By: Coleman H.B. No. 2226
relating to the creation of a Tex Sun solar energy system rebate
       SECTION 1.  Section 39.903(a), (b), and (e), Utilities Code,
are amended to read as follows:
       (a)  The system benefit fund is created as a trust fund with
the comptroller in the state treasury and shall be administered by
the Commission as trustee on behalf of the recipients of money from
the fund [an account in the general revenue fund]. Money in the
account may be appropriated only for the purposes provided by this
section or other law. Interest earned on the system benefit fund
shall be credited to the fund. [Section 403.095, Government Code,
does not apply to the system benefit fund.]
       (b)  The system benefit fund is financed by a nonbypassable
fee set by the commission at [in] an amount not to exceed 65 cents
per megawatt hour for energy efficiency programs and 65 cents per
megawatt hour for solar energy programs.  The system benefit fund
fee for energy efficiency programs is allocated to customers based
on the amount of kilowatt hours used. The funds will be allocated to
the following programs:
             (1)  funds collected through the 65 cent per megawatt
charge will be allocated to Energy Efficiency Programs as per
Sec.39.903(e), and
             (2)  funds collected through the 65 cent per megawatt
charge will be allocated to the TexSUN solar rebate program
administered by the Texas Public Utilities Commission as per
       (e)  Money for Energy Efficiency Programs from [in] the
system benefit fund may be appropriated to provide funding solely
for the following regulatory purposes, in the following order of
             (1)  programs to:
                   (A)  assist low-income electric customers by
providing the 10 percent reduced rate prescribed by Subsection (h);
                   (B)  provide one-time bill payment assistance to
electric customers who are or who have in their households one or
more seriously ill or disabled low-income persons and who have been
threatened with disconnection for nonpayment
             (2)  customer education programs, administrative
expenses incurred by the commission in implementing and
administering this chapter, and expenses incurred by the office
under this chapter;
             (3)  programs to assist low-income electric customers
by providing the targeted energy efficiency programs described by
Subsection (f) (2);
             (4)  programs to assist low-income electric customers
by providing the 20 percent reduced rate prescribed by Subsection
(h); and
             (5)  reimbursement to the commission and the Health and
Human Services commission for expenses incurred in the
implementation and administration of an integrated eligibility
process created under Section 17.007 for customer service discounts
relating to retail electric service, including outreach expenses
the commission determines are reasonable and necessary.
       SECTION 2.  Subchapter Z, Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is
amended by adding Sections 39.9031 and 39.9032 to read as follows:
(a)  In this section:
             (1)  "Solar Energy System" means a solar electric
device used for the function of generating electricity that is
installed with a five-year warranty against breakdown or undue
             (2)  "Renewable Energy System" means a renewable energy
device utilizing solar or wind energy for the function of
generating electricity that is installed with a five-year warranty
against breakdown or undue degradation.
       (b)  The commission shall administer the TexSUN Solar Energy
System Rebate Program for all ratepayers of the regulated
Transmission and Distribution Utilities.
       (c)  The commission shall be a trustee of the funds collected
through the systems benefit fund for the TexSUN Solar Energy System
Rebate Program on behalf of the customers who receive solar
       (d)  The commission shall begin the process of establishing
rules for the collection and distribution of the TexSUN Solar
Energy System Rebate Program funds through the transmission and
distribution utilities of the state, commencing September 1, 2007.
The TexSUN Solar Energy System Rebate Program shall commence no
later than January 1, 2008
       (e)  The commission by rule shall adopt procedures for
requiring a transmission and distribution utility to provide a
standard rebate offer to a customer that interconnects an eligible
solar energy system to the utility's transmission and distribution
system. The standard rebate shall be calculated based on the direct
current rating of the PV module multiplied by the efficiency of the
direct current to alternating current inverter.  The standard
rebate offer shall decline at an average rate of 10% per year over
the term of the program.  The initial rebate offer shall be:
             (1)  $4.50 per watt for a residential customer;
             (2)  $4.00 per watt for a nonresidential customer that
installs a solar energy system with a generating capacity of less
than or equal to 200 kilowatts; and
             (3)  $3.50 per watt for a nonresidential customer that
installs a solar energy system with a generating capacity greater
than 200 kilowatts and up to a maximum of one-thousand kilowatts.
