80R4948 BEF-F
  By: Anchia H.B. No. 1883
relating to licensing and regulation of massage and bodywork
therapies; providing penalties.
       SECTION 1. The heading to Chapter 455, Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 2. Sections 455.001(3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8),
(9), and (11), Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows:
             (3)  "Instructor" means a person who instructs a
student in any section of the course of instruction required for a
massage and bodywork therapist license.
             (4)  "Internship program" means a program supervised by
a massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor in which a
student provides massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] to the
             (5)  "Massage and bodywork establishment" means a place
of business that advertises or offers massage and bodywork
therapies [therapy] or other massage services. The term includes a
place of business that advertises or offers any service described
by a derivation of the terms "massage therapy," "bodywork," or
"other massage services."
             (6)  "Massage and bodywork school" means an entity
                   (A)  teaches at a minimum the course of
instruction required for a massage and bodywork therapist license;
                   (B)  has at least two instructors.
             (7)  "Massage and bodywork therapist" means a person
who practices or administers massage and bodywork therapies
[therapy] or other massage services to a client for compensation.
The term includes a licensed massage and bodywork therapist,
therapeutic massage practitioner, massage technician, masseur,
masseuse, myotherapist, body massager, body rubber, or any
derivation of those titles.
             (8)  "Massage and bodywork therapies [therapy]" means
the manipulation of soft tissue by physical contact [hand] or
through a mechanical or electrical apparatus for the purpose of
body massage and includes effleurage (stroking), petrissage
(kneading), tapotement (percussion), compression, vibration,
friction, nerve strokes, [and] Swedish gymnastics, somatic
therapy, bodywork, and hydrotherapy. The terms "massage,"
"therapeutic massage," "massage technology," "myotherapy," "body
massage," "body rub," and "bodywork," or any derivation of those
terms, are synonyms for "massage and bodywork therapies [therapy]."
             (9)  "Massage and bodywork therapies [therapy]
instructor" means a licensed massage and bodywork therapist who
provides to one or more students instruction approved by the
department in massage and bodywork therapies [therapy].
             (11)  "Other massage services" include any services
offered or performed for compensation at a massage and bodywork
establishment that involve physical contact with a client, and may
include the use of oil, lubricant, salt glow, a heat lamp, a hot and
cold pack, or a tub, shower, jacuzzi, sauna, steam, or cabinet bath.
       SECTION 3. The heading to Section 455.002, Occupations Code,
is amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 4. Section 455.002(a), Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       (a)  Massage and bodywork therapies constitute [therapy
constitutes] a health care service if the massage and bodywork
therapies are [therapy is] for therapeutic purposes. Massage and
bodywork therapies do [therapy does] not constitute the practice of
       SECTION 5. Section 455.003, Occupations Code, is amended to
read as follows:
THERAPIES [THERAPY].  Massage and bodywork therapies include
[therapy includes] the use of oil, salt glows, heat lamps, hot and
cold packs, and tub, shower, or cabinet baths.
       SECTION 6. Section 455.004, Occupations Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 455.004.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER.  This chapter does
not apply to:
             (1)  a person licensed in this state as a physician,
chiropractor, occupational therapist, physical therapist, nurse,
cosmetologist, or athletic trainer or as a member of a similar
profession subject to state licensing while the person is
practicing within the scope of the license;
             (2)  a school approved by the Texas Education Agency or
otherwise approved by the state; or
             (3)  an instructor otherwise approved by the state to
teach in an area of study included in the required course of
instruction for issuance of a massage and bodywork therapist
       SECTION 7. Sections 455.005(a), (b), and (c), Occupations
Code, are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), this chapter
supersedes any regulation adopted by a political subdivision of
this state relating to the licensing or regulation of massage and
bodywork therapists.
       (b)  This chapter does not affect a local regulation that:
             (1)  relates to zoning requirements or other similar
regulations for massage and bodywork establishments;
             (2)  authorizes or requires an investigation into the
background of an owner or operator of, or an investor in, a massage
and bodywork establishment; or
             (3)  does not relate directly to the practice of
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] as performed by a licensed
massage and bodywork therapist, including a regulation related to a
license holder listed in Section 455.004, while the therapist:
                   (A)  performs under the applicable licensing law;
                   (B)  works with a licensed massage and bodywork
       (c)  Except as provided by Chapter 243, Local Government
Code, a political subdivision may not adopt a regulation of the type
described by Subsection (b) that is more restrictive for massage
and bodywork therapists or massage and bodywork establishments than
for other health care professionals or establishments.
