediately give the consumer all of the disclosures required
by the Occupations Code and sell the manufactured home without the
required waiting periods or the right of rescission. Printed forms
for this purpose are prohibited except in a county that has been
declared by the Governor to be a major disaster area. If the
Governor declares a county to be a major disaster area, the retailer
may use printed forms promulgated by the department. This exception
shall expire one year after the county has been declared a major
disaster area.
       SECTION 17.  Section 1201.205(5), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
             (5)  the physical address where [the county of this
state in which] the home is installed for occupancy including the
name of the county and if different, the mailing address of the
owner of the home:
       SECTION 18.  Section 1201.206, Occupations Code, is amended
by renumbering the existing Subsections, amending Subsection (a)
and (c) and adding Subsection (f) and (g) to read as follows:
       (a) [(b)]  At the first retail sale of a manufactured home,
the retailer shall provide for the installation of the home and
ensure that the application for the issuance of a statement of
ownership and location is properly completed. The consumer shall
return the completed application to the retailer. The retailer
shall surrender to the department the original manufacturer's
statement of origin at the same time that the retailer applies for
the first Statement of Origin and Location.
       (b) [(c)]  Not later than the [30th] 45th day after the date
of the retail sale, the retailer shall provide to the department the
completed application for the issuance of a statement of ownership
and location.
       (c) [(d)]  Not later than the [30th] 45th day after the date
of each subsequent sale or transfer of a home that is considered to
be personal property, the seller or transferor shall provide to the
department a completed application for the issuance of a new
statement of ownership and location. If the seller accepts a traded
in manufactured home as part of the consideration for the sale of
another manufactured home, the seller shall file a completed
application for the issuance of a new statement of ownership and
location reflecting the change of ownership of the traded in
manufactured home from the prospective buyer to the seller. The
seller shall file the application for the issuance of a new
statement of ownership and location for the traded in manufactured
home at the same time that the seller files the application for the
issuance of a new statement of ownership and location for the
manufactured home which was sold by the seller. If the seller is a
retailer, the seller shall indicate on the application for the
issuance of the new statement of ownership and location if the home
has been added to the inventory of the retailer.
       (d) [(e)]  Ownership of a manufactured home does not pass or
vest at a sale or transfer of the home until a completed application
for the issuance of a statement of ownership and location is filed
with the department.
       (e) [(f)]  If the owner of a manufactured home relocates the
home, the owner shall apply for the issuance of a new statement of
ownership and location not later than the 30th day after the date
the home is relocated. The department shall require that the owner
submit evidence that the home was relocated in accordance with the
requirements of the Texas Department of Transportation.
       (f)  When the seller files an application for statement of
ownership and location for a used manufactured home that is not in a
retailer's inventory, the seller shall also file with the
department a statement from the Tax Assessor Collector that there
are no personal property taxes due on the manufactured home which
may have accrued on each January 1 that falls within 18 months prior
to the date of the sale.
       (g)  If the seller of the manufactured home to a consumer for
residential use fails to file with the department the application
for the issuance of a statement of ownership and location and the
appropriate filing fee within forty-five (45) days of the date of
the sale, the department may assess a penalty of at least ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00). The department shall have the authority
to enforce the collection of any penalty from the seller through
judicial means. The department shall place on the application for
the statement of ownership and location the following legend in a
clear and conspicuous manner:
       SECTION 19.  Section 1201.206, Occupations Code, is amended
by adding Subsection (h) to read as follows:
       (h)  When a properly completed notice of installation on the
department's promulgated form is filed that involves a secondary
move, it must be accompanied by and either:
             (1)  one true and correct copy of the original notice of
installation; or
             (2)  a certification that a true and correct copy of the
notice of installation, has been provided to the chief appraiser
for the county in which the home was installed. The delivery of the
copy of the notice may be accomplished by either certified mail or
by electronic mail of the electronically reproduced document in a
commonly readable format.
       If the method specified is subsection(2) above is used to
report the installation, the department may adopt a discounted fee
for the filing of the notice of installation.
       (i)  In addition to providing each tax assessor-collector
with the monthly report required by Section 1201.220, the
department shall provide ,upon request, a tax assessor-collector
with one copy of any requested notice of installation.
