80R7907 CAE-D
  By: Geren H.B. No. 2183
relating to public school safety and the safety plan of a campus.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 37, Education Code, is
amended by adding Section 37.0071 to read as follows:
       Sec. 37.0071.  SAFETY OVERSIGHT BY COMMISSIONER. (a) Not
later than the third school day after the day a school district
expels a student under Section 37.007(a)(2), the district shall
report the expulsion to the commissioner.
       (b)  On the first expulsion of any student from a campus
under Section 37.007(a)(2) during a school year, the commissioner
may require the campus to consult with the Texas School Safety
Center established under Subchapter G to determine appropriate
school safety and security procedures.
       (c)  On the second expulsion of any student from the same
campus under Section 37.007(a)(2) during a school year, the
commissioner shall:
             (1)  review any safety plan adopted by the campus;
             (2)  require the campus to consult with the Texas
School Safety Center to determine appropriate safety and security
procedures; and
             (3)  require the campus to consult with a local or state
law enforcement agency on appropriate safety and security measures
to be implemented by the campus.
       (d)  On the third expulsion of any student from the same
campus under Section 37.007(a)(2) during a school year, the
commissioner shall:
             (1)  establish a safety plan at the campus and monitor
the implementation of the plan; and
             (2)  review the safety plan each quarter.
       (e)  The commissioner may require a campus subject to the
commissioner's safety plan under Subsection (d) to submit to the
commissioner student statistics regarding safety and violence at
the campus. The commissioner is responsible for the safety plan of
the campus until the commissioner determines that the school
district may resume control of the safety plan.
       (f)  The cost for implementing a safety plan established by
the commissioner at a campus under Subsection (d) is the
responsibility of the school district in which the campus is
       SECTION 2.  This Act applies beginning with the 2007-2008
school year.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.