       SECTION 8. Section 455.052, Occupations Code, is amended to
read as follows:
ESTABLISHMENTS.  Rules adopted under this chapter relating to a
massage and bodywork establishment must contain minimum standards
             (1)  the issuance, denial, renewal, suspension,
revocation, or probation of a license under this chapter;
             (2)  the qualifications of professional personnel;
             (3)  the supervision of professional personnel;
             (4)  the equipment essential to the health and safety
of massage and bodywork establishment personnel and the public;
             (5)  the sanitary and hygienic conditions of a massage
and bodywork establishment;
             (6)  the provision of massage and bodywork therapies
[therapy] or other massage services by a massage and bodywork
             (7)  the records kept by a massage and bodywork
             (8)  the organizational structure of a massage and
bodywork establishment, including the lines of authority and the
delegation of responsibility;
             (9)  fire prevention and safety in a massage and
bodywork establishment;
             (10)  the inspection of a massage and bodywork
establishment; and
             (11)  any other aspect of the operation of a massage and
bodywork establishment necessary to protect massage and bodywork
establishment personnel or the public.
       SECTION 9.  Section 455.053, Occupations Code, is amended to
read as follows:
Rules adopted under this chapter relating to a massage and bodywork
school must contain minimum standards for:
             (1)  the issuance, denial, renewal, suspension,
revocation, or probation of a license under this chapter;
             (2)  the qualifications of professional personnel;
             (3)  the supervision of professional personnel;
             (4)  the equipment essential to the education, health,
and safety of students, massage and bodywork school personnel, and
the public;
             (5)  the sanitary and hygienic conditions of a massage
and bodywork school;
             (6)  the provision of massage and bodywork therapies
[therapy] or other massage services by a massage and bodywork
school or student;
             (7)  the maximum number of hours a student may
accumulate in a massage and bodywork school's internship program
before the student is required to be licensed under this chapter;
             (8)  the educational and clinical records kept by a
massage and bodywork school;
             (9)  the organizational structure of a massage and
bodywork school, including the lines of authority and the
delegation of responsibility;
             (10)  fire prevention and safety in a massage and
bodywork school;
             (11)  the massage and bodywork school's curriculum and
educational material;
             (12)  massage and bodywork school inspections; and
             (13)  any other aspect of the operation of a massage and
bodywork school that the executive commissioner considers
necessary to protect students, massage and bodywork school
personnel, or the public.
       SECTION 10.  Section 455.054, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
THERAPISTS.  Rules adopted under this chapter relating to a massage
and bodywork therapist must contain minimum standards for:
             (1)  the issuance, denial, renewal, suspension,
revocation, or probation of a license under this chapter;
             (2)  the qualifications of a massage and bodywork
             (3)  the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the
physical environment in which a massage and bodywork therapist
practices massage and bodywork therapies [therapy];
             (4)  the records kept by a massage and bodywork
             (5)  the inspection of the records, equipment, and
sanitary and hygienic conditions of the physical environment used
by a massage and bodywork therapist in practicing massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy]; and
             (6)  any other aspect of the practice of a massage and
bodywork therapist necessary to protect the public.
       SECTION 11.  Section 455.055, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
THERAPIES [THERAPY] INSTRUCTORS.  Rules adopted under this chapter
relating to a massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor
must contain minimum standards for:
             (1)  the issuance, denial, renewal, suspension,
revocation, or probation of a license under this chapter;
             (2)  the qualifications of a massage and bodywork
therapies [therapy] instructor;
             (3)  the supervision of a student by a massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor;
             (4)  the maximum number of hours a student may
accumulate in an internship program under the supervision of a
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor before the
student is required to be licensed under this chapter;
             (5)  the equipment essential to the education, health,
and safety of students and the public;
             (6)  the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the
physical environment in which a massage and bodywork therapies
[therapy] instructor teaches;
             (7)  the provision of massage and bodywork therapies
[therapy] or other massage services by a student or a massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor;
             (8)  the educational and clinical records kept by a
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor;
             (9)  the curriculum taught and educational material
used by a massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor;
             (10)  the inspection of the records, equipment, and
physical environment of a massage and bodywork therapies [therapy]
instructor; and
             (11)  any other aspect of a massage and bodywork
therapies [therapy] instructor's instruction or operation of any
portion of the course of instruction required for a massage and
bodywork therapist license.
       SECTION 12.  Section 455.101, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.101.  GENERAL DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT.  The department
             (1)  administer this chapter;
             (2)  investigate a person who may be engaging in a
practice that violates this chapter;
             (3)  regulate the number and content of school hours
provided by a massage and bodywork school or a massage and bodywork
therapies [therapy] instructor; and
             (4)  prepare and administer a state examination under
this chapter.
       SECTION 13.  Section 455.103, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
MASSAGE AND BODYWORK SCHOOLS.  (a)  The department may enter into a
memorandum of understanding with the Texas Education Agency to
regulate massage and bodywork schools.
