80R8417 DLF-F
  By: Gattis, Eiland, Otto H.B. No. 2376
relating to the investment authority of the Teacher Retirement
System of Texas.
       SECTION 1.  Section 825.301, Government Code, is amended by
amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections (a-1),
(a-2), (a-3), and (b-1) to read as follows:
       (a)  The board of trustees shall invest and reinvest assets
of the retirement system without distinction as to their source in
accordance with Section 67, Article XVI, Texas Constitution. The
board of trustees may invest and reinvest retirement system assets
in any investment instrument commonly known as a security,
including those instruments described [For purposes of the
investment authority of the board of trustees under Section 67,
Article XVI, Texas Constitution, "securities" means any investment
instrument within the meaning of the term as defined] by Section 4,
The Securities Act (Article 581-4, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
15 U.S.C. Section 77b(a)(1), or 15 U.S.C. Section 78c(a)(10). An
investment is authorized for investment under this section even if
the retirement system is the only investor or has rights or
privileges pertaining to the investment that are not granted to
other investors [An interest in a limited partnership or
investment contract is considered a security without regard to the
number of investors or the control, access to information, or
rights granted to or retained by the retirement system].  The board
of trustees may buy and sell:
             (1)  futures contracts;
             (2)  options;
             (3)  options on futures contracts;
             (4)  forward contracts;
             (5)  swap contracts, including swap contracts with
embedded options;
             (6)  any [Any] instrument or contract intended to
manage transaction or currency exchange risk in purchasing,
selling, or holding investments; and
             (7)  any other instrument commonly used by
institutional investors to manage institutional investment
portfolios [securities is considered to be a security].
       (a-1)  Investment decisions under this section are subject
to the standard provided in the Texas Trust Code by Section
117.004(b), Property Code.
       (a-2)  The board of trustees may delegate investment
authority and contract with private professional investment
managers for investment and management of assets held in trust by
the retirement system. In a contract made under this subsection,
the board of trustees shall specify any applicable policies,
requirements, or restrictions, including criteria for determining
the quality of investments or the use of standard rating services,
that the board of trustees adopts for investments of the system. 
       (a-3)  The board of trustees may delegate investment
authority with respect to assets held by the retirement system to
the executive director or the staff of the retirement system.
       (b)  In addition to the board's authority under Subsection
(a-2), the [The] board of trustees may contract with private
professional investment managers, advisors, and consultants to
assist and advise the board and the staff of the retirement system
in investing the assets of the retirement system.
       (b-1)  By accepting a delegation of investment authority
under Subsection (a-2) or an engagement to assist or advise the
board or the staff of the retirement system under Subsection (b), a
professional investment manager, advisor, or consultant submits to
the jurisdiction of the courts of this state in all proceedings
arising from or related to performance of the delegated authority
or engagement.  An action relating to services rendered under this
section shall be brought only in a state district court sitting in
Travis County, Texas. Chapter 2260 does not apply to a contract
under Subsection (a-2) or (b). This subsection does not waive any
immunity of the retirement system.
       SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 825, Government Code, is
amended by adding Section 825.3011 to read as follows:
INVESTMENTS. (a) In this section, "private investment fund,"
"reinvestment," and "restricted securities" have the meanings
assigned by Section 552.143.
       (b)  Chapter 551 does not require the board of trustees to
confer with one or more employees, consultants, or legal counsel of
the retirement system or with a third party, including
representatives of an issuer of restricted securities or a private
investment fund, in an open meeting if the only purpose of the
conference is to receive information from or question the
employees, consultants, or legal counsel of the retirement system
or the third party relating to:
             (1)  an investment or a potential investment by the
board of trustees in a private investment fund; or
             (2)  the purchase, holding, or disposal of restricted
securities or a private investment fund's investment in restricted
securities if, under Section 552.143, the information discussed
would be confidential and excepted from the requirements of Section
552.021 if the information was included in the records of a
governmental body.
       (c)  This section applies notwithstanding Section 825.115.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.