By: Solomons (Senate Sponsor - Van de Putte) H.B. No. 1716
         (In the Senate - Received from the House April 16, 2007;
  April 17, 2007, read first time and referred to Committee on
  Business and Commerce; May 2, 2007, reported favorably by the
  following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays 0; May 2, 2007, sent to printer.)
  relating to the registration of a registered financial services
  company and the authority of its exclusive agents to act as mortgage
         SECTION 1.  Section 156.002, Finance Code, is amended by
  adding Subdivision (11) to read as follows:
               (11)  "Registered financial services company" means a
  person registered under Section 156.214.
         SECTION 2.  Section 156.202, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 156.202.  EXEMPTIONS. The following persons are exempt
  from this [This] chapter [does not apply to]:
               (1)  any of the following entities or an employee of any
  of the following entities provided the employee is acting for the
  benefit of the employer:
                     (A)  a bank, savings bank, or savings and loan
  association, or a subsidiary or an affiliate of a bank, savings
  bank, or savings and loan association;
                     (B)  a state or federal credit union, or a
  subsidiary, affiliate, or credit union service organization of a
  state or federal credit union;
                     (C)  an insurance company licensed or authorized
  to do business in this state under the Insurance Code;
                     (D)  a mortgage banker registered under Chapter
                     (E)  an organization that qualifies for an
  exemption from state franchise and sales tax as a 501(c)(3)
                     (F)  a Farm Credit System institution; or
                     (G)  a political subdivision of this state
  involved in affordable home ownership programs;
               (2)  an individual who makes a mortgage loan from the
  individual's own funds to a spouse, former spouse, or persons in the
  lineal line of consanguinity of the individual lending the money;
               (3)  an owner of real property who makes a mortgage loan
  to a purchaser of the property for all or part of the purchase price
  of the real estate against which the mortgage is secured; [or]
               (4)  an individual who:
                     (A)  makes a mortgage loan from the individual's
  own funds;
                     (B)  is not an authorized lender under Chapter
  342, Finance Code; and
                     (C)  does not regularly engage in the business of
  making or brokering mortgage loans; or
               (5)  an individual who is an exclusive agent of a
  registered financial services company under a written agreement
  prohibiting the individual from soliciting, processing,
  negotiating, or placing a mortgage loan with a person other than the
  registered financial services company or an affiliate of that
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter C, Chapter 156, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 156.214 to read as follows:
  A registered financial services company may perform the services of
  a mortgage broker as if the company were licensed as a mortgage
  broker under this chapter, through individuals who are the
  exclusive agents of the registered financial services company.
         (b)  To be eligible to register as a registered financial
  services company, a person must:
               (1)  be a depository institution exempt from this
  chapter under Section 156.202(1)(A) or (B) and chartered and
  regulated by the Office of Thrift Supervision or the Office of the
  Comptroller of the Currency, or be a subsidiary or affiliate of the
               (2)  provide the commissioner with satisfactory
  evidence of an undertaking of accountability in a form acceptable
  to the commissioner, supported by a surety bond equal to $1 million
  to cover the person's responsibility for mortgage broker activities
  of each exclusive agent;
               (3)  provide a business plan satisfactory to the
  commissioner that sets forth the person's plan to provide education
  to its exclusive agents, handle consumer complaints relating to its
  exclusive agents, and supervise the mortgage broker activities of
  its exclusive agents;
               (4)  pay an annual registration fee of the lesser of:
                     (A)  one-half of the license fee for a loan
  officer under Section 156.203(c)(1), multiplied by the number of
  exclusive agents under contract to act for the person in this state;
                     (B)  $200,000; and
               (5)  designate an officer of the person to be
  responsible for the activities of the exclusive agents.
         (c)  If the commissioner determines that a person has met the
  requirements of Subsection (b), the commissioner shall issue a
  registration to the person. The registration is valid for one year
  and may be renewed on or before its expiration date.  A person may
  renew an expired registration in the same manner as a person may
  renew an expired license under Section 156.2081(b).
         (d)  A registered financial services company is subject to
  Subchapters D and E as if the company were licensed as a mortgage
         (e)  No person may be an exclusive agent of a registered
  financial services company without the prior consent of the
  commissioner if the individual has:
               (1)  been convicted of a criminal offense involving
  dishonesty, breach of trust, or money laundering; or pled guilty or
  nolo contendere in connection with a prosecution for an offense
  described in this subdivision; or agreed to enter into a pretrial
  diversion or similar program in connection with a prosecution for
  an offense described in this subdivision; or
               (2)  been the subject of a revocation or suspension of
  any professional license in this state or any other jurisdiction.
         (f)  Prior to permitting an exclusive agent to solicit,
  process, negotiate, or place a mortgage loan, the registered
  financial services company shall submit to the commissioner such
  information as the commissioner may require relating to the person
  together with a fingerprint imprint of the person.  The
  commissioner shall obtain criminal history record information as
  provided in Section 156.206(b).  The commissioner may assess a fee
  in an amount determined by the finance commission to cover the cost
  of the criminal background check.  This section does not apply to a
  person who is licensed as a mortgage broker or loan officer under
  Chapter 156 at the time he becomes an exclusive agent of a
  registered financial services company.
         (g)  The commissioner shall notify the person and the
  registered financial services company of his determination as to
  whether or not the person is eligible to be an exclusive agent under
  Subsection (a).  A person who is determined to be ineligible may
  appeal the decision of the commissioner in the same manner as an
  appeal may be made under Section 156.209.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
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