80R6633 KSD-F
  By: Woolley H.B. No. 2185
relating to liability for the refund of certain unemployment
compensation benefits to the Texas Workforce Commission.
       SECTION 1.  Section 212.006, Labor Code, is amended by
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read
as follows:
       (a)  Benefits paid to a claimant that are not in accordance
with the final decision shall be:
             (1)  refunded by the claimant to the commission; [or]
             (2)  in the discretion of the commission, deducted from
future benefits payable to the claimant under this subtitle; or
             (3)  refunded to the commission by a person the
commission has determined at fault for failing, without good cause,
to respond adequately to a request from the commission for
information relating to the claim.
       (c)  If the commission determines that a person other than
the claimant is liable under Subsection (a)(3) for the refund of
benefits paid to the claimant that are not in accordance with the
final decision, the claimant is not liable for refund of those
       (d)  For purposes of Subsection (a)(3), a person's failure to
respond adequately to a request for information from the commission
may include the person's failure to provide accurate information,
more detailed information, or clarifying information on material
facts relating to the claim.
       SECTION 2.  Section 214.002(a), Labor Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       (a)  A person who has received improper benefits is liable
for the amount of the improper benefits unless the commission has
determined that another person is liable to the commission for the
refund of those benefits under Section 212.006(a)(3). The
commission may recover improper benefits by:
             (1)  deducting the amount of the improper benefits from
any future benefits payable to the person; or
             (2)  collecting the amount of the improper benefits for
the compensation fund in the same manner provided by Sections
213.031, 213.032, 213.033, 213.035, and 213.051 for the collection
of past due contributions.
       SECTION 3.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
to a claim for unemployment compensation benefits that is filed
with the Texas Workforce Commission on or after the effective date
of this Act. A claim filed before that date is governed by the law
in effect on the date that the claim was filed, and the former law is
continued in effect for that purpose.
       SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.