80R3275 SGA-D
  By: Hilderbran H.B. No. 1699
relating to the power of a groundwater conservation district to
regulate the use of groundwater so as to prevent waste.
       SECTION 1.  Sections 36.001(8) and (9), Water Code, are
amended to read as follows:
             (8)  "Waste" means any one or more of the following:
                   (A)  withdrawal of groundwater from a groundwater
reservoir at a rate and in an amount that causes or threatens to
cause intrusion into the reservoir of water unsuitable for
agricultural, gardening, domestic, or stock raising purposes;
                   (B)  the flowing or producing of wells from a
groundwater reservoir if the water produced is not used for a
beneficial purpose;
                   (C)  the discharge, flowing, pumping, release,
or escape of groundwater from a groundwater reservoir to any other
reservoir or geologic strata that does not contain groundwater;
                   (D)  pollution or harmful alteration of
groundwater in a groundwater reservoir by saltwater or by other
deleterious matter admitted from another stratum or from the
surface of the ground;
                   (E)  wilfully or negligently causing, suffering,
or allowing groundwater to flow or escape or be discharged, pumped,
or released into any river, creek, natural watercourse, depression,
pond, lake, reservoir, drain, sewer, street, highway, road, or road
ditch, or onto any land other than that of the owner of the well
unless such discharge is authorized by permit, rule, or order
issued by the commission under Chapter 26;
                   (F)  groundwater pumped for irrigation that
escapes as irrigation tailwater onto land other than that of the
owner of the well unless permission has been granted by the occupant
of the land receiving the discharge; or
                   (G)  for water produced from an artesian well,
"waste" has the meaning assigned by Section 11.205.
             (9)  "Use for a beneficial purpose" means use for:
                   (A)  agricultural, gardening, domestic, stock
raising, municipal, mining, manufacturing, industrial, commercial,
or recreational[, or pleasure] purposes;
                   (B)  exploring for, producing, handling, or
treating oil, gas, sulphur, or other minerals; or
                   (C)  any other purpose that is useful and
beneficial to the user.
       SECTION 2.  Section 36.101(a), Water Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (a)  A district may make and enforce rules, including rules
limiting groundwater production based on tract size or the spacing
of wells, to provide for conserving, preserving, protecting, and
recharging of the groundwater or of a groundwater reservoir or its
subdivisions in order to control subsidence, prevent degradation of
water quality, or prevent waste of groundwater and to carry out the
powers and duties provided by this chapter. A district may adopt
and enforce rules that define waste to include activities or uses in
addition to those included in the definition of waste provided by
Section 36.001(8).  During the rulemaking process the board shall
consider all groundwater uses and needs and shall develop rules
that [which] are fair and impartial and that do not discriminate
between land that is irrigated for production and land that was
irrigated for production and enrolled or participating in a federal
conservation program. Any rule of a district that discriminates
between land that is irrigated for production and land that was
irrigated for production and enrolled or participating in a federal
conservation program is void.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.