80R3125 TAD-F
  By: Pitts H.B. No. 1788
relating to the planning, reporting, and review of the state's
information resources.
       SECTION 1.  Section 531.0273(a), Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  The commission is responsible for strategic planning
for information resources at each health and human services agency
and shall direct the management of information resources at each
health and human services agency. The commission shall:
             (1)  develop a coordinated strategic plan for
information resources management that:
                   (A)  covers a five-year period;
                   (B)  defines objectives for information resources
management at each health and human services agency;
                   (C)  prioritizes information resources projects
and implementation of new technology for all health and human
services agencies;
                   (D)  integrates planning and development of each
information resources system used by a health and human services
agency into a coordinated information resources management
planning and development system established by the commission;
                   (E)  establishes standards for information
resources system security and that promotes the ability of
information resources systems to operate with each other; [and]
                   (F)  achieves economies of scale and related
benefits in purchasing for health and human services information
resources systems; and
                   (G)  is consistent with the state strategic plan
for information resources developed under Chapter 2054;
             (2)  establish information resources management
policies, procedures, and technical standards and ensure
compliance with those policies, procedures, and standards; and
             (3)  review and approve the information resources
deployment review [management] and biennial operating plan of each
health and human services agency.
       SECTION 2.  Section 2054.007(b), Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (b)  The electronic funds transfer system for the operation
of the state lottery is not included in the information resources
deployment review [agency strategic plan] or the biennial operating
plan of the comptroller. Operations of the comptroller that relate
to the state lottery are not subject to the planning and procurement
requirements of this chapter.
       SECTION 3.  Sections 2054.055(a) and (b), Government Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  Not later than November 15 [1] of each even-numbered
year, the board shall review and approve and the department shall
present a report on the use of information resources technologies
by state government.
       (b)  The report must:
             (1)  assess the progress made toward meeting the goals
and objectives of the state strategic plan for information
resources management;
             (2)  describe major accomplishments of the state or a
specific state agency in information resources management;
             (3)  describe major problems in information resources
management confronting the state or a specific state agency;
             (4)  provide a summary of the total expenditures for
information resources and information resources technologies by
the state;
             (5)  make recommendations for improving the
effectiveness and cost-efficiency of the state's use of information
resources; [and]
             (6)  describe the status, progress, benefits, and
efficiency gains of the TexasOnline project, including any
significant issues regarding contract performance;
             (7)  provide a financial summary of the TexasOnline
project, including project costs and revenues;
             (8)  provide a summary of the amount and use of
Internet-based training conducted by each state agency and
institution of higher education; and
             (9)  provide a summary of agency and statewide results
in providing access to electronic and information resources to
individuals with disabilities as required by Subchapter M [include
a list compiled by the department's program management office from
the information gathered under Sections 2055.152 and 2055.153 of
the electronic government projects:
                   [(A)  that are managed by the office under Chapter
2055; and
                   [(B)  that are not yet managed by the office under
Chapter 2055, but have been selected for management under Chapter
       SECTION 4.  Subchapter C, Chapter 2054, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 2054.0551 to read as follows:
The department, in coordination with the Legislative Budget Board,
the Texas Building and Procurement Commission, and the comptroller,
shall prepare a report assessing the current automated information
systems of state agencies. The report shall include:
             (1)  an analysis of how the current automated
information systems may be managed to more effectively synchronize
strategic planning, budgeting, and reporting of technology
expenditures, assets, and projects;
             (2)  the status of data-sharing methods that improve
the ability of oversight agencies to share relevant technology
             (3)  modifications to existing systems and processes
that support streamlined data collection; and
             (4)  modifications to reporting tools enabling state
agencies to submit technology reports online and support advanced
       (b)  The department shall submit the report to the governor,
lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and
state auditor not later than December 31 of each odd-numbered year.