       (b)  A memorandum must:
             (1)  be adopted by rule; and
             (2)  limit the total amount of the fees charged by the
department and the Texas Education Agency for licensing a massage
and bodywork school to an amount equal to the amount of the fees the
department would charge for licensing the massage and bodywork
school in the absence of the memorandum.
       SECTION 14.  Section 455.104, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.104.  INSPECTIONS; INVESTIGATIONS.  (a)  The
department, [or] its authorized representative, or a peace officer
may enter the premises of an applicant for a license or a license
holder at:
             (1)  reasonable times to conduct an inspection
incidental to the issuance of a license; and
             (2)  other times that the department or peace officer
considers necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter and the
rules adopted under this chapter.
       (b)  A peace officer appointed or employed by a law
enforcement agency of a political subdivision of this state may
enter the premises of a massage and bodywork establishment to
ensure compliance with this chapter and rules adopted under this
       SECTION 15.  Subchapter C, Chapter 455, Occupations Code, is
amended by adding Section 455.1041 to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.1041.  WARRANT.  On finding probable cause to
justify an administrative search, a court may issue a warrant to
authorize the search of a massage and bodywork establishment,
including the inspection of records required to be kept under
Section 455.202.
       SECTION 16.  Section 455.105(a), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The department shall annually prepare a registry of:
             (1)  licensed massage and bodywork therapists;
             (2)  licensed massage and bodywork therapies
             (3)  licensed massage and bodywork schools;
             (4)  licensed massage and bodywork establishments; and
             (5)  continuing education programs recognized by the
       SECTION 17.  Section 455.151, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.151.  LICENSE REQUIRED.  (a)  Unless the person is
exempt from the licensing requirement, a person may not act as a
massage and bodywork therapist, massage and bodywork school,
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor, or massage and
bodywork establishment unless the person holds an appropriate
license issued under this chapter.
       (b)  Unless the person is exempt from the licensing
requirement, a person may not represent that the person is a massage
and bodywork therapist, massage and bodywork school, massage and
bodywork therapies instructor, or massage and bodywork
establishment unless the person holds an appropriate [a] license
under this chapter.
       (c)  A person may not for compensation perform or offer to
perform any service with a purported health benefit that involves
physical contact with a client unless the person:
             (1)  holds an appropriate license issued under this
chapter; or
             (2)  is licensed or authorized under other law to
perform the service.
       (d)  A business that uses the word "spa" in its name or in an
advertisement may not perform or offer to perform, or employ a
person who performs or offers to perform, massage and bodywork
therapies or other massage services unless the business holds a
license as a massage and bodywork establishment.
       SECTION 18.  Section 455.152, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.152.  INELIGIBILITY FOR LICENSE.  (a)  A person is
not eligible for a license as a massage and bodywork establishment,
massage and bodywork school, massage and bodywork therapist, or
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor if the person
is an individual and has been convicted of, entered a plea of nolo
contendere or guilty to, or received deferred adjudication for an
offense involving prostitution or another sexual offense.
       (b)  A person convicted of a violation of this chapter is
ineligible for a license as a massage and bodywork establishment,
massage and bodywork school, massage and bodywork therapist, or
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor until the fifth
anniversary of the date of the conviction.
       SECTION 19.  Section 455.154(a), Occupations Code, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The holder of a license may exercise all professional
rights, honors, and privileges relating to the practice of massage
and bodywork therapies [therapy].
       SECTION 20.  Section 455.155, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.155.  LICENSE EXEMPTION.  (a)  Section 455.151 does
not apply to an establishment or person that:
             (1)  holds a license, permit, certificate, or other
credential issued by this state under another law; and
             (2)  offers or performs massage and bodywork therapies
[therapy] under the scope of that credential.
       (b)  A licensed massage and bodywork therapist who practices
as a solo practitioner is not required to hold a license as a
massage and bodywork establishment.
       (c)  A place of business is not required to hold a license as
a massage and bodywork establishment if:
             (1)  the place of business is licensed as a massage and
bodywork school;
             (2)  the place of business is owned by the federal
government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state;
             (3)  at the place of business, a licensed massage and
bodywork therapist practices as a solo practitioner and:
                   (A)  does not use a business name or assumed name;
                   (B)  uses a business name or an assumed name and
provides the massage and bodywork therapist's full legal name or
license number in each advertisement and each time the business
name or assumed name appears in writing;
             (4)  at the place of business, an acupuncturist,
athletic trainer, chiropractor, cosmetologist, midwife, nurse,
occupational therapist, perfusionist, physical therapist,
physician, physician assistant, podiatrist, respiratory care
practitioner, or surgical assistant licensed or certified in this
state employs or contracts with a licensed massage and bodywork
therapist to provide massage and bodywork therapies as part of the
person's practice; or
             (5)  at the place of business, a person offers to
perform or performs massage and bodywork therapies:
                   (A)  for not more than 72 hours in any six-month
period; and
                   (B)  as part of a public or charity event, the
primary purpose of which is not to provide massage and bodywork
therapies. [The executive commissioner by rule shall provide for a
fair and reasonable procedure to grant exemptions from the
licensing requirements of this chapter. The rules must provide
that a person is exempt if the person shows that the advertising or
provision of massage therapy services is incidental to the person's
primary enterprise.]
