80R12133 JPL-D
  By: England H.B. No. 1899
relating to the sale of certain real property at an ad valorem tax
sale and to the right of redemption in connection with that real
       SECTION 1.  Section 33.57, Tax Code, is amended by amending
Subsections (b), (c), and (e) and by adding Subsections (o) and (p)
to read as follows:
       (b)  This section may be invoked and used by one or more
taxing units if there are delinquent taxes, penalties, interest,
and attorney's fees owing to a taxing unit on a parcel of real
property, and:
             (1)  the total amount of delinquent taxes, penalties,
interest, and attorney's fees owed exceeds the appraised value of
the parcel; or
             (2)  there are:
                   (A)  five or more years for which delinquent taxes
are owed on the parcel, if the parcel is located in a municipality
having a population of more than 100,000 that is situated in two or
more counties, at least two of which have a population of more than
one million, and in a subdivision having an average lot size of
one-tenth of an acre or more; or
                   (B)  10 or more years for which delinquent taxes
are owed on the parcel, if the parcel is not covered by Paragraph
       (c)  One or more taxing units may file a single petition for
foreclosure under this section that includes multiple parcels of
property and multiple owners. Alternatively, separate petitions
may be filed and docketed separately for each parcel of property.
Another taxing unit with a tax claim against the same parcel may
intervene in an action for the purpose of establishing and
foreclosing its tax lien without further notice to a defendant. The
petition must be filed in the county in which the tax was imposed
and is sufficient if it is in substantially the form prescribed by
Section 33.43 and further alleges one or more of the grounds for
invoking this section provided by Subsection (b) [that:
             [(1)  the amount owed in delinquent taxes, penalties,
interest, and attorney's fees exceeds the appraised value of the
parcel; or
             [(2)  there are 10 or more years for which delinquent
taxes are owed on the parcel].
       (e)  The court shall approve a motion under Subsection (d) if
the documents in support of the motion show that one or more of the
grounds for invoking this section provided by Subsection (b)
             [(1)  the amount of delinquent taxes, penalties,
interest, and attorney's fees that are owed exceeds the appraised
value of the parcel; or
             [(2)  there are 10 or more years for which delinquent
taxes are owed on the parcel].
       (o)  If a taxing unit's petition filed under this section
includes multiple parcels of property to which Subsection (b)(2)(A)
applies and if requested by the taxing unit, the court's order of
sale shall provide that the officer conducting the sale shall sell
the parcels in solido, regardless of whether the parcels adjoin one
another or have common ownership.
       (p)  If the officer conducting the sale of the property is
ordered to sell the property in solido under Subsection (o), the
officer shall use, in calculating the minimum bid amount under
Section 33.50(b) or (c), as appropriate:
             (1)  the aggregate of all amounts awarded against the
multiple parcels of property as the aggregate amount of the
judgments; or
             (2)  the aggregate of the adjudged market values of the
multiple parcels of property as the market value of the property
stated in the judgment.
       SECTION 2.  Section 34.21, Tax Code, is amended by adding
Subsection (l) to read as follows:
       (l)  If multiple parcels of property are sold in solido under
an order of sale issued under Section 33.57(o), the amounts
prescribed by this section that must be paid in redeeming property
shall, for the purpose of redeeming an individual parcel of
property, be in an amount equal to the taxes, penalties, interest,
and attorney's fees adjudged against that individual parcel.
       SECTION 3.  The change in law made by this Act to Section
33.57, Tax Code, applies only to an action brought under that
section on or after the effective date of this Act.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.