80R11931 HLT-D
  By: Puente H.B. No. 1565
Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1565:
  By:  Puente C.S.H.B. No. 1565
relating to the governing body and the boundaries of the Bexar
Metropolitan Water District.
       SECTION 1.  Section 3, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1945, is amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 3.  In addition to the powers vested by the Constitution
and general laws in such public agency for the greatest practicable
measure of the conservation, preservation, and beneficial
utilization of its public waters, the power to control and utilize
its public waters and to regulate the disposal and the disposal of
sewage, waste, and refuse, the District shall have the following
general powers:
             (a)  Through every practical and legal means to
develop, transport, deliver, distribute, store, and treat water for
use within the District, including the storm and flood waters
within the District, including the power to cooperate with the
United States Government or any agency thereof, or any
municipality, public, quasi-public or private agency and to
contract, negotiate, and enter into agreements with any one or more
of such agencies in effecting such purposes;
             (b)  [to store, control, and conserve storm and flood
waters of its rivers and streams and to prevent the escape of any
such waters without first obtaining therefrom a maximum of public
service; to prevent devastation of property from overflow and to
protect life and property from uncontrolled flood and storm waters;
             [(c)]  to conserve and distribute waters essential for
domestic and other uses by the inhabitants of the District,
including necessary water supply for cities and towns situated
within the District;
             (c) [(d)  to provide for the development of drainage
systems to control, regulate, and dispose of all storm and flood
waters of the District so as to protect effectively lives and
property, and to utilize such waters for each and every purpose for
which flood and storm waters when controlled, conserved, or
regulated may be utilized as contemplated by the Constitution and
the public policy therein declared;
             [(e)]  to provide by purchase, construction, lease,
gift, or in any other manner and to operate any and all facilities
deemed by the District essential for preserving the purity of all
the surface and underground waters of the District for the
protection of the health of its inhabitants, and to formulate plans
to make and enforce rules and regulations for the effective
disposal of any and all sewage wastes, refuse, or residuum, however
accumulated; which otherwise would contaminate, pollute, or render
unsafe and insanitary the surface and underground waters of the
District and which might threaten or impair the health of its
inhabitants or which might adversely affect the health of the
inhabitants downstream below the District;
             (d) [(f)]  to acquire by purchase, construction,
lease, gift, or in any other manner (otherwise than by
condemnation) and to maintain, use, and operate any and all
property of any kind, real, personal, or mixed, or any interest
therein within or without the boundaries of the District deemed by
its Board of Directors necessary or convenient to the exercise of
the powers, rights, privileges, and functions conferred upon it by
this Act;
             (e) [(g)]  to acquire by condemnation any and all
property of any kind, real, personal, or mixed, or any interest
therein, within or outside of the boundaries of the District,
necessary to the exercise of the powers, rights, privileges, and
functions conferred by this Act, in the manner provided by General
Law relative to condemnation, or at the option of the District, in
the manner provided by law with respect to condemnation by agencies
organized pursuant to Section 59, Article 16 of the Constitution of
the State of Texas; provided that the District shall not have the
right or power to so condemn any such property that may be owned by
any other political subdivision, city, or town located within the
             (f) [(h)]  to cooperate, contract, and enter into
agreements with towns, cities, districts, or political
subdivisions located in or outside of the District and with Bexar
County, in the construction, purchase, lease, maintenance,
improvement, use, and operation of any and all facilities, works,
and plants necessary or convenient to the accomplishment of the
purposes for which the District was created;
             (g) [(i)]  to make contracts with any person, private
corporation, municipal corporation, political subdivision, or the
Board of Trustees thereof, operating water distribution facilities
for the benefit of a city or town within the District, under which
the District may perform services for such parties or such parties
may perform services for the District, or under which either may
operate all or any part of the facilities of the other, having due
regard for the duties and obligations of such parties in the
instrument prescribing their or its duties;
             (h) [(j)]  to construct, extend, improve, maintain,
and reconstruct, to cause to be constructed, extended, improved,
maintained, or reconstructed and to use and operate any and all
facilities of any kind necessary or convenient to the exercise of
the powers, rights, privileges, and functions conferred by this
             (i) [(k)]  to sue and be sued in its corporate name;
             (j) [(l)]  to make by-laws for the management and
regulation of its affairs conformably to the powers and purposes
herein conferred and consistent with the Constitution of this
             (k) [(m)]  to make rules and regulations and to
prescribe penalties for the breach of any rule or regulation of the