       (d)  A sexually oriented business may not:
             (1)  hold a license under this chapter; or
             (2)  operate as a massage and bodywork establishment
under this chapter.
       SECTION 21.  Section 455.156, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
THERAPIST.  (a) The department shall issue a license to each
qualified applicant who applies for a massage and bodywork
therapist license.
       (b)  An applicant for a license under this section must be an
individual and:
             (1)  present evidence satisfactory to the department
that the person[:
                   [(A)]  has satisfactorily completed massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy] studies in a 500-hour [300-hour],
supervised course of instruction provided by a massage and bodywork
therapies [therapy] instructor, a licensed massage and bodywork 
school, a state-approved educational institution, or any
combination of instructors or schools, in which at least:
                   (A)  240 [(i) 125]  hours are taught by an
instructor approved by the department and dedicated to the study of
[Swedish] massage therapy techniques and bodywork assessment,
theory, and application [and taught by a massage therapy
                   (B)  125 [(ii)50] hours are dedicated to the
study of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and body systems;
                   (C)  40 [(iii)25] hours are dedicated to the
study of pathology [physiology];
                   (D)  [(iv)  15 hours are dedicated to the study of
                         [(v)]  15 hours are dedicated to the study of
business practices;
                   (E)  10 hours are dedicated to the study of the law
applicable to massage and bodywork therapies, health care, and
professional ethics standards;
                   (F) [(vi)]  20 hours are dedicated to the study of
health, [and] hygiene, first aid, and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR); and
                   (G) [(vii)]  50 hours are spent in an internship
program approved by the department; [or
                   [(B)  has practiced massage therapy as a
profession for not less than five years in another state or country
that the department determines does not maintain standards and
requirements of practice and licensing or registration that
substantially conform to the standards and requirements of this
             (2)  pass a [the practical and written portions of the]
state examination approved by the department;
             (3)  pass a Texas jurisprudence examination approved by
the department; and
             (4) [(3)]  be at least 18 years of age.
       (c)  If the department requires a practical examination, it
shall offer the practical examination in at least five separate
locations across the state.
       SECTION 22.  Section 455.1571, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
JURISDICTION.  (a) The department may waive any prerequisite to
obtaining a license for an applicant for licensing as a massage and
bodywork therapist or massage and bodywork therapies [therapy]
instructor after reviewing the applicant's credentials and
determining that the applicant holds a license or certificate of
registration issued by another jurisdiction that has licensing or
registration requirements substantially equivalent to those of
this state.
       (b)  The department may waive any prerequisite to obtaining a
license for an applicant for licensing as a massage and bodywork
therapist or massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor
who holds a license or certificate of registration issued by
another jurisdiction with which this state has a reciprocity
agreement. The department may make an agreement, subject to the
approval of the governor, with another state to allow for licensing
by reciprocity.
       SECTION 23.  Section 455.158, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
REQUIREMENTS.  A student who provides massage and bodywork
therapies [therapy] as part of an internship program or without
compensation is exempt from licensing under this chapter if the
student is enrolled in a state-approved course of instruction that
consists of at least 500 [300] hours.
       SECTION 24.  Section 455.159, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.159.  STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM.  (a) An
internship program must:
             (1)  meet the qualifications established by the
             (2)  provide a student with a minimum of 40 hours of
hands-on massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] experience; and
             (3)  be conducted on the school grounds or in a clinic
or classroom setting provided by the massage and bodywork school or
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor.
       (b)  A student must complete the first 450 [250] hours of
required training at a massage and bodywork school or with a massage
and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor before the student is
eligible to enter an internship program.
       (c)  A student who is participating in an internship program
must be under the supervision and direction of a massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor during the hours that the
student is working in the program.
       (d)  A student who is participating in an internship program
             (1)  make an appointment with a client;
             (2)  interview a client;
             (3)  provide massage and bodywork therapies [therapy],
including providing massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] for
compensation in an amount set by the massage and bodywork school or
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor and paid to the
school or instructor;
             (4)  collect and review a client evaluation with the
student's supervisor; and
             (5)  perform other tasks necessary to the business of
providing massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] to the public.
       SECTION 25.  Section 455.201, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.201.  REFERRAL FROM PHYSICIAN.  A person issued a
license may receive referrals from a physician to administer
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy].
       SECTION 26.  The heading to Section 455.202, Occupations
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 27.  Sections 455.202(a), (b), and (c), Occupations
Code, are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  A massage and bodywork establishment may employ only
licensed massage and bodywork therapists to perform massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy] or other massage services.
