By: McClendon (Senate Sponsor - Wentworth) H.B. No. 2752
         (In the Senate - Received from the House May 9, 2007;
  May 10, 2007, read first time and referred to Committee on
  Intergovernmental Relations; May 18, 2007, reported favorably by
  the following vote:  Yeas 4, Nays 0; May 18, 2007, sent to printer.)
  relating to the pension retirement system in certain municipalities
  for firefighters and police.
         SECTION 1.  Section 1.02, Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subdivision (15) and adding
  Subdivisions (4-a), (8-a), and (12-a) to read as follows:
               (4-a)  "Catastrophic injury" means irreparable
  physical bodily injury sustained by a member as a direct and
  immediate result of the member's engaging in an activity that:
                     (A)  constitutes the performance of the member's
  duties as a firefighter or police officer;
                     (B)  involves an extraordinary degree of risk of
  bodily injury or death; and
                     (C)  does not result in death.
               (8-a)  "Disability" means a regular disability under
  Section 5.03(a) of this Act or a catastrophic injury disability
  under Section 5.03(a-1) of this Act.
               (12-a)  "Qualified mayoral designee" means an
  individual designated by the mayor of a municipality to which this
  Act applies who is a member or former member of the city council of,
  or an employee of, a municipality to which this Act applies.
               (15)  "Retirement annuity" means [monthly] pension
  benefits payable to a retiree on an annual basis in accordance with
  this Act.
         SECTION 2.  Section 2.01(a), Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The fund is governed by a board of trustees consisting
  of the following nine members:
               (1)  the mayor of a municipality to which this Act
  applies or a qualified mayoral designee;
               (2)  two members of the governing body of a
  municipality to which this Act applies, appointed by that governing
               (3)  two active members who are fire fighters below the
  rank of fire chief, elected by secret ballot by a majority of the
  votes cast by the members of the fire department;
               (4)  two active members who are police officers below
  the rank of police chief, elected by secret ballot by a majority of
  the votes cast by the members of the police department;
               (5)  a retiree representative of the fire department,
  elected by secret ballot by a majority of the votes cast by the
  retirees of the fire department and the surviving spouses who are
  receiving benefits with respect to deceased members or retirees of
  the fire department; and
               (6)  a retiree representative of the police department,
  elected by secret ballot by a majority of the votes cast by the
  retirees of the police department and the surviving spouses who are
  receiving benefits with respect to deceased members or retirees of
  the police department.
         SECTION 3.  Section 2.02(a), Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The mayor of a municipality to which this Act applies,
  or a qualified mayoral designee, serves on the board for the term of
  the mayor's office except that, if the mayor appoints a mayoral
  designee, the mayor may replace or remove that mayoral designee at
  the mayor's discretion. An individual designated by the mayor to
  serve on the board under this subsection may only serve on the board
  while the individual is a qualified mayoral designee.
         SECTION 4.  Section 4.07(b), Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A member of the fund who terminates employment before
  the member's right to benefits under the fund has vested [but who
  has contributed to the fund for at least five years] is entitled to
  a refund of the member's contributions that were picked up by the
  municipality. That refund shall be paid without interest. A refund
  under this section is not available to a member who terminates
  employment to receive a disability pension or to a survivor
  beneficiary under this Act. Except as provided by Section 4.08 of
  this Act, a person's acceptance of a refund under this subsection
  precludes the person from any other right or benefit under this Act.
         SECTION 5.  Section 5.01, Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsection (f) and adding
  Subsections (f-1), (i), and (j) to read as follows:
         (f)  The board shall compute the retirement annuity of a
  member who retires after September 30, 2001, but before October 1,
  2007, at the rate of 2-1/4 percent of the member's average total
  salary for each of the first 20 years of service, plus 4-1/2 percent
  of the member's average total salary for each of the next seven
  years of service, plus three percent of the member's average total
  salary for each of the next three years of service, plus one-half
  percent of the member's average total salary for each of the next
  four years of service, with fractional years of service prorated
  based on full months served as a contributing member. In making the
  computation for a year, the year is considered to begin on the first
  day a contribution is made. A retirement annuity under this
  subsection may not exceed, as of the date of retirement, 87-1/2
  percent of the member's average total salary.
         (f-1)  The board shall compute the retirement annuity of a
  member who retires after September 30, 2007, at the rate of 2-1/4
  percent of the member's average total salary for each of the first
  20 years of service, plus five percent of the member's average total
  salary for each of the next seven years of service, plus two percent
  of the member's average total salary for each of the next three
  years of service, plus one-half percent of the member's average
  total salary for each of the next three years of service, with
  fractional years of service prorated based on full months served as
  a contributing member. In making the computation for a year, the
  year is considered to begin on the first day a contribution is made.