       (f)  The commission shall:
             (1)  institute mechanisms to ensure that solar
incentives are set at the optimal level to ensure the program funds
are used efficiently, while ensuring that the solar market develops
at a rate commensurate with the level of annual funding;
             (2)  establish a goal that the program funds are fully
allocated each year;
             (3)  hold a stakeholder workshop three times per year,
inviting all interested parties, to determine if the incentive is
set at the appropriate level to maintain an efficient and steady
flow of incentives to retail customers;
             (4)  have the right to increase or decrease the
incentive levels based on market conditions, especially noting
changes to or expiration of the Federal Solar Investment Tax
Credit. The customer rebate level for residential and
nonresidential customers shall be achieved through a combination of
state and federal incentive amounts, with the state incentive
contribution adjusted to accommodate changes in available federal
incentive levels; and
             (5)  shall require the transmission and distribution
utility to submit an annual report that provides information
relating to the actions taken to comply with section 39.9031. The
report shall be done within the time prescribed and in a format
approved by the commission and include information including, but
not limited to the following:
                   (A)  total solar rebate funding available;
                   (B)  number of solar rebates allocated;
                   (C)  funding for solar rebates allocated; and
                   (D)  cumulative installed solar capacity.
       (g)  A transmission and distribution utility shall determine
the amounts allocated to provide rebates to residential and
nonresidential customers based on the percentage of funds collected
for this section under Section 39.903 from each class of customer.
Amounts allocated for rebates to one class of customers may not be
reallocated for rebates for another class customers.
       (h)  No single retail customer shall pay more than $2,000 per
month into the TexSUN Solar Energy System Rebate Program fund. If
the customer is served by multiple transmission and distribution
utilities, then the payments to each transmission and distribution
utility shall be proportional to the proportion of the customer's
purchases from each transmission and distribution utility.
       (i)  Each transmission and distribution utility can allocate
no more than 5% of the annual funding for the TexSUN Solar Energy
System Rebate Program for administrative purposes of the solar
rebate program.  Any funding not used for administration shall be
used for providing incentives.
       (j)  All renewable energy credits from solar energy systems
will be the sole property of the customer, unless the customer
engages in a transaction to sell or trade those renewable energy
credits with another party.
       (k)  If a customer with a renewable energy system generates
renewable energy in excess of the customer's monthly consumption,
the retail value of excess kilowatt-hours shall be credited against
the customer's bill in subsequent months. To the extent that solar
electricity generation exceeds the customer's consumption during a
12 month period, commencing with the start of operation of the
renewable energy system, the customer shall grant excess production
to their retail electric provider.
       (l)  A customer's facility that generates renewable energy
from a renewable energy system shall be equipped with meterinq
equipment that can measure the flow of electricity in both
directions. If the customer's existing electric revenue meter does
not meet the requirements of these rules the transmission and
distribution utility shall install and maintain a new revenue meter
for the customer, at the utility's expense. Any subsequent meter
changes requested by the customer shall be paid for by the customer.
       (m)  A customer with an eligible renewable energy system
shall be offered electricity tariffs that are identical, with
respect to rate structure, retail rate components and monthly
charges to the tariff that would be available to the customer if the
customer did not use an eligible renewable energy system.
       (n)  All applications for renewable energy system connection
shall be processed within 30 days of the transmission and
distribution utility company's receipt of the application from the
customer. If the utility does not notify the customer whether the
application is approved or rejected on or before the 30th day after
receiving the application, the interconnection application is
considered approved.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.