80R5929 UM-F
  By: Giddings H.B. No. 1743
relating to establishing a demonstration project for the regional
delivery of tertiary care services.
       SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 2, Health and Safety Code, is
amended by adding Chapter 46B to read as follows:
       Sec. 46B.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
             (1)  "Department" means the Department of State Health
             (2)  "Executive commissioner" means the executive
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission.
             (3)  "Public health region three" means the public
health region under Chapter 121 designated by the department as
public health region three.
             (4)  "Regional board" means the tertiary medical
services regional board created under this chapter.
             (5)  "Tertiary care facility" has the meaning assigned
by Section 46.001.
             (6)  "Tertiary medical services" has the meaning
assigned by Section 46.001.
       Sec. 46B.002.  REGIONAL DEMONSTRATION PROJECT.  (a) The
department shall establish a demonstration project in public health
region three to develop and implement a regional approach to the
delivery of tertiary medical services.
       (b)  A county, municipality, hospital district, or tertiary
care facility in public health region three may elect to
participate in the demonstration project by notifying the
department in accordance with rules adopted by the executive
       Sec. 46B.003.  RULES.  The executive commissioner may adopt
rules for the implementation of the demonstration project under
this chapter.
(a) The executive commissioner shall establish the tertiary medical
services regional board to administer the demonstration project
under this chapter. Members of the regional board serve two-year
       (b)  The regional board is composed of:
             (1)  one member representing each participating
county, municipality, or hospital district appointed by the county,
municipality, or hospital district;
             (2)  one member appointed by the executive commissioner
as nominated by the participating tertiary care facilities; and
             (3)  the chief executive officer of the department or a
representative appointed by the chief executive officer.
       (c)  The regional board shall elect a presiding officer and
adopt rules governing the administration of the regional board.
       (d)  Chapter 2110, Government Code, does not apply to the
regional board.
       Sec. 46B.005.  REGIONAL BOARD DUTIES.  (a) The regional
board shall develop and implement a system for the delivery of
tertiary medical services on a regional basis.
       (b)  In developing the system, the regional board shall:
             (1)  assess:
                   (A)  the tertiary medical services needs of the
region; and
                   (B)  the need for additional tertiary medical
services in the region, including the types of services needed and
the levels of services needed;
             (2)  inventory the tertiary medical services available
in the region;
             (3)  identify sources and methods of funding for the
provision of tertiary medical services in the region; and
             (4)  make recommendations to the Health and Human
Services Commission and the department regarding implementation of
the demonstration project.
       (c)  In implementing the system, the board shall:
             (1)  contract with providers to provide tertiary
medical services to eligible individuals in the region;
             (2)  coordinate payments for tertiary medical services
to participating providers; and
             (3)  monitor the progress of the demonstration project.
shall establish minimum eligibility standards and application,
documentation, and verification procedures for participating
entities to use in determining eligibility of persons receiving
tertiary medical services under this chapter. The eligibility
standards must be coordinated with the standards applicable for
each participating entity under Chapter 61.
       (b)  The minimum eligibility standards must:
             (1)  include a person who is a resident of a county in
public health region three, regardless of the county's
participation in the demonstration project; and
             (2)  incorporate a net income eligibility level equal
to 100 percent of the federal poverty level based on the federal
Office of Management and Budget poverty index.
       (c)  For a person who is located within the boundaries of a
county, municipality, or hospital district within public health
region three that is not served by a provider of tertiary medical
services, the minimum eligibility standards may incorporate a net
income eligibility level that is less than 200 percent of the
federal poverty level based on the federal Office of Management and
Budget poverty index. The regional board may provide for a
different level of reimbursement for tertiary medical services
provided to a person described by this subsection.
       Sec. 46B.007.  FUNDS FOR DEMONSTRATION PROJECT.  (a)  The
regional board may accept and use local, state, and federal funds
and private donations to fund the demonstration project.
       (b)  State, local, and private funds may be used to qualify
for federal matching funds that are available to fund the
demonstration project.
       (c)  A participating county, municipality, hospital
district, or tertiary care facility may contribute funds to the
regional board for use in the demonstration project.
       (d)  The regional board shall deposit money received under
this section other than state and federal funds into an account
maintained by the comptroller outside the state treasury and
administered by the regional board.
       (e)  Funds received from a participating county,
municipality, hospital district, or tertiary care facility under
this section may be used only to pay for:
             (1)  tertiary medical services provided to eligible
residents by contracted providers;
             (2)  expanding the type or level of tertiary medical
services available to eligible residents in the region;
             (3)  the costs incurred by the regional board in
administering the demonstration project;
             (4)  programs and grants to enhance the health of
eligible residents; and
             (5)  other appropriate expenses related to the
demonstration project.
       (f)  The regional board shall adopt procedures to ensure that
money from the account administered by the board is used for a
purpose described by Subsection (e).
       (g)  Funds remaining in an account administered by the
regional board when the demonstration project ends shall be
distributed to each participating entity in proportion to the
contribution made by the entity.
       Sec.  46B.008.  REPORT. Not later than September 1, 2010,
the regional board shall submit a report to the executive
commissioner, the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the
speaker of the house of representatives regarding:
             (1)  the results of the demonstration project; and
             (2)  the regional board's recommendations regarding the
further development and implementation of the regional delivery of
tertiary medical services.
       Sec. 46B.009.  EXPIRATION. This chapter expires September
1, 2011.
       SECTION 2.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
waiver or authorization is granted.
       SECTION 3.  Not later than September 1, 2008, the Department
of State Health Services shall implement the demonstration project
required by Chapter 46B, Health and Safety Code, as added by this
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.