       (b)  A massage and bodywork establishment may not:
             (1)  employ an individual who is not a United States
citizen or a legal permanent resident with a valid work permit;
             (2)  employ a minor unless the minor's parent or legal
guardian authorizes in writing the minor's employment by the
             (3)  allow a nude or partially nude employee to provide
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] or other massage services
to a customer;
             (4)  allow any individual, including a client, student,
license holder, or employee, to engage in sexual contact in the
massage and bodywork establishment; or
             (5)  allow any individual, including a student, license
holder, or employee, to practice massage and bodywork therapies
[therapy] in the nude or in clothing designed to arouse or gratify
the sexual desire of any individual.
       (c)  A massage and bodywork establishment shall:
             (1)  properly maintain and secure for each client the
initial consultation documents, all session notes, and related
billing records; and
             (2)  make available to the department on request the
information kept as provided by Subdivision (1).
       SECTION 28.  The heading to Section 455.203, Occupations
Code, is amended to read as follows:
       SECTION 29.  Section 455.203, Occupations Code, is amended
by amending Subsections (a), (c), and (d) and adding Subsection (e)
to read as follows:
       (a)  A massage and bodywork school must meet the minimum
standards of operation established by executive commissioner rule.
       (c)  A massage and bodywork school or massage and bodywork
therapies [therapy] instructor licensed under this chapter shall
give each prospective student a notice that clearly states the
number of course hours that the student must successfully complete
before the student is eligible to hold a massage and bodywork
therapist license under this chapter.
       (d)  The notice under Subsection (c) must be given to the
prospective student at a time and in a manner that provides the
student with a sufficient opportunity to read the notice and, if
necessary for understanding and clarity, discuss the notice with
massage and bodywork school officials or with the massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor before:
             (1)  the student signs an enrollment contract; and
             (2)  the massage and bodywork school or the massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor accepts the student in a
course of study.
       (e)  Unless an applicant for a massage and bodywork therapist
license meets the requirements of Section 455.156(b)(1), a massage
and bodywork therapies instructor or massage and bodywork school,
or an owner or operator of a massage and bodywork school as those
terms are defined by Section 455.3505, may not certify to the
department that the applicant:
             (1)  has completed a course of instruction in massage
and bodywork therapies; or
             (2)  is eligible for a license.
       SECTION 30.  Sections 455.204(b) and (c), Occupations Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       (b)  Each massage and bodywork establishment must post in
plain sight the license for each massage and bodywork therapist who
practices in the massage and bodywork establishment.
       (c)  Each massage and bodywork school, massage and bodywork
establishment, massage and bodywork therapies [therapy]
instructor, or massage and bodywork therapist shall present the
person's license on the request of the department, an authorized
representative of the department, or a peace officer.
       SECTION 31.  Section 455.205, Occupations Code, is amended
by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) and adding
Subsection (f) to read as follows:
       (a)  A massage and bodywork therapist may not perform massage
and bodywork therapies [therapy] for compensation or without
compensation at or for a sexually oriented business.
       (b)  A massage and bodywork school or a massage and bodywork
therapies [therapy] instructor may not require the successful
completion of more course hours than the number of hours required
for licensing as a massage and bodywork therapist under this
       (c)  Unless exempt from the licensing requirements of this
chapter, a [A] person who is not licensed under this chapter may
             (1)  use the word "massage," "bodywork," or "body rub"
on any form of advertising;
             (2)  advertise any service that constitutes massage and
bodywork therapies or other massage services; or
             (3)  advertise or represent that the person is the
owner or operator of a massage and bodywork establishment or
massage and bodywork school [unless the person is expressly exempt
from the licensing requirements of this chapter].
       (e)  A person advertising massage and bodywork therapies
[therapy] or other massage services is presumed to be engaging in
conduct regulated by this chapter.
       (f)  The owner or operator of a facility that is not licensed
as a massage and bodywork establishment may not use or maintain on
the premises of the facility any mechanical, electrical, or other
equipment designed to provide massage and bodywork therapies or
other massage services, unless the person is exempt from the
licensing requirements of this chapter.
       SECTION 32.  Section 455.206, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
PROHIBITED.  A massage and bodywork establishment may not change
the location of the establishment without obtaining a new massage
and bodywork establishment license under this chapter.
       SECTION 33.  Sections 455.251(b) and (c), Occupations Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       (b)  The department shall revoke the license of a person
licensed as a massage and bodywork therapist or massage and
bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor if:
             (1)  the person is convicted of, enters a plea of nolo
contendere or guilty to, or receives deferred adjudication for an
offense involving prostitution or another sexual offense; or
             (2)  the department determines the person has practiced
or administered massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] at or for
a sexually oriented business.