District, which penalties shall not exceed fines of more than Two
Hundred Dollars ($200), or imprisonment for more than thirty (30)
days, or may provide both such fine and such imprisonment.  The
penalties hereby authorized shall be in addition to any other
penalties provided by the laws of Texas and may be enforced by
complaints filed in the appropriate court of jurisdiction in the
county in which the district's principal office is located;
provided, however, that no rule or regulation which provides a
penalty for the violation thereof shall be in effect, as to
enforcement of the penalty, until five days next after the district
may have caused a substantive statement of the particular rule or
regulation and the penalty for the violation thereof to be
published, once a week for two consecutive weeks, in one or more
newspapers affording general circulation in the area in which the
property of the district is situated; and, the substantive
statement so to be published shall be as condensed as is possible to
afford an intelligent direction of the mind to the object sought to
be accomplished or the act forbidden by the rule or regulation; one
notice may embrace any number of regulations; there must be
embraced in the notice advice that breach of the particular
regulation, or regulations, will subject the violator to the
infliction of a penalty and there also shall be included in the
notice advice that the full text of the regulation sought to be
enforced is on file in the principal office of the District, where
the same may be read by any interested person.  Five (5) days after
the second publication of the notice hereby required, the
advertised regulation shall be in effect, and ignorance of any such
regulation shall not constitute a defense to a prosecution for the
enforcement of a penalty; and, the rules and regulations authorized
hereby, after the required publication, shall judicially be known
to the courts and shall be considered of a nature like unto that of
valid penal ordinances of a city of the State;
             (l) [(n)]  to adopt, use, and alter a corporate seal;
             (m) [(o)]  to appoint agents and employees; prescribe
their duties and fix their compensation;
             (n) [(p)]  to make contracts and execute instruments
necessary or convenient to the exercise of the powers, rights,
privileges, and functions herein conferred;
             (o) [(q)]  to borrow money for its authorized purposes,
to accept grants or loans or allotments from the United States
Government or any of its agencies, or others, and in connection with
any such grants, loans, or allotments to enter into such agreements
as may be required to make them effective, and for the purpose of
obtaining funds to issue its negotiable tax bonds and its
negotiable revenue bonds in the manner and to the extent
hereinafter provided;
             (p) [(r)]  to operate and maintain with consent of the
governing body of any city, town, or political subdivision located
in the District any works, plants, or facilities deemed necessary
or convenient to the accomplishment of the purposes for which the
District is created;
             (q) [(s)]  to enter into planning agreements with the
Texas Water Development Board under Subchapter C, Chapter 16, Water
Code, for the purpose of conducting studies necessary to maintain
retail water supply services to customers within the boundaries of
the District; and
             (r) [(t)]  to cooperate with and support local fire
departments and economic development activities sponsored by local
entities within the District that use water and water resources
provided, or to be provided, by the District.
       SECTION 2.  Section 5A, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1945, is amended by adding Subsection
(c) to read as follows:
       (c)  The District's boundaries for the purpose of conducting
an election are coextensive with the boundaries of Bexar County.
       SECTION 3.  Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1945, is amended by adding Section 7A and amending
Section 9 to read as follows:
       Sec. 7A.  The District is governed by the Commissioners
Court of Bexar County serving ex officio as the board of directors
of the district.
       Sec. 9.  The Board of Directors from time to time shall be
authorized to make or cause to be made surveys and engineering
investigations for the information of the District to facilitate
the accomplishment of the purposes for which the District is
created, as expressed in the provisions of this Act; and may employ
engineers, attorneys and all other technical and non-technical
employees or assistants and fix and provide the amount and manner of
their compensation, and may provide for payment of expenditures
deemed essential to the proper maintenance and administration of
the District.  Notwithstanding Section 49.060, Water Code, a member
[The members] of the Board of Directors is not entitled to receive
fees of office [shall receive a per diem of not more than Ten
Dollars ($10) per day, for the time actually expended on business of
the District, together with traveling and other necessary expenses,
provided that such per diem fee shall not be paid to a Director for
more than one hundred (100) days in any one year].
       SECTION 4.  Section 8, Chapter 306, Acts of the 49th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1945, is repealed.
       SECTION 5.  (a) The legal notice of the intention to
introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
Government Code.
       (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality.
       (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
representatives within the required time.
       (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
and accomplished.
       SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.