80R10701 SGA-F
  By: Smith of Harris H.B. No. 1526
Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1526:
  By:  Hancock C.S.H.B. No. 1526
relating to incentives for and the use of alternative leak
detection technologies for air contaminants.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 382, Health and Safety Code, is amended
by adding Subchapter I to read as follows:
In this section, "alternative leak detection technology" means
technology, including optical gas imaging technology, designed to
detect leaks and emissions of air contaminants.
       (b)  The commission by rule shall establish a program that
allows the owner or operator of a facility regulated under this
chapter to use voluntarily as an alternative detection method any
alternative leak detection technology that has been incorporated
and adopted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
into a program for detecting leaks or emissions of air
contaminants.  The program must provide regulatory incentives to
encourage voluntary use of alternative leak detection technology at
a regulated facility that is capable of detecting leaks or
emissions that may not be detected by methods or technology
approvable under the commission's regulatory program for leak
detection and repair in effect on the date the commission adopts the
program.  The incentives may include:
             (1)  on-site technical assistance; and
             (2)  to the extent consistent with federal
                   (A)  inclusion of the facility's use of
alternative leak detection technology in the owner or operator's
compliance history and compliance summaries;
                   (B)  consideration of the implementation of
alternative leak detection technology in scheduling and conducting
compliance inspections; and
                   (C)  credits or offsets to the facility's
emissions reduction requirements based on the emissions reductions
achieved by voluntary use of alternative leak detection technology.
       (c)  The owner or operator of a facility using an alternative
leak detection technology shall repair and record an emission or
leak of an air contaminant from a component subject to the
commission's regulatory program for leak detection and repair that
is detected by the alternative technology as provided by the
commission's leak detection and repair rules in effect at the time
of the detection.  A repair to correct an emission or leak detected
by the use of alternative leak detection technology may be
confirmed using the same technology.
       (d)  As part of the program of incentives adopted under
Subsection (b), the commission shall:
             (1)  ensure that the owner or operator of a facility
records and repairs, if possible and within a reasonable period,
any leak or emission of an air contaminant at the facility that is
detected by the voluntary use of alternative leak detection
technology from a component not subject to commission rules for
leak detection and repair in effect on the date of detection;
             (2)  establish the reasonable period allowed for the
repair of a component causing a leak or emission in a way that
includes consideration of the size and complexity of the repair
             (3)  subject to commission reporting requirements only
those components that are not repairable within the reasonable
timeframe established by the commission; and
             (4)  exempt from commission enforcement a leak or
emission that is repaired within the reasonable period established
by the commission.
       (e)  The commission may not take an enforcement action
against an owner or operator of a facility participating in the
program established under this section for a leak or an emission of
an air contaminant that would otherwise be punishable as a
violation of the law or of the terms of the permit under which the
facility operates if the leak or emission was detected by using
alternative technology and it would not have been detected under
the commission's regulatory program for leak detection and repair
in effect on the date of the detection.
       SECTION 2.  Section 5.752(2), Water Code, is amended to read
as follows:
             (2)  "Innovative program" means:
                   (A)  a program developed by the commission under
this subchapter, Chapter 26 or 27 of this code, or Chapter 361, 382,
or 401, Health and Safety Code, that provides incentives to a person
in return for benefits to the environment that exceed benefits that
would result from compliance with applicable legal requirements
under the commission's jurisdiction;
                   (B)  the flexible permit program administered by
the commission under Chapter 382, Health and Safety Code; [or]
                   (C)  the regulatory flexibility program
administered by the commission under Section 5.758; or
                   (D)  a program established under Section 382.401,
Health and Safety Code, to encourage the use of alternative
technology for detecting leaks or emissions of air contaminants.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.