80R5331 UM-F
  By: Martinez H.B. No. 2707
relating to the development and implementation of a plan to
increase Medicaid reimbursement rates for dental services.
       SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 32, Human Resources Code,
is amended by adding Section 32.0541 to read as follows:
SERVICES.  (a)  In this section:
             (1)  "Dental provider" means a dentist who provides
services eligible for reimbursement under the medical assistance
program and who is in good standing in the dental profession.
             (2)  "Executive commissioner" means the executive
commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission.
             (3)  "Task force" means the task force on medical
assistance reimbursement rates for dental services appointed by the
executive commissioner under this section.
       (b)  The executive commissioner shall appoint 15
representatives to a task force to develop a plan to increase
medical assistance reimbursement rates for dental services in order
             (1)  improve basic dental health care for eligible
             (2)  improve the quality of dental health care provided
under the medical assistance program;
             (3)  encourage more dentists to practice in rural areas
with a high need for dental health care; and
             (4)  encourage dentists who recently graduated to
remain in this state and provide dental services under the medical
assistance program by making reimbursement rates in this state
competitive with the reimbursement rates in other states.
       (c)  The representatives must include:
             (1)  seven general dental providers;
             (2)  six specialty dental providers, including:
                   (A)  three pedodontists;
                   (B)  one oral surgeon;
                   (C)  one periodontist; and
                   (D)  one orthodontist;
             (3)  one additional general or specialty dental
provider, as determined by the executive commissioner; and
             (4)  an individual appointed by the executive
commissioner to represent the Health and Human Services Commission.
       (d)  In appointing the representatives, the executive
commissioner shall ensure a balanced representation of:
             (1)  different regions of this state, based on the
number of medical assistance recipients in the region; and
             (2)  rural and urban counties.
       (e)  The Health and Human Services Commission shall provide
administrative support and resources to the task force as necessary
for the task force to perform the duties under this section.
       (f)  The task force is not subject to Chapter 2110,
Government Code.
       (g)  The task force shall elect a chairperson from among the
dental provider representatives on the task force.
       (h)  The task force shall create a plan to improve
reimbursement rates under the medical assistance program for dental
services. The plan must include recommendations of the task force
on how to systematically and incrementally raise reimbursement
rates to at least the 75th percentile of the usual and customary
National Average Marker Rate.
       (i)  In preparing the plan required under Subsection (h), the
task force shall:
             (1)  review and study current medical assistance
policies and reimbursement methodologies related to dental
services and fees;
             (2)  review the reimbursement rates under medical
assistance programs for dental services adopted by other states;
             (3)  investigate the effect of medical assistance
reimbursement rates for dental services on:
                   (A)  the quality of dental care provided;
                   (B)  the number of children who receive basic
dental health care;
                   (C)  the number of new dental providers offering
dental services under the medical assistance program; and
                   (D)  the number of dental providers in rural
             (4)  develop and recommend procedures and
reimbursement methodologies that will address concerns raised
under Subdivisions (1) through (3);
             (5)  create a plan to systematically and incrementally
increase medical assistance reimbursement rates for dental
services to the rates described by Subsection (h); and
             (6)  ensure that the plan includes methods for
adjusting reimbursement rates in the future in a manner that
addresses the concerns identified by the task force.
       (j)  Not later than December 1, 2008, the task force shall
submit the plan required by Subsection (h) to the executive
commissioner, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of
the house of representatives, and the clerks of the standing
committees of the senate and house of representatives with primary
jurisdiction over the medical assistance program.
       (k)  Not later than September 1, 2009, the Health and Human
Services Commission shall implement the plan submitted by the task
force under Subsection (j), subject to the availability of funds
appropriated for that purpose.
       (l)  The task force shall:
             (1)  continue to monitor the information evaluated in
creating the plan required under Subsection (h) and any changes in
the medical assistance reimbursement rates for dental services
adopted by the Health and Human Services Commission; and
             (2)  submit a report with additional recommendations to
the executive commissioner, the governor, the lieutenant governor,
the speaker of the house of representatives, and the clerks of the
standing committees of the senate and house of representatives with
primary jurisdiction over the medical assistance program not later
than December 1, 2010.
       (m)  This section expires September 1, 2011.
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.