80R8241 PAM-D
  By: Eissler, Bohac H.B. No. 2495
relating to the Texas Education Agency's online clearinghouse of
information concerning best practices for public schools and
open-enrollment charter schools.
       SECTION 1.  Section 7.009, Education Code, is amended to
read as follows:
       Sec. 7.009.  BEST PRACTICES; CLEARINGHOUSE.  (a)  In
coordination with the Legislative Budget Board, the agency shall
establish an online clearinghouse of information relating to best
practices of campuses, [and] school districts, and open-enrollment
charter schools regarding instruction, public school finance,
resource allocation, and business practices. To the extent
practicable, the agency shall ensure that information provided
through the online clearinghouse is specific, actionable
information relating to the best practices of high-performing and
highly efficient campuses, [and] school districts, and
open-enrollment charter schools rather than general guidelines
relating to campus, [and] school district, and open-enrollment
charter school operation. The information must be accessible by
campuses, school districts, open-enrollment charter schools, and
interested members of the public.
       (b)  The agency shall solicit and collect from the
Legislative Budget Board, centers for education research
established under Section 1.005, [and] exemplary or recognized
school districts, campuses, and open-enrollment charter schools,
as rated under Section 39.072, and campuses, school districts, and
open-enrollment charter schools identified under Subsection (c-1)
examples of best practices relating to instruction, public school
finance, resource allocation, and business practices, including
best practices relating to curriculum, scope and sequence,
compensation and incentive systems, bilingual education and
special language programs, compensatory education programs, and
the effective use of instructional technology, including online
       (c)  The agency shall contract for the services of one or
more third-party contractors to develop, implement, and maintain a
system of collecting and evaluating the best practices of campuses,
[and] school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools as
provided by this section. In addition to any other considerations
required by law, the agency must consider an applicant's
demonstrated competence and qualifications in analyzing campus,
[and] school district, and open-enrollment charter school
practices in awarding a contract under this subsection.
       (c-1)  The system developed under Subsection (c) must be
capable of evaluating campuses, school districts, and
open-enrollment charter schools using statistical analyses of
performance data of campuses, school districts, and
open-enrollment charter schools of similar demographics and
identify those campuses, school districts, and open-enrollment
charter schools that are high-performing and highly efficient. The
information described by this subsection must be accessible by
campuses, school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools
and presented in a manner that is clear and easy to understand.
       (d)  The commissioner may purchase from available funds
curriculum and other instructional or analytical tools identified
under this section to provide for use by school districts and
open-enrollment charter schools.
       (e)  Regional education service centers shall assist school
districts and open-enrollment charter schools in:
             (1)  using any instructional or analytical tools
provided by the commissioner under Subsection (d); and
             (2)  implementing best practices included in the online
clearinghouse under this section.
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.