By: Hilderbran (Senate Sponsor - Fraser) H.B. No. 1700
         (In the Senate - Received from the House April 30, 2007;
  May 2, 2007, read first time and referred to Committee on
  Education; May 10, 2007, reported favorably by the following vote:  
  Yeas 7, Nays 0; May 10, 2007, sent to printer.)
  relating to a project for the development and implementation of a
  nature science curriculum for public school students.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 28.013 to read as follows:
         Sec. 28.013.  NATURE SCIENCE CURRICULUM PROJECT. (a) The
  State Board of Education shall assist in developing a nature
  science curriculum, in accordance with this section, the following
  entities, acting jointly:
               (1)  the Outdoor School at Texas Tech University Center
  at Junction;
               (2)  the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and
  Math (T-STEM) Center of Texas Tech University; and
               (3)  South Llano River State Park.
         (b)  The nature science curriculum must:
               (1)  be designed for instruction of students in grades
  six through 12;
               (2)  provide for grade-level appropriate instruction
  in essential knowledge and skills identified by the State Board of
  Education under Section 28.002 for:
                     (A)  science; and
                     (B)  mathematics, social studies, and language
  arts, to the extent practicable and relevant to nature science
               (3)  through participation in outdoor experiential
  learning projects in state parks, provide for the scientific study
  by students of:
                     (A)  conservation, wildlife or aquatic biology,
  range ecology, or other areas of nature science; and
                     (B)  problems affecting nature, such as threats to
  the watershed, and possible solutions to those problems; and
               (4)  be designed to:
                     (A)  be capable of implementation in any state
                     (B)  use state park resources in providing
  instruction; and
                     (C)  be presented by classroom teachers and state
  park employees.
         (c)  The Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
  (T-STEM) Center of Texas Tech University shall make the nature
  science curriculum available through the university's Internet
  website or through a separate Internet website developed by the
  center for that purpose.
         (d)  The Texas Tech University Center at Junction, with
  assistance from South Llano River State Park, shall present to
  classroom teachers and state park employees staff development
  courses in providing instruction in the nature science curriculum.
         (e)  The nature science curriculum project must be
  implemented and maintained using money appropriated for those
         SECTION 2.  The Texas Tech University Center at Junction,
  with assistance from South Llano River State Park, shall present
  staff development courses as required by Section 28.013, Education
  Code, as added by this Act, beginning September 1, 2008.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
  * * * * *