80R5851 MCK-D
  By: Bailey H.B. No. 1690
relating to the provision of a preference in certain state and
school district construction contracts for contractors that
provide health benefits to employees.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter F, Chapter 2166, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 2166.2527 to read as follows:
BENEFITS COVERAGE. (a) The commission shall give a preference to a
contractor that provides health benefits coverage that is at least
equivalent to basic coverage provided under the state employees
group benefits program provided under Chapter 1551, Insurance Code,
to each full-time employee and the employee's family.
       (b)  To qualify for the preference under this section, the
contractor must pay 100 percent of the health insurance premiums
for each full-time employee who participates in the insurance
program and at least 75 percent of the health insurance premiums for
each dependent of a full-time employee who elects to participate in
dependent coverage under the insurance program.
       (c)  The commission shall give a preference to a contractor
that meets the health insurance requirements of this section over
any other contractor that does not meet the health insurance
requirements of this section, if the contractor's bid does not
exceed 107 percent of the bid of a contractor that does not provide
the health insurance coverage required by this section to the
contractor's employees.
       (d)  A contract that is awarded to a contractor using the
preference under this section must include terms that:
             (1)  allow the commission to terminate the contract if
the contractor at any time during the life of the contract fails to
maintain the health insurance coverage required by this section;
             (2)  require the contractor to use the preference
described by this section when awarding a subcontract under the
       SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 44, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 44.0355 to read as follows:
PROVIDE HEALTH BENEFITS COVERAGE. (a) In selecting a contractor
for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of a
facility, a school district shall give a preference to a contractor
that provides health benefits coverage that is at least equivalent
to basic coverage provided under the state employees group benefits
program provided under Chapter 1551, Insurance Code, to each
full-time employee and the employee's family.
       (b)  To qualify for the preference under this section, the
contractor must pay 100 percent of the health insurance premiums
for each full-time employee who participates in the insurance
program and at least 75 percent of the health insurance premiums for
each dependent of a full-time employee who elects to participate in
dependent coverage under the insurance program.
       (c)  A school district shall give a preference to a
contractor that meets the health insurance requirements of this
section over any other contractor that does not meet the health
insurance requirements of this section, if the contractor's bid
does not exceed 107 percent of the bid of a contractor that does not
provide the health insurance coverage required by this section to
the contractor's employees.
       (d)  A contract that is awarded to a contractor using the
preference under this section must include terms that:
             (1)  allow the school district to terminate the
contract if the contractor at any time during the life of the
contract fails to maintain the health insurance coverage required
by this section; and
             (2)  require the contractor to use the preference
described by this section when awarding a subcontract under the
       SECTION 3.  Section 2166.2527, Government Code, and Section
44.0355, Education Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a
building construction contract for which the solicitation of bids
or proposals, request for proposals, or similar required
notification as to the project is published on or after September 1,
2007. A building construction contract for which the solicitation
of bids or proposals, request for proposals, or similar required
notification as to the project is published before September 1,
2007, is governed by the law in effect at the time the solicitation,
request, or notification is published, and that law is continued in
effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.