       SECTION 5.  Section 2054.071(a), Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  The presiding officer of the governing body of a state
agency, if the agency is governed by one or more fully paid
full-time state officials, and otherwise the executive director of
the agency [The individual required to sign a state agency's
strategic plan under Subchapter E], or the [that individual's]
designated representative of the presiding officer or executive
director, shall serve as the agency's information resources
       SECTION 6.  The heading to Subchapter E, Chapter 2054,
Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 7.  Section 2054.092(b), Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (b)  The plan must:
             (1)  provide a strategic direction for information
resources management in state government for the five fiscal years
following adoption of the plan;
             (2)  outline a state information architecture that
contains a logically consistent set of principles, policies, and
standards to guide the engineering of state government's
information technology systems and infrastructure in a way that
ensures compatibility and alignment with state government's needs;
             (3)  designate and report on critical electronic
government projects to be directed by the department, including a
project for electronic purchasing;
             (4)  provide information about best practices to assist
state agencies in adopting effective information management
methods, including the design, deployment, and management of
information resources projects, cost-benefit analyses, and staff
reengineering methods to take full advantage of technological
             (5)  [establish reporting guidelines for state
agencies to report in agency strategic plans:
                   [(A)  the outcomes and progress related to the
strategic direction of the state;
                   [(B)  information necessary to evaluate
opportunities for information technology consolidation;
                   [(C)  progress toward implementing electronic
government projects designated under Subdivision (3);
                   [(D)  the return on investment for projects and
cost-benefit models for the projects; and
                   [(E)other provisions in this section;
             [(6)]  provide long-range policy guidelines for
information resources in state government, including the
implementation of national, international, and department
standards for information resources technologies;
             (6) [(7)]  identify major issues faced by state
agencies related to the acquisition of computer hardware, computer
software, and information resources technology services and
develop a statewide approach to address the issues, including:
                   (A)  developing performance measures for
purchasing and contracting; and
                   (B)  identifying opportunities to reuse computer
software code purchased with public funds; and
             (7) [(8)]  identify priorities for:
                   (A)  the implementation of information resources
technologies according to the relative economic and social impact
on the state; and
                   (B)  return on investment and cost-benefit
analysis strategies.
       SECTION 8.  Section 2054.095, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
department [Each state agency] shall prepare instructions [an
agency strategic plan] for use by state agencies in preparing the
strategic plan required by Section 2056.002 [information resources
       (b)  Except as otherwise modified by the Legislative Budget
Board or the governor, instructions under Subsection (a) must
require each state agency's strategic plan to include:
             (1)  a description of the agency's information
resources management organizations, policies, and practices,
including the extent to which the agency uses its internal quality
assurance procedures;
             (2)  a description of how the agency's information
resources programs support and promote its mission, goals, and
objectives and the goals and policies of the state strategic plan
for information resources; and
             (3)  other planning components that the department may
prescribe [The agency strategic plan must be signed by the
presiding officer of the governing body of the state agency if the
agency is governed by one or more fully paid full-time state
officials, and otherwise by the executive director of the agency.
       [(c)  The department shall prescribe the format required for
an agency strategic plan.
       [(d)  The department shall adopt instructions, consistent
with Section 2054.096, that guide state agencies in the preparation
of their agency strategic plans].
       SECTION 9.  Subchapter E, Chapter 2054, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 2054.0965 to read as follows:
(a)  Each odd-numbered year, a state agency shall complete a review
of the operational aspects of the agency's information resources
deployment following instructions developed by the department.
       (b)  Except as otherwise modified by rules adopted by the
department, the review must include:
             (1)  an inventory of the agency's major information
systems, as defined by Section 2054.008, and other operational or
logistical components related to deployment of information
resources as prescribed by the department;
             (2)  an inventory of the agency's major databases and
             (3)  a description of the agency's existing and planned
telecommunications network configuration;
             (4)  an analysis of how information systems,
components, databases, applications, and other information
resources have been deployed by the agency in support of:
                   (A)  applicable achievement goals established
under Section 2056.006 and the state strategic plan adopted under
Section 2056.009;
                   (B)  the state strategic plan for information
resources; and
                   (C)  the agency's business objectives, mission,
and goals;
             (5)  agency information necessary to support the state
goals for interoperability and reuse; and
             (6)  confirmation by the agency of compliance with
state statutes, rules, and standards relating to information
       SECTION 10.  Section 2054.097, Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
shall send its information resources deployment review [strategic
plan] to the quality assurance team [and the department] for
analysis [review].
