80R4321 EJI-D
  By: Leibowitz H.B. No. 1651
relating to the regulation of solar energy panels by a property
owners' association.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 202, Property Code, is amended by adding
Section 202.008 to read as follows:
       Sec. 202.008.  REGULATION OF SOLAR ENERGY PANELS.  (a)  In
this section, "solar energy panel" means a panel device or system
designed primarily to:
             (1)  collect solar energy, as defined by Section
2166.403, Government Code; or
             (2)  collect and subsequently use solar energy as
thermal, mechanical, or electrical energy.
       (b)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, a property
owners' association may not include or enforce a provision in a
dedicatory instrument that prohibits or restricts a property owner
from installing a solar energy panel.
       (c)  A provision that violates Subsection (b) is void.
       (d)  This section does not restrict a property owners'
association from:
             (1)  prohibiting the visibility of any part of a
roof-mounted solar energy panel above the roof line;
             (2)  permitting the attachment of a solar energy panel
to the slope of a roof facing a street only if:
                   (A)  the solar energy panel conforms to the slope
of the roof; and
                   (B)  the top edge of the solar energy panel is
parallel to the roof ridge; or
             (3)  requiring:
                   (A)  a solar energy panel frame, a support
bracket, or any visible piping or wiring to be painted to coordinate
with the roofing material; or
                   (B)  a property owner to shield a ground-mounted
solar energy panel if shielding the panel does not prohibit the
economic installation of the solar energy panel or degrade the
operational performance quality of the solar energy panel by more
than 10 percent.
       (e)  This section does not prohibit the inclusion or
enforcement of a provision in a dedicatory instrument that
prohibits a solar energy panel that:
             (1)  threatens the public health or safety; or
             (2)  violates a law.
       (f)  This section does not apply to a property owners'
association that:
             (1)  is located in a municipality with a population of
more than 175,000 that is located in a county in which another
municipality with a population of more than one million is
predominantly located; and
             (2)  manages or regulates a development in which at
least 4,000 acres of the property is subject to a covenant,
condition, or restriction designating the property for commercial
use, multifamily dwellings, or open space.
       SECTION 2.  Section 202.008, Property Code, as added by this
Act, applies to a dedicatory instrument without regard to whether
the dedicatory instrument takes effect or is renewed before, on, or
after the effective date of this Act.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.