       SECTION 20.  Section 1201.207 (c), Occupations Code is
amended to read as follows:
       (c)  Except with respect to any change in use, but subject to
Section 1201.2075, if the department has issued a statement of
ownership and location for a manufactured home, the department may
issue a subsequent statement of ownership and location for the home
only if all parties reflected in the department's records as having
an interest in the manufactured home give their written consent or
release their interest, either in writing or by operation of law.
Once the department issues a statement of ownership and location,
the department shall not alter the record of the ownership or lien
status of a manufactured home for any activity occurring prior to
the issuance of the statement of ownership and location without
either the written permission of the owner of record for the
manufactured home or court order.
       SECTION 21.  Section 1201.207, Occupations Code is amended
by adding subsection (d) to read as follows:
       (d)  Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if the
consumer purchases a manufactured home from a licensed retailer in
the ordinary course of business, whether or not a statement of
ownership and location has been issued for the manufactured home,
the consumer is a bona fide purchaser for value without notice and
is entitled to ownership of the manufactured home free and clear of
all liens as well as a statement of ownership and location
reflecting the same upon payment by the consumer of the purchase
price to the retailer. If there is an existing lien on the
manufactured home perfected with the department, the owner of the
lien is entitled to recover the value of the lien from either the
retailer or from the Home Owner Recovery Fund, whichever the owner
of the lien chooses.
       SECTION 22.  Section 1201.219(b), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (a), a lien on a
manufactured home is perfected only by filing with the department
the notice of lien on a form provided by the department. The form
shall require the disclosure of the original dollar amount of the
lien as well as the name and address of the taxpayer that is
obligated to pay the taxes. The department shall disclose on its web
site (1)the date of each lien filing, (2) the original amount of the
lien claimed by each filing and (3) that the dollar amount shown
does not include additional sums including interest, penalties and
attorney fees. The recordation of a lien with the department is
notice to all persons that the lien exists. Except as expressly
provided by Chapter 32, Tax Code, a lien recorded with the
department has priority, according to the chronological order of
recordation, over another lien or claim against the manufactured
       SECTION 23.  Section 1201.352, Occupations Code, is amended
by adding (d) to read as follows:
       (d)  Within 30 days after the installation of the home, the
retailer shall deliver to the consumer a copy of the warranty given
by the licensed installer.
       SECTION 24.  Section 1201.353, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  The consumer shall give written notice to the
manufacturer, installer or retailer, as applicable, of a need for
warranty service or repairs.
       (b)  Written notice to the department is notice to the
manufacturer, installer or retailer.
       SECTION 25.  Section 1201.354, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       The manufacturer, installer or retailer, as applicable,
shall take appropriate corrective action within a reasonable period
as required by department rules to fulfill the written warranty
       SECTION 26.  Section 1201.355, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  If the manufacturer, installer or retailer does not
provide the consumer with proper warranty service, the consumer
may, at any time, request the department to perform a consumer
complaint home inspection. The department may not charge a fee for
the inspection.
       (b)  On payment of the required inspection fee, the
manufacturer, installer or retailer may request the department to
perform a consumer complaint home inspection if the manufacturer,
installer or retailer:
             (1)  believes the consumer's complaints are not covered
by the warranty of the manufacturer, installer or retailer, as
             (2)  believes that the warranty service was properly
provided; or
             (3)  disputes responsibility concerning the warranty
       (c)  The department shall perform a consumer complaint home
inspection not later than the 30th day after the date of receipt of
a request for the inspection.
       SECTION 27.  Section 1201.356, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  Not later than the 10th day after the date of a consumer
complaint home inspection, the department shall send a written
report and any order to the consumer, manufacturer, installer and
retailer by certified mail, return receipt requested.
       (b)  The report shall specify:
             (1)  each of the consumer's complaints; and
             (2)  whether the complaint is covered by either the
manufacturer's, installer or retailer's warranty and, if so, which
of those warranties.
