80R7541 EJI-D
  By: Menendez H.B. No. 2063
relating to the regional allocation formula used by the Texas
Department of Housing and Community Affairs to allocate certain
housing funds.
       SECTION 1.  Sections 2306.111(d) and (e), Government Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       (d)  The department shall allocate housing funds provided to
the state under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing
Act (42 U.S.C. Section 12701 et seq.), housing trust funds
administered by the department under Sections 2306.201-2306.206,
and commitments issued under the federal low income housing tax
credit program administered by the department under Subchapter DD
to all urban/exurban areas and rural areas of each uniform state
service region based on a formula developed by the department under
Section 2306.1115 [that is based on the need for housing assistance
and the availability of housing resources in those urban/exurban
areas and rural areas, provided that the allocations are consistent
with applicable federal and state requirements and limitations.
The department shall use the information contained in its annual
state low income housing plan and shall use other appropriate data
to develop the formula]. If the department determines under the
formula that an insufficient number of eligible applications for
assistance out of funds or credits allocable under this subsection
are submitted to the department from a particular uniform state
service region, the department shall use the unused funds or
credits allocated to that region for all urban/exurban areas and
rural areas in other uniform state service regions based on
identified need and financial feasibility.
       (e)  The department shall include in its annual low income
housing plan under Section 2306.0721:
             (1)  the formula developed by the department under
Section 2306.1115 [Subsection (d)]; and
             (2)  the allocation targets established under the
formula for the urban/exurban areas and rural areas of each uniform
state service region.
       SECTION 2.  Subchapter F, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 2306.1115 to read as follows:
       Sec. 2306.1115.  REGIONAL ALLOCATION FORMULA. (a) To
allocate housing funds under Section 2306.111(d), the department
shall develop a formula that:
             (1)  includes as a factor the need for housing
assistance and the availability of housing resources in an
urban/exurban area or rural area; and
             (2)  provides for allocations that are consistent with
applicable federal and state requirements and limitations.
       (b)  The department shall use information contained in its
annual state low income housing plan and other appropriate data to
develop the formula under this section.
       SECTION 3.  Section 2306.127, Government Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 2306.127.  PRIORITY FOR CERTAIN COMMUNITIES.  In a
manner consistent with the regional allocation formula described
under Section 2306.1115 [2306.111(d)], the department shall give
priority through its housing program scoring criteria to
communities that are located wholly or partly in:
             (1)  a federally designated urban enterprise
             (2)  an urban enhanced enterprise community; or
             (3)  an economically distressed area or colonia.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.