80R6991 ATP-D
  By: Chavez H.B. No. 1867
relating to the regulation of a person who offers, services, or
brokers a deferred presentment transaction.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter M, Chapter 342, Finance Code, is
amended by adding Sections 342.606, 342.607, and 342.608 to read as
COLLECTION SYSTEM. (a) A person who offers, services, or brokers a
deferred presentment transaction, including a credit services
organization to which Chapter 393 applies and a person registered
or licensed to do business in this state, who offers deferred
presentment transactions on the Internet, shall submit data to a
database established by a database provider selected by the
       (b)  The commissioner shall contract with a person to
establish a database for the compilation of information from
persons who offer, service, or broker deferred presentment
transactions. In selecting a database provider, the commissioner
shall ensure that the database provided by the person:
             (1)  provides access to the database by persons
required to submit information, through an Internet connection and
alternative methods, including by telephone, that enables the
persons to submit information as required by this section;
             (2)  provides real-time access by the commissioner to
information contained in the database;
             (3)  allows a person submitting information to access
only information relating to:
                   (A)  that person; and
                   (B)  the eligibility of an individual to enter
into a deferred presentment transaction under this chapter or rules
adopted under this chapter; and
             (4)  contains safeguards to ensure that confidential
information contained in the database may not be accessed by an
unauthorized person.
       (c)  A person required to submit data under this subchapter
shall weekly submit to the database provider:
             (1)  the amount of cash advanced under each deferred
presentment transaction made, serviced, or brokered by the person
during the preceding week;
             (2)  the amount of transactions made, serviced, or
brokered by the person that were outstanding on the last day of the
preceding week;
             (3)  the total number of transactions renewed during
the preceding week;
             (4)  whether the person offers alternative payment
             (5)  the average monthly income of an individual to
whom a cash advance is made under a deferred presentment
transaction, if the person collects that information from
individuals; and
             (6)  the total amount of interest, fees, or charges
collected by the person during the preceding week for making,
servicing, or brokering a deferred presentment transaction.
       (d)  The commissioner shall analyze the data reported under
this subchapter and prepare a report to the legislature. The
commissioner shall submit the report not later than February 1 of
each year.
       (e)  Information submitted to the database is the property of
the office of the consumer credit commissioner. Information that
personally identifies an individual is not subject to disclosure
under Chapter 552, Government Code.
       (f)  The finance commission may adopt rules as necessary to
implement this section.
       Sec. 342.607.  CERTIFICATION REQUIRED. (a) A person may not
offer, service, or broker a deferred presentment transaction unless
the person is certified by the commissioner. The requirement of
certification under this section is in addition to any license
required under this chapter or other law.
       (b)  To be certified by the commissioner, a person must:
             (1)  submit an application to the commissioner on a
form prescribed by the commissioner;
             (2)  submit an investigation fee of $2,500 to the
commissioner, if the person has not previously been certified by
the commissioner;
             (3)  submit a certification fee of $1,000 for the
initial or renewal certification;
             (4)  have not less than $1 million in assets,
calculated according to generally accepted accounting principles;
             (5)  submit a bond as required by Section 342.608.
       (c)  A person must annually renew the person's certification
under this section.
       (d)  The commissioner shall use proceeds from the fees
imposed under this section for the regulation of persons who offer,
service, or broker deferred presentment transactions, including
the monitoring and analysis of data submitted to the database under
Section 342.606.
       Sec. 342.608.  BOND REQUIRED. (a) In addition to any other
bond required by this chapter or other law, a person who offers,
services, or brokers a deferred presentment transaction shall file
with the application for certification a bond that is:
             (1)  in the amount of $1 million; and
             (2)  issued by a surety company qualified to do
business as a surety in this state.
       (b)  The bond must be in favor of this state for the use of
this state and the use of another person who has a cause of action
under this chapter against the person.
       (c)  The bond must be conditioned on:
             (1)  the person's faithful performance under this
chapter and rules adopted under this chapter; and
             (2)  the payment of all amounts that become due to the
state or another person under this chapter during the calendar year
for which the bond is given.
       (d)  The aggregate liability of a surety to all persons
damaged by the license holder's violation of this chapter may not
exceed the amount of the bond.
       SECTION 2.  (a) The consumer credit commissioner shall
select a database provider under Section 342.606, Finance Code, as
added by this Act, not later than January 1, 2008, and shall set the
date on which a person who offers, services, or brokers a deferred
presentment transaction must begin submitting data as provided by
that section.
       (b)  A person who offers, services, or brokers a deferred
presentment transaction is required to be certified and file a bond
under Sections 342.607 and 342.608, Finance Code, as added by this
Act, not later than January 1, 2008. The consumer credit
commissioner shall prescribe an application for certification
under Section 342.607, Finance Code, as added by this Act, not later
than November 1, 2007.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.