       (c)  The director shall issue to the manufacturer, installer
or retailer an appropriate order for corrective action by the
manufacturer, installer or retailer, specifying a reasonable
period for completion of the corrective action. On new manufactured
homes, both the installer and retailer are responsible for the
warranty of installation. If the department determines that a
complaint is covered by the installation warranty, the director
shall issue the order to the installer for the corrective action. If
the installer fails to perform the corrective action, the installer
shall be subject to the provisions of Section 1201.357 of the
Occupations Code. In that instance, the director shall issue the
same order for corrective action to the retailer with a new time
frame for compliance. If the retailer is compelled to perform
corrective action because of the failure of the installer to comply
with the director's order, the retailer may seek reimbursement from
the installer. If the installer does not pay the reimbursement
within 30 days, the retailer may seek reimbursement from the bond of
the installer.
       (d)  The department may issue an amended report and order if
all parties receive notice of and are given an opportunity to
respond to that report and order. The amended report and order
supersede the initial report and order.
       (e)  The manufacturer, retailer, or installer shall comply
with the report and order of the director.
       SECTION 28.  Section 1201.357, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  If the manufacturer, installer or retailer, as
applicable, fails to provide warranty service within the period
specified by the director under Section 1201.356, the manufacturer,
installer or retailer must show good cause in writing as to why the
manufacturer, installer or retailer must show good cause in writing
as to why the manufacturer, installer or retailer failed to provide
the service.
       (b)  If the manufacturer, installer or retailer, as
applicable, fails or refuses to provide warranty service in
accordance with the department order under Section 1201.356, the
director shall hold a hearing at which the manufacturer, installer 
or retailer must show cause as to why the manufacturer's,
installer's or retailer's license should not be suspended or
       (c)  If the manufacturer, installer or retailer is unable to
provide warranty service in accordance with the department order
under Section 1201.356 as a result of an action of the consumer, the
manufacturer, installer or retailer must make that allegation in
the written statement required by Subsection (a). The department
shall investigate the allegation, and if the department determines
that the allegation is credible, the department shall issue a new
order specifying the date and time of the proposed corrective
action. The department shall send the order to the consumer and the
manufacturer, installer or retailer, as applicable, by certified
mail, return receipt requested. If the consumer refuses to comply
with the department's new order, the manufacturer, installer or
retailer, as applicable:
             (1)  is discharged from the obligations imposed by the
relevant department orders;
             (2)  has no liability to the consumer; and
             (3)  is not subject to an action by the department for
failure to provide warranty service.
       SECTION 29.  Section 1201.358, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  Failure by the manufacturer, installer or retailer to
show good cause under Section 1201.357(a) is a sufficient basis for
suspension or revocation of the manufacturer's, installer's or
retailer's license.
       (b)  If after the hearing under Section 1201.357(b), the
director determines that the order under Section 1201.356 was
correct in the determination of the warranty obligation of the
manufacturer, installer or retailer, failure or refusal by the
manufacturer, installer or retailer to comply with the order is a
sufficient cause for suspension or revocation of the
manufacturer's, installer's or retailer's license. If the director
determines that the order was incorrect regarding the obligation,
the director shall issue a final order stating the correct
obligation and the right of the manufacturer, installer or retailer
to indemnification from the other.
       (c)  The director may issue an order:
             (1)  directing a manufacturer, installer or retailer
whose license is not revoked and who is not out of business to
perform the warranty obligation of a manufacturer, installer or
retailer whose license is revoked or who is out of business; and
             (2)  giving the manufacturer, installer or retailer
performing the obligation the right of indemnification against the
       (d)  A manufacturer, installer or retailer entitled to
indemnification under this section is a consumer for purposes of
Subchapter I and may recover actual damages and attorney's fees
from the trust fund.
       SECTION 30.  Section 1201.401, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Manufactured Homeowners' Recovery [Trust] Fund
       The manufactured homeowners' recovery fund is an account [in
the general revenue fund] held in trust for carrying out the
specific purposes of the fund.
       SECTION 31.  Section 1201.551(a)(3), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
             (3)  failed repeatedly to [timely] file with the
department [provide to a consumer an] completed applications for a
statement of ownership and location within forty five (45) days of
either the date of the sale of a manufactured home as required by
1201.206 or the date of the installation, whichever comes later
[and any information necessary to complete the application]:
       SECTION 32.  Section 1201.605, Occupations Code, is amended
by adding Subsection (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) to read as
       (c)  In addition to all of its other authority, for each
violation of Subsection (a) above, the board may assess against a
licensee who either fails to take action required by this Chapter or
takes an action prohibited by this Chapter, an administrative
penalty in an amount not to exceed:
             (1)  $1,000 for the first violation;
             (2)  $2,000 for the second violation; and
             (3)  $4,000 for each subsequent violation.