       (c)  The department shall revoke the license of a person
licensed as a massage and bodywork school or massage and bodywork
establishment if the department determines that:
             (1)  the school or establishment is a sexually oriented
business; or
             (2)  an offense involving prostitution or another
sexual offense that resulted in a conviction for the offense, a plea
of nolo contendere or guilty to the offense, or a grant of deferred
adjudication for the offense occurred on the premises of the school
or establishment.
       SECTION 34.  Section 455.253, Occupations Code, is amended
to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.253.  PROBATION.  The department may place on
probation a person, including a massage and bodywork school,
massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] instructor, or massage and
bodywork establishment, whose license is suspended. If a license
suspension is probated, the department may require the person to:
             (1)  report regularly to the department on matters that
are the basis of the probation;
             (2)  limit practice to the areas prescribed by the
department; or
             (3)  continue or review professional education until
the person attains a degree of skill satisfactory to the department
in those areas that are the basis of the probation.
       SECTION 35.  Subchapter H, Chapter 455, Occupations Code, is
amended by adding Section 455.3505 to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.3505.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
             (1)  "Operator" means a person who is supervising a
massage and bodywork establishment or massage and bodywork school
at the time a violation occurs or the establishment or school is
inspected. If no person is supervising, then any employee,
contractor, or agent of the owner who is present at the
establishment or school is the operator.
             (2)  "Owner" includes a person:
                   (A)  in whose name a certificate of occupancy has
been issued for a massage and bodywork establishment or massage and
bodywork school and any person having control over that person; or
                   (B)  who operates a massage and bodywork
establishment or massage and bodywork school under a lease,
operating agreement, or other arrangement.
       SECTION 36.  Section 455.351, Occupations Code, is amended
by amending Subsections (a) and (e) and adding Subsections (g),
(h), and (i) to read as follows:
       (a)  The attorney general, a district or county attorney, a
municipal attorney, or the department may institute an action for
injunctive relief to restrain a violation by a person who:
             (1)  appears to be in violation of or threatening to
violate this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter; or
             (2)  is the owner or operator of [operating] an
establishment that offers massage and bodywork therapies [therapy]
or other massage services regulated by this chapter and is not
licensed under this chapter.
       (e)  The attorney general, district and county attorney,
municipal attorney, and the department may recover reasonable
expenses incurred in obtaining injunctive relief or a civil penalty
under this section, including court costs, reasonable attorney's
fees, investigative costs, witness fees, and deposition expenses.
       (g)  In an injunction issued under this section, a court may
include reasonable requirements to prevent further violations of
this chapter.
       (h)  If a person continues to violate this chapter or a rule
adopted under this chapter after a court has issued an injunction to
restrain the violation, a political subdivision may:
             (1)  discontinue utility service provided by the
political subdivision to the location where the violation is
             (2)  require a public utility operating with a
franchise to use the public right-of-way of the political
subdivision to discontinue utility service to the location where
the violation is occurring;
             (3)  revoke the certificate of occupancy for the
building in which the violation is occurring; or
             (4)  prohibit the use of streets, alleys, and other
means of access controlled by the political subdivision to gain
access to the location where the violation is occurring.
       (i)  Notwithstanding Section 22.004, Government Code:
             (1)  a person may not continue the enjoined activity
pending appeal or trial on the merits of an injunctive order entered
in a suit brought under this subchapter;
             (2)  not later than the 90th day after the date of the
injunctive order, the appropriate court of appeals shall hear and
decide an appeal taken by a party enjoined under this subchapter;
             (3)  if an appeal is not taken by a party temporarily
enjoined under this article, the parties are entitled to a full
trial on the merits not later than the 90th day after the date of the
temporary injunctive order.
       SECTION 37.  Section 455.352, Occupations Code, is amended
by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) and adding
Subsection (c-1) to read as follows:
       (a)  A person commits an offense if the person is required to
be licensed under this chapter and the person:
             (1)  knowingly violates Section 455.151, 455.159,
455.202(b), 455.203(a) or (c), 455.204(b) or (c), or 455.205(b),
(c), [or] (d), or (f); or
             (2)  collects a fee or any other form of compensation
for massage and bodywork therapies [therapy] without being licensed
under this chapter.
       (b)  An owner or operator of a massage and bodywork
establishment commits an offense if the person knowingly violates
Section 455.151(a), 455.155(d), 455.202(a), 455.204(b) or (c), or
455.205(d). An offense under this subsection is a Class B
misdemeanor, unless the actor has previously been convicted one or
two times of an offense under this subsection, in which event it is
a Class A misdemeanor. If the actor has previously been convicted
three or more times of an offense under this subsection, the offense
is a state jail felony.
       (c)  An owner or operator of a massage and bodywork school
commits an offense if the person knowingly violates Section
455.151(a), 455.159, 455.203(a) or (c), 455.204(b) or (c), or
455.205(b), (c), or (d).
