80R7274 KKA-D
  By: Morrison H.B. No. 1748
relating to the administration of Texas governor's schools.
       SECTION 1.  Section 29.124, Education Code, is transferred
to Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, redesignated as
Section 61.07621, Education Code, and amended to read as follows:
       Sec. 61.07621 [29.124].  TEXAS GOVERNOR'S SCHOOLS. (a) [In
this section, "public senior college or university" has the meaning
assigned by Section 61.003.
       [(b)]  A Texas governor's school is a summer residential
program for high-achieving high school students. A governor's
school program may include any or all of the following educational
             (1)  mathematics and science;
             (2)  humanities; or
             (3)  leadership and public policy.
       (b) [(c)]  A public senior college or university may apply to
the board [commissioner] to administer a Texas governor's school
program under this section. The board [commissioner] shall give
preference to a public senior college or university that applies in
cooperation with a nonprofit association. The board [commissioner]
shall give additional preference if the nonprofit association
receives private foundation funds that may be used to finance the
       (c) [(d)]  The board [commissioner] may approve an
application under this section only if the applicant:
             (1)  applies within the period and in the manner
required by rule adopted by the board [commissioner];
             (2)  submits a program proposal that includes:
                   (A)  a curriculum consistent with Subsection (a) 
                   (B)  criteria for selecting students to
participate in the program;
                   (C)  a statement of the length of the program,
which must be at least three weeks; and
                   (D)  a statement of the location of the program;
             (3)  agrees to use a grant under this section only for
the purpose of administering a program; and
             (4)  satisfies any other requirements established by
rule adopted by the board [commissioner].
       (d) [(e)]  From funds appropriated to the board [agency],
the board [commissioner] may make a grant in an amount not to exceed
$750,000 each year to public senior colleges or universities whose
applications are approved under this section to pay the costs of
administering a Texas governor's school program.
       (e) [(f)]  The board [commissioner] may adopt other rules
necessary to implement this section.
       SECTION 2.  (a) On the effective date of this Act:
             (1)  all functions, activities, rules, forms, money,
property, contracts, memoranda of understanding, records, and
obligations of the commissioner of education or the Texas Education
Agency relating to Texas governor's schools under Section 29.124,
Education Code, become functions, activities, rules, forms, money,
property, contracts, memoranda of understanding, records, and
obligations of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board under
Section 61.07621, Education Code, as added by this Act, without a
change in status; and
             (2)  all money appropriated to the Texas Education
Agency under Section 29.124, Education Code, including money for
providing administrative support, is considered appropriated to
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board under Section
61.07621, Education Code, as added by this Act.
       (b)  A rule adopted by the commissioner of education under
Section 29.124, Education Code, is also a rule of the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board under Section 61.07621, Education
Code, as added by this Act, and remains in effect as a rule of the
coordinating board until repealed or superseded by a rule adopted
by the coordinating board.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.