80R15244 EJI-F
  By: Menendez, Cook of Colorado, Chisum H.B. No. 2063
Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2063:
  By:  Menendez C.S.H.B. No. 2063
relating to the allocation of certain housing funds by the Texas
Department of Housing and Community Affairs and to the information
used to determine the allocation of those funds.
       SECTION 1.  Section 2306.111(c), Government Code, as amended
by Chapters 1367 and 1448, Acts of the 77th Legislature, Regular
Session, 2001, is reenacted and amended to read as follows:
       (c)  In administering federal housing funds provided to the
state under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act
(42 U.S.C. Section 12701 et seq.), the department shall expend:
             (1)  [at least] 95 percent of these funds for the
benefit of non-participating small cities and rural areas that do
not qualify to receive funds under the Cranston-Gonzalez National
Affordable Housing Act directly from the United States Department
of Housing and Urban Development; and
             (2)  five percent of these[. All] funds [not set aside
under this subsection shall be used] for the benefit of persons with
disabilities who live in any area of this state [areas other than
non-participating areas].
       SECTION 2.  Section 2306.111, Government Code, is amended by
amending Subsections (d), (d-1), (e), (f), and (g) and adding
Subsections (d-2) and (d-3) to read as follows:
       (d)  The department shall allocate housing funds provided to
the state under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing
Act (42 U.S.C. Section 12701 et seq.), housing trust funds
administered by the department under Sections 2306.201-2306.206,
and commitments issued under the federal low income housing tax
credit program administered by the department under Subchapter DD
to all urban [urban/exurban] areas and rural areas of each uniform
state service region based on a formula developed by the department
under Section 2306.1115 [that is based on the need for housing
assistance and the availability of housing resources in those
urban/exurban areas and rural areas, provided that the allocations
are consistent with applicable federal and state requirements and
limitations. The department shall use the information contained in
its annual state low income housing plan and shall use other
appropriate data to develop the formula]. If the department
determines under the formula that an insufficient number of
eligible applications for assistance out of funds or credits
allocable under this subsection are submitted to the department
from a particular uniform state service region, the department
shall use the unused funds or credits allocated to that region for
all urban [urban/exurban] areas and rural areas in other uniform
state service regions based on identified need and financial
       (d-1)  In allocating low income housing tax credit
commitments under Subchapter DD, the department shall, before
applying the regional allocation formula prescribed by Section
2306.1115, set aside for at-risk developments, as defined by
Section 2306.6702, not less than the minimum amount of housing tax
credits required under Section 2306.6714. Other funds [Funds] or
credits are not required to be allocated according to the regional
allocation formula under Subsection (d) if:
             (1)  the funds or credits are reserved for
contract-for-deed conversions or for set-asides mandated by state
or federal law[;] and
             [(2)] each contract-for-deed allocation or set-aside
allocation equals not more than 10 percent of the total allocation
of funds or credits for the applicable program;
             (2)  the funds or credits are allocated by the
department primarily to serve persons with disabilities; or
             (3)  the funds are housing trust funds administered by
the department under Sections 2306.201-2306.206 that are not
otherwise required to be set aside under state or federal law and do
not exceed $3 million during each application cycle.
       (d-2)  In allocating low income housing tax credit
commitments under Subchapter DD, the department shall allocate five
percent of the housing tax credits in each application cycle to
developments that receive federal financial assistance through the
Texas Rural Development Office of the United States Department of
Agriculture. Any funds allocated to developments under this
subsection that involve rehabilitation must come from the funds set
aside for at-risk developments under Section 2306.6714 and any
additional funds set aside for those developments under Subsection
(d-1).  This subsection does not apply to a development financed
wholly or partly under Section 538 of the Housing Act of 1949 (42
U.S.C. Section 1490p-2).