       (c-1)  A massage and bodywork therapies instructor or
massage and bodywork school, or an owner or operator of a massage
and bodywork school, commits an offense if the person knowingly
violates Section 455.203(e). An offense under this subsection is a
Class B misdemeanor, unless the actor has previously been convicted
one or two times of an offense under this subsection, in which event
it is a Class A misdemeanor. If the actor has previously been
convicted three or more times of an offense under this subsection,
the offense is a state jail felony.
       (e)  Except as provided by Subsections (a-1), (b), and (c-1),
if [If] it is shown at the trial of an offense under this section
that the defendant has been previously convicted of an offense
under this section, the offense is a Class A misdemeanor.
       SECTION 38.  Chapter 455, Occupations Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter I to read as follows:
       Sec. 455.401.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "committee"
means the massage and bodywork therapies advisory committee.
       Sec. 455.402.  COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP. (a)  The massage and
bodywork therapies advisory committee consists of nine members,
appointed by the commissioner of state health services, who are
license holders under this chapter.
       (b)  Appointments to the committee shall reflect the
historical and cultural diversity of the inhabitants of this state.
       (c)  Appointments to the committee shall be made without
regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or
national origin of the appointee.
       Sec. 455.403.  DUTIES. (a) The committee:
             (1)  shall advise the department in administering this
             (2)  may review and comment on proposed rules and
amendments to rules adopted under this chapter; and
             (3)  may study or investigate issues relevant to the
advisory committee's duties under this chapter.
       (b)  The committee must take into consideration the
diversity of practice types within the profession in each action
taken by the committee.
       Sec. 455.404.  MEMBERSHIP RESTRICTIONS. (a)  In this
section, "Texas trade association" means a cooperative and
voluntarily joined statewide association of business or
professional competitors in this state designed to assist its
members and its industry or profession in dealing with mutual
business or professional problems and in promoting their common
       (b)  A person may not be a committee member if:
             (1)  the person is an officer, employee, or paid
consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of massage and
bodywork therapies; or
             (2)  the person's spouse is an officer, manager, or paid
consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of massage and
bodywork therapies.
       (c)  A person may not be a committee member if the person is
required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government
Code, because of the person's activities for compensation on behalf
of a profession related to the operation of the department.
       Sec. 455.405.  TERMS. Members of the committee serve
staggered six-year terms. The terms of three members expire on
February 1 of each odd-numbered year.
       Sec. 455.406.  GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL. (a)  It is a ground for
removal from the committee that a member:
             (1)  does not have at the time of the member's
appointment to the committee the qualifications required by Section
             (2)  does not maintain during service on the committee
the qualifications required by Section 455.402;
             (3)  is ineligible for membership under Section
             (4)  cannot, because of illness or disability,
discharge the member's duties for a substantial part of the member's
term; or
             (5)  is absent from more than half of the regularly
scheduled committee meetings that the member is eligible to attend
during a calendar year without an excuse approved by a majority vote
of the committee.
       (b)  The validity of an action of the committee is not
affected by the fact that it is taken when a ground for removal of a
member of the committee exists.
       (c)  If a member of the committee has knowledge that a
potential ground for removal of another member exists, the member
shall notify the presiding officer of the committee of the
potential ground. The presiding officer shall then notify the
commissioner of state health services that a potential ground for
removal exists. If the potential ground for removal involves the
presiding officer, the member shall notify the commissioner of
state health services that a potential ground for removal exists.
       Sec. 455.407.  REIMBURSEMENT. A member is entitled to
reimbursement for expenses as provided by the General
Appropriations Act.
       Sec. 455.408.  PRESIDING OFFICER. (a)  Not later than the
30th day after the date the commissioner of state health services
appoints new committee members, the commissioner of state health
services shall designate a presiding officer. The presiding
officer serves at the pleasure of the commissioner of state health
       (b)  The committee may appoint additional officers as
       Sec. 455.409.  MEETINGS. The committee shall meet subject
to the call of the commissioner of state health services.
       Sec. 455.410.  TRAINING. (a) A person who is appointed to
and qualifies for office as a member of the committee may not vote,
deliberate, or be counted as a member in attendance at a meeting of
the committee until the person completes a training program that
complies with this section.
       (b)  The training program must provide the person with
information regarding:
             (1)  this chapter and the programs, functions, rules,
and budget applicable to this chapter;
             (2)  the results of the most recent formal audit of the
             (3)  the requirements of laws relating to open
meetings, public information, administrative procedure, and
conflicts of interest; and
             (4)  any applicable ethics policies adopted by the
executive commissioner or the Texas Ethics Commission.
       (c)  A person appointed to the committee is entitled to
reimbursement, as provided by the General Appropriations Act, for
the travel expenses incurred in attending the training program
regardless of whether the attendance at the program occurs before
or after the person qualifies for office.
