80R16186 PAM-D
  By: Patrick, Smith of Tarrant, et al. H.B. No. 2532
Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2532:
  By:  Olivo C.S.H.B. No. 2532
relating to the expulsion and placement in alternative settings of
public school students who engage in conduct constituting certain
       SECTION 1.  Section 37.0081, Education Code, is amended to
read as follows:
Subject to Subsection (g), but notwithstanding [Notwithstanding]
any other provision of this subchapter, the board of trustees of a
school district, or the board's designee, after an opportunity for
a hearing may expel a student and elect to place the [a] student in
an alternative setting as provided by Subsection (a-1) [in a
disciplinary alternative education program under Section 37.008]
             (1)  the student:
                   (A)  has received deferred prosecution under
Section 53.03, Family Code, for conduct defined as a felony offense
in Title 5, Penal Code;  [or]
                   (B)  has been found by a court or jury to have
engaged in delinquent conduct under Section 54.03, Family Code, for
conduct defined as a felony offense in Title 5, Penal Code;
                   (C)  is charged with engaging in conduct defined
as a felony offense in Title 5, Penal Code; or
                   (D)  has been referred to a juvenile court for
allegedly engaging in delinquent conduct under Section 54.03,
Family Code, for conduct defined as a felony offense in Title 5,
Penal Code; and
             (2)  the board or the board's designee determines that
the student's presence in the regular classroom:
                   (A)  threatens the safety of other students or
                   (B)  will be detrimental to the educational
process; or
                   (C)  is not in the best interests of the
district's students.
       (a-1)  The student must be placed in:
             (1)  a juvenile justice alternative education program,
if the school district is located in a county that operates a
juvenile justice alternative education program or the school
district contracts with the juvenile board of another county for
the provision of a juvenile justice alternative education program;
             (2)  a disciplinary alternative education program.
       (b)  Any decision of the board of trustees or the board's
designee under this section is final and may not be appealed.
       (c)  The board of trustees or the board's designee may expel
the student and order placement in accordance with this section
regardless of:
             (1)  the date on which the student's conduct occurred;
             (2)  the location at which the conduct occurred;
             (3)  whether the conduct occurred while the student was
enrolled in the district; or
             (4)  whether the student has successfully completed any
court disposition requirements imposed in connection with the
       (d)  Notwithstanding Section 37.009(c) or (d) or any other
provision of this subchapter, a student expelled and ordered placed
in an alternative setting by the board of trustees or the board's
designee is subject to that placement until:
             (1)  the student graduates from high school;
             (2)  the charges described by Subsection (a)(1) are
dismissed or reduced to a misdemeanor offense; or
             (3)  the student completes the term of the placement or
is assigned to another program [may order placement in accordance
with this section for any period considered necessary by the board
or the board's designee in connection with the determination made
under Subsection (a)(2)].
       (e)  A student placed in an alternative setting [a
disciplinary alternative education program] in accordance with
this section is entitled to the periodic review prescribed by
Section 37.009(e).
       (f)  Subsection (d) continues to apply to the student if the
student transfers to another school district in the state.
       (g)  To the extent of a conflict between this section and
Section 37.007, Section 37.007 prevails.
       SECTION 2.  (a) This Act applies beginning with the
2007-2008 school year.
       (b)  Section 37.0081, Education Code, as amended by this Act,
applies to any student who attends school on or after the effective
date of this Act and who engaged in conduct described by that
section, regardless of the date on which the conduct occurred.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.