80R7713 SLO-F
  By: Escobar H.B. No. 1939
relating to the authority of certain peace officers to dispose of a
case based on a Class B misdemeanor without taking the alleged
offender before a magistrate.
       SECTION 1.  Article 14.06(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, is
amended to read as follows:
       (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) or Article 14.07,
in each case enumerated in this Code, the person making the arrest
or the person having custody of the person arrested shall take the
person arrested or have him taken without unnecessary delay, but
not later than 48 hours after the person is arrested, before the
magistrate who may have ordered the arrest, before some magistrate
of the county where the arrest was made without an order, or, to
provide more expeditiously to the person arrested the warnings
described by Article 15.17 of this Code, before a magistrate in any
other county of this state. The magistrate shall immediately
perform the duties described in Article 15.17 of this Code.
       SECTION 2.  Chapter 14, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
amended by adding Article 14.07 to read as follows:
MAGISTRATE. (a) A peace officer may dispose of a case based on a
Class B misdemeanor without taking the alleged offender before a
magistrate if:
             (1)  guidelines for the disposition have been adopted
by either:
                   (A)  the district judges trying criminal cases in
each judicial district of the county in which the alleged offender
is arrested and the statutory county court judges trying criminal
cases in the county or counties served by the judicial districts; or
                   (B)  the community justice council serving the
county in which the alleged offender is arrested;
             (2)  the disposition is authorized under the guidelines
adopted under Subdivision (1); and
             (3)  the peace officer makes a written report of the
officer's disposition to the law enforcement agency employing the
officer, identifying the alleged offender and specifying the
grounds for the disposition.
       (b)  This article does not apply to a Class B misdemeanor
committed under:
             (1)  Section 22.01, 25.04, 37.12, 38.02, 38.04, 42.01,
42.02, 49.04, 49.05, 49.06, or 49.065, Penal Code; or
             (2)  Section 545.421, Transportation Code.
       (c)  A disposition authorized under this article may allow a
peace officer to:
             (1)  refer an alleged offender to a governmental agency
other than a court;
             (2)  refer an alleged offender to one or more service
providers on a list approved by the judges or the community justice
council that adopted guidelines under Subsection (a)(1), such as a
community-based drug or mental health treatment program, a
faith-based organization, a neighborhood restorative justice
panel, or a homeless shelter; or
             (3)  issue a warning.
       (d)  A disposition authorized under this article may not:
             (1)  allow a law enforcement agency to keep an alleged
offender in custody; or
             (2)  require an alleged offender to report periodically
to a peace officer or a law enforcement agency or any other
governmental agency.
       (e)  Not later than December 31 of each calendar year, a law
enforcement agency that is authorized to dispose of a case in the
manner provided by this article must report to the judges or the
community justice council that adopted guidelines under Subsection
(a)(1) statistics indicating the number and kind of dispositions
made during that year by the law enforcement agency under this
       SECTION 3.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
to an offense committed on or after September 1, 2007. An offense
committed before September 1, 2007, is governed by the law in effect
when the offense was committed, and the former law is continued in
effect for that purpose. For purposes of this section, an offense
was committed before September 1, 2007, if any element of the
offense was committed before that date.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.