       (d)  The board may assess against any person who is not a
licensee under this Chapter, who either fails to take action
required by this Chapter or takes an action prohibited by this
Chapter, an administrative penalty not to exceed $10,000 for each
violation of this Chapter and:
             (1)  reasonable attorney's fees;
             (2)  administrative costs;
             (3)  witness fees;
             (4)  investigative costs, and;
             (5)  deposition expenses.
       (e)  A person who is not exempt under this chapter and who
acts as a manufacturer, broker, installer, retailer or salesperson
without first obtaining a license required under this chapter
commits an offense. An offense under this subsection is a Class B
misdemeanor. A second or subsequent conviction for an offense
under this subsection shall be punished as a Class A misdemeanor.
       (f)  A person who received money, or the equivalent of money,
as a fee or profit because of or in consequence of the person acting
as a manufacturer, broker, installer, retailer or salesperson
without an active license or being exempt under this chapter is
liable for damages in an amount that is not less than the amount of
the fee or profit received and not to exceed three times the amount
of the fee or profit received, as may be determined by the court. An
aggrieved person may recover damages under this subsection in a
       (g)  If the director has reasonable cause to believe that a
person who is not licensed or exempt under this chapter has engaged
in an act or practice for which a license is required under this
chapter, the director may issue without notice and hearing an order
to cease and desist from continuing a particular action or an order
to take affirmative action, or both, to enforce compliance with
this chapter. The order shall contain a reasonably detailed
statement of the facts on which the order is made. The order may
assess an administrative penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,000
per day for each violation and may require a person to pay to a
consumer any compensation received by the person from the consumer
in violation of this chapter. If a person against whom the order is
made requests a hearing, the director shall set and give notice of a
hearing before the director or a hearings officer. The hearing
shall be governed by Chapter 2001, Government Code. An order under
this subsection becomes final unless the person to whom the order is
issued requests a hearing not later than the 30th day after the date
the order is issued.
       (h)  If a hearing has not been requested under Subsection (e)
not later than the 30th day after the date the order is made, the
order is considered final and not appealable. The director, after
giving notice, may impose against a person who violates a cease and
desist order, an administrative penalty in an amount not to exceed
$1,000 for each day of a violation. In addition to any other remedy
provided by law, the director may institute in district court a suit
for injunctive relief and to collect the administrative penalty. A
bond is not required of the director with respect to injunctive
relief granted under this section. A penalty collected under this
subsection shall be deposited in the fund.
       SECTION 33.  Section 347.254 is amended by adding (d) to read
as follows:
       (d)  The escrow requirements of Subsection (a) does not apply
if the consumer has established an escrow account with the
collector pursuant to Section 31.072 of the Tax Code.
       SECTION 34.  Section 347.403, Finance Code, is amended to
read as follows:
PROPERTY OWNER. In addition to the recovery of the rental charges
from the tenant, the owner of real property who is required to
retain legal counsel to recover the amounts subject to the
possessory lien under Section 347.402 is entitled to recover from
the tenant:
             (1)  other actual damages;
             (2)  attorney's fees; and
             (3)  court costs.
       The owning of a security interest in a manufactured home does
not create an obligation of the creditor to pay rental of real
property on which the home is located nor any other damages solely
because of the existence of the security interest.
       If the owner of a security interest in a manufactured home
takes no action with regard to the manufactured home, the owner of
the security interest shall not be liable to either the owner of the
real property or the owner of the manufactured home for any damages
accruing with regard to real property on which the manufactured
home is located. The creation of the possessory lien as described in
Section 347 shall take precedence over all perfected liens on the
manufactured home other than tax liens. As to all parties other than
the owner of the manufactured home and any person that executed the
lease agreement for the real property, the owner of the real
property shall look exclusively to the guarantor, co-signer, other
collateral and the sale of the manufactured home to recover the
owner's damages related to the rental of the real property on which
the manufactured home is located.
       SECTION 35.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2007.