       (a-1) If the department determines that an agency's
deployment decision is not in compliance with the state strategic
plan, a state statute, or department rules or standards or is likely
to cause a risk in agency operations or agency capacity to fulfill
the agency's prescribed mission, the department shall require the
agency to develop a corrective action plan that specifies the
manner in which deficiencies will be corrected. The department
shall report the status of corrective action plans to the state
auditor and the Legislative Budget Board.
       (b)  Any member of [The department, in coordination with] the
quality assurance team[, shall report to the agency, and] may
report to the governor and the presiding officer of each house of
the legislature[,] that an agency's deployment decision [agency
strategic plan or plan amendment] is not in compliance with the
state strategic plan, a state statute, or department rules or
standards or is likely to cause a risk in agency operations or
agency capacity to fulfill the agency's prescribed mission [or best
suited to the state agency's execution of its own duty].
       SECTION 11.  Section 2054.1015, Government Code, is amended
by adding Subsections (e) and (f) to read as follows:
       (e)  The department shall specify hardware configurations
for state commodity items in its instructions for the preparation
of planned procurement schedules.
       (f)  Each state agency shall use the hardware configurations
specified under Subsection (e) in developing the agency's planned
procurement schedules.
       SECTION 12.  Section 2054.464, Government Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 2054.464.  SURVEY; REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.  The
department shall adopt guidelines [rules] regarding:
             (1)  an [annual] electronic and information resources
state agency survey; and
             (2)  state agency reporting requirements for
implementation of this subchapter.
       SECTION 13.  Sections 2056.002(b) and (d), Government Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       (b)  The Legislative Budget Board and the Governor's Office
of Budget, Policy, and Planning shall determine the elements
required to be included in each agency's strategic plan. Unless
modified by the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor's Office
of Budget, Policy, and Planning, and except as provided by
Subsection (c), a plan must include:
             (1)  a statement of the mission and goals of the state
             (2)  a description of the indicators developed under
this chapter and used to measure the output and outcome of the
             (3)  identification of the groups of people served by
the agency, including those having service priorities, or other
service measures established by law, and estimates of changes in
those groups expected during the term of the plan;
             (4)  an analysis of the use of the agency's resources to
meet the agency's needs, including future needs, and an estimate of
additional resources that may be necessary to meet future needs;
             (5)  an analysis of expected changes in the services
provided by the agency because of changes in state or federal law;
             (6)  a description of the means and strategies for
meeting the agency's needs, including future needs, and achieving
the goals established under Section 2056.006 for each area of state
government for which the agency provides services;
             (7)  a description of the capital improvement needs of
the agency during the term of the plan and a statement, if
appropriate, of the priority of those needs;
             (8)  identification of each geographic region of this
state, including the Texas-Louisiana border region and the
Texas-Mexico border region, served by the agency, and if
appropriate the agency's means and strategies for serving each
             (9)  a description of the training of the agency's
contract managers under Section 2262.053;
             (10)  an analysis of the agency's expected expenditures
that relate to federally owned or operated military installations
or facilities, or communities where a federally owned or operated
military installation or facility is located; [and]
             (11)  an analysis of the strategic use of information
resources as provided by the instructions prepared under Section
2054.095; and
             (12)  other information that may be required.
       (d)  A state agency shall send two copies of each plan to both
the Legislative Reference Library and the state publications
clearinghouse of the Texas State Library and one copy each to:
             (1)  the governor;
             (2)  the lieutenant governor;
             (3)  the speaker of the house of representatives;
             (4)  the Legislative Budget Board;
             (5)  the Sunset Advisory Commission;
             (6)  the state auditor; [and]
             (7)  the comptroller; and
             (8)  the Department of Information Resources.
       SECTION 14.  Sections 2054.096 and 2054.156(c), Government
Code, are repealed.
       SECTION 15.  A state agency is not required to comply with
Sections 2054.1015(e) and (f), Government Code, as added by this
Act, until the Department of Information Resources specifies
hardware configurations for state commodity items as required by
those subsections.
       SECTION 16.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.