       (d-3)  In allocating low income tax credit commitments under
Subchapter DD, the department shall allocate to developments in
rural areas 20 percent or more of the housing tax credits in the
application cycle, with $500,000 or more in housing tax credits
being reserved for each uniform state service region under this
subsection.  Any amount of housing tax credits set aside for
developments in rural areas under this subsection that remains
after the initial allocation of housing tax credits is available
for allocation to developments in urban areas of each uniform state
service region, except that if the credits were set aside under this
subsection for developments in rural areas in a specific uniform
state service region and if qualified applications are submitted
with respect to developments in urban areas in that region, the
department shall allocate the funds to those developments.
       (e)  The department shall include in its annual low income
housing plan under Section 2306.0721:
             (1)  the formula developed by the department under
Section 2306.1115 [Subsection (d)]; and
             (2)  the allocation targets established under the
formula for the urban [urban/exurban] areas and rural areas of each
uniform state service region.
       (f)  The department shall include in its annual low income
housing report under Section 2306.072 the amounts of funds and
credits allocated to the urban [urban/exurban] areas and rural
areas of each uniform state service region in the preceding year for
each federal and state program affected by the requirements of
Subsection (d).
       (g)  For all urban [urban/exurban] areas and rural areas of
each uniform state service region, the department shall establish
funding priorities to ensure that:
             (1)  funds are awarded to project applicants who are
best able to meet recognized needs for affordable housing, as
determined by department rule;
             (2)  when practicable and when authorized under Section
42, Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 42), the least
restrictive funding sources are used to serve the lowest income
residents; and
             (3)  funds are awarded based on a project applicant's
ability, when consistent with Section 42, Internal Revenue Code of
1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 42), practicable, and economically
feasible, to:
                   (A)  provide the greatest number of quality
residential units;
                   (B)  serve persons with the lowest percent area
median family income;
                   (C)  extend the duration of the project to serve a
continuing public need;
                   (D)  use other local funding sources to minimize
the amount of state subsidy needed to complete the project; and
                   (E)  provide integrated, affordable housing for
individuals and families with different levels of income.
       SECTION 3.  Subchapter F, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 2306.1115 to read as follows:
       Sec. 2306.1115.  REGIONAL ALLOCATION FORMULA. (a) To
allocate housing funds under Section 2306.111(d), the department
shall develop a formula that:
             (1)  includes as a factor the need for housing
assistance and the availability of housing resources in an urban
area or rural area;
             (2)  provides for allocations that are consistent with
applicable federal and state requirements and limitations; and
             (3)  includes other factors determined by the
department to be relevant to the equitable distribution of housing
funds under Section 2306.111(d).
       (b)  The department shall use information contained in its
annual state low income housing plan and other appropriate data to
develop the formula under this section.
       SECTION 4.  Section 2306.127, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 2306.127.  PRIORITY FOR CERTAIN COMMUNITIES.  In a
manner consistent with the regional allocation formula described
under Section 2306.1115 [2306.111(d)], the department shall give
priority through its housing program scoring criteria to
communities that, at the time complete applications are submitted
under a housing program in relation to those communities, are
located wholly or partly in:
             (1)  a federally designated urban enterprise
             (2)  an urban enhanced enterprise community; or
             (3)  an economically distressed area or colonia.
       SECTION 5.  It is the intent of the legislature that the
passage by the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, of another
bill that amends Chapter 2306, Government Code, and the amendments
made by this Act shall be harmonized, if possible, as provided by
Section 311.025(b), Government Code, so that effect may be given to
each. If the amendments made by this Act to Chapter 2306,
Government Code, and the amendments made to Chapter 2306,
Government Code, by any other bill are irreconcilable, it is the
intent of the legislature that this Act prevail, regardless of the
relative dates of enactment of this Act and the other bill or bills,
but only to the extent that any differences are irreconcilable.
       SECTION 6.  The changes in law made by this Act relating to
the evaluation of applications for financial assistance
administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community
Affairs apply only to an application submitted on or after the
effective date of this Act.  An application submitted before the
effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect when the
application was submitted, and the former law is continued in
effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.