       SECTION 39.  Section 125.0015(a), Civil Practice and
Remedies Code, is amended to read as follows:
       (a)  A person who maintains a place to which persons
habitually go for the following purposes and who knowingly
tolerates the activity and furthermore fails to make reasonable
attempts to abate the activity maintains a common nuisance:
             (1)  discharge of a firearm in a public place as
prohibited by the Penal Code;
             (2)  reckless discharge of a firearm as prohibited by
the Penal Code;
             (3)  engaging in organized criminal activity as a
member of a combination as prohibited by the Penal Code;
             (4)  delivery, possession, manufacture, or use of a
controlled substance in violation of Chapter 481, Health and Safety
             (5)  gambling, gambling promotion, or communicating
gambling information as prohibited by the Penal Code;
             (6)  prostitution, promotion of prostitution, or
aggravated promotion of prostitution as prohibited by the Penal
             (7)  compelling prostitution as prohibited by the Penal
             (8)  commercial manufacture, commercial distribution,
or commercial exhibition of obscene material as prohibited by the
Penal Code;
             (9)  aggravated assault as described by Section 22.02,
Penal Code;
             (10)  sexual assault as described by Section 22.011,
Penal Code;
             (11)  aggravated sexual assault as described by Section
22.021, Penal Code;
             (12)  robbery as described by Section 29.02, Penal
             (13)  aggravated robbery as described by Section 29.03,
Penal Code;
             (14)  unlawfully carrying a weapon as described by
Section 46.02, Penal Code;
             (15)  murder as described by Section 19.02, Penal Code;
             (16)  capital murder as described by Section 19.03,
Penal Code; or
             (17)  massage and bodywork therapies or other massage
services in violation of Chapter 455, Occupations Code.
       SECTION 40.  Section 455.1572, Occupations Code, is
       SECTION 41.  The legislature finds that a massage and
bodywork establishment is a highly regulated business.
       SECTION 42.  Not later than December 1, 2007, the executive
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall
adopt any rules that are necessary to implement Chapter 455,
Occupations Code, as amended by this Act.
       SECTION 43.  A person engaged in bodywork, somatic therapy,
or hydrotherapy is entitled to a massage and bodywork therapist
license without meeting the requirements of Sections
455.156(b)(1), (2), and (3), Occupations Code, as amended by this
Act, if the person:
             (1)  files an application for a massage and bodywork
therapist license with the Department of State Health Services not
later than February 28, 2008;
             (2)  submits evidence that the person has obtained a
certification in bodywork, somatic therapy, or hydrotherapy issued
by a national organization that the Department of State Health
Services determines has education and examination requirements
similar to the requirements for a massage therapist license under
Chapter 455, Occupations Code, on January 1, 2007;
             (3)  submits evidence acceptable to the Department of
State Health Services that the person has engaged in bodywork,
somatic therapy, or hydrotherapy in this state as a profession for
the three years preceding the date the person files the
application; and
             (4)  meets the other requirements for a massage and
bodywork therapist license under Chapter 455, Occupations Code, as
amended by this Act.
       SECTION 44.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
this section, the changes in law made by this Act to Section
455.156, Occupations Code, apply only to a license applicant who
enrolls in a massage and bodywork therapist training program for
the first time on or after August 1, 2008. An applicant who
enrolled in a massage and bodywork therapist training program for
the first time before that date is governed by the law in effect
immediately before August 1, 2008, and the former law is continued
in effect for that purpose.
       (b)  The change in law made by this Act by the deletion of
former Section 455.156(b)(1)(B), Occupations Code, applies only to
an application for a license filed on or after August 1, 2008.  A
license application filed before August 1, 2008, is governed by the
law in effect at the time the application is filed, and the former
law is continued in effect for that purpose.
       (c)  The change in law made by this Act to Section 455.351,
Occupations Code, regarding a violation of Chapter 455, Occupations
Code, or a rule adopted under that chapter, applies only to a
violation that occurs on or after the effective date of this Act. A
violation that occurs before the effective date of this Act is
governed by the law in effect on the date the violation occurred,
and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 45.  (a) The change in law made by this Act to
Section 455.352, Occupations Code, applies only to an offense
committed on or after the effective date of this Act. For purposes
of this section, an offense is committed before the effective date
of this Act if any element of the offense occurs before the
effective date.
       (b)  An offense committed before the effective date of this
Act is governed by the law in effect when the offense was committed,
and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 46.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
of this Act, the commissioner of state health services shall
appoint the initial members of the advisory committee under Section
455.106, Occupations Code, as added by this Act.
       SECTION 47.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2007.
       (b)  The changes in law made by this Act to Section
455.156(b), Occupations Code, take effect August 1, 2008.