80R12087 SMH-F
  By: Bailey H.B. No. 2744
Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2744:
  By:  Otto C.S.H.B. No. 2744
relating to the ad valorem taxation of certain property used to
provide low-income or moderate-income housing.
       SECTION 1.  Section 11.1825, Tax Code, is amended by
amending Subsections (q) and (r) and adding Subsections (q-1),
(q-2), (r-1), (r-2), and (r-3) to read as follows:
       (q)  If property qualifies for an exemption under this
section, the appraised value of the property is equal to the greater
             (1)  the amount determined using the cost method of
appraisal under Section 23.011; or
             (2)  the amount determined using the income method of
appraisal under Section 23.012.
       (q-1)  In determining the appraised value of property that
qualifies for an exemption under this section using the cost method
of appraisal, the chief appraiser shall consider only data
pertaining to the cost of the land on which a housing project is
located and may not consider data pertaining to the cost of any
structure located on the land.
       (q-2)  In determining the appraised value of property that
qualifies for an exemption under this section using the income
method of appraisal [chief appraiser shall use the income method of
appraisal as provided by Section 23.012 to determine the appraised
value of the property. In appraising the property], the chief
appraiser shall:
             (1)  consider the restrictions provided by this section
on the income of the individuals or families to whom the dwelling
units of the housing project may be rented and the amount of rent
that may be charged for purposes of computing the actual net
operating [rental] income from the property [or projecting future
rental income]; [and]
             (2)  use the actual net operating income from the
property; and
             (3)  use a [the same] capitalization rate of 13.5
percent, except as provided by Subsection (r-1) [that the chief
appraiser uses to appraise other rent-restricted properties].
       (r)  The chief appraiser shall compute the actual net
operating income from property for purposes of this section in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles [Not
later than January 31 of each year, the appraisal district shall
give public notice in the manner determined by the district,
including posting on the district's website if applicable, of the
capitalization rate to be used in that year to appraise property
receiving an exemption under this section].
       (r-1)  The chief appraiser may conduct a study of sales of
comparable properties that are located in the appraisal district to
determine the appropriate capitalization rate to use in determining
the market value of the property. If as a result of the study the
chief appraiser determines that a capitalization rate other than
13.5 percent is more appropriate for that purpose, the chief
appraiser shall use that rate.
       (r-2)  Not later than January 31 of each year, the chief
appraiser shall give public notice in the manner determined by the
appraisal district, including by posting on the district's website
if applicable, of the capitalization rate to be used in that year to
appraise property under this section if that rate is a rate other
than 13.5 percent.
       (r-3)  In connection with an annual study conducted under
Section 403.302, Government Code, the value of a property that
qualifies for an exemption under this section and that is selected
for appraisal must be determined in the manner required by this
       SECTION 2.  (a) This Act applies only to ad valorem taxes
imposed for a tax year beginning on or after January 1, 2007.
       (b)  As soon as practicable after this Act takes effect, a
chief appraiser shall reappraise property for the 2007 tax year
that was appraised before the effective date of this Act if a change
in law made by this Act affects the appraised value of the property.
       SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2007.