  A retirement annuity under this subsection may not exceed, as of the
  date of retirement, 87-1/2 percent of the member's average total
         (i)  Beginning with the first monthly benefit payable by the
  fund after October 1, 2007:
               (1)  the monthly benefit payable by the fund to a
  retiree or a beneficiary of a deceased retiree or active member as a
  result of a service retirement, disability retirement, or death of
  an active member that occurred before October 1, 1989, increases by
  $200; and
               (2)  a monthly benefit that is divided and payable to
  more than one beneficiary in accordance with Section 6.02 of this
  Act increases by a total amount of $200.
         (j)  Beginning with the first monthly benefit payable by the
  fund after October 1, 2007:
               (1)  a monthly benefit payable by the fund to a retiree
  or a beneficiary of a deceased retiree or active member that is less
  than $1,850 per month, after taking into account the increase
  provided for in Subsection (i) of this section, increases to $1,850
  per month; and
               (2)  a monthly benefit that is divided and payable to
  more than one beneficiary in accordance with Section 6.02 of this
  Act increases to a total amount of $1,850.
         SECTION 6.  Section 5.015(b), Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The Back DROP election:
               (1)  results in a lump-sum payment for a number of full
  months of service elected by the member that does not exceed the
  lesser of the number of months of service credit the member has in
  excess of 20 years or 48 [36] months;
               (2)  is available only to a member who takes a service
  retirement; and
               (3)  must be made at the time of application for
         SECTION 7.  Section 5.03, Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and
  adding Subsections (a-1), (a-2), and (g) to read as follows:
         (a)  An active member of the fund who is not eligible to
  receive a catastrophic injury disability annuity under Subsection
  (a-1) of this section is eligible to retire and receive a regular
  disability retirement annuity if the member:
               (1)  makes a written application for regular disability
  retirement with the board;
               (2)  is permanently disabled through injury or disease
  so as to be unable to perform the duties of any available position
  in the department and has been off active duty for a continuous
  period of not less than 30 days before the date of the application
  for disability retirement;
               (3)  has had all member contributions required by this
  Act made on the member's behalf;
               (4)  is not on indefinite suspension as described in
  Subsection (d) of this section; and
               (5)  has authorized the release to the board of all
  medical records dated on or after the date of initial application
  for employment with the department.
         (a-1)  An active member of the fund is eligible to retire and
  receive a catastrophic injury disability retirement annuity if the
               (1)  makes a written application for catastrophic
  injury disability retirement with the board;
               (2)  is permanently so disabled as a result of a
  catastrophic injury as to:
                     (A)  be unable to secure any type of third-party
  employment, or engage in any self-employment, other than sporadic
  third-party or self-employment; and
                     (B)  have, as a result of the lack of third-party
  employment or self-employment, an annual income less than the
  poverty level for one person in the 48 contiguous states of the
  United States as provided under the poverty guidelines published
  from time to time by the United States Department of Health and
  Human Services, or similar guidelines selected by the board;
               (3)  has had all member contributions required by this
  Act made on the member's behalf;
               (4)  is not on indefinite suspension as described in
  Subsection (e) of this section; and
               (5)  has authorized the release to the board of all
  medical records dated on or after the date of initial application
  for employment with the department.
         (a-2)  The following diseases, disorders, or injuries are
  not catastrophic injuries:
               (1)  heart disease or lung disease contracted as a
  result of repeated exposure to occupational environmental
  conditions over a period of months or years;
               (2)  an anxiety disorder, including post-traumatic
  stress disorder; or
               (3)  a soft-tissue back, neck, or spine injury,
  including a sprain, strain, subluxation, or repetitive stress
  injury, that does not result in paralysis, as determined by a
  physician authorized or appointed by the board.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d) of this section, a
  member of the fund who is on suspension and who becomes disabled as
  a result of [receives a total and permanent disability resulting
  from] an injury sustained or disease contracted [incurred] while
  the member is on suspension is eligible for a disability retirement
  annuity under Subsection (a) or (a-1) of this section, as
  applicable, if the suspended member makes up each deducted
  contribution lost by reason of the suspension not later than the
  30th day after the later of the termination date of the suspension
  or the exhaustion of any appeal with respect to the suspension. A
  municipality to which this Act applies shall double-match all
  contributions made by a member under this subsection.
         (g)  A disability retiree who becomes disabled before
  October 1, 2007, and who is otherwise qualified to receive a
  catastrophic injury disability retirement annuity under Subsection
  (a-1) of this section is eligible to receive an annuity under that
  subsection, subject to Section 5.04(a-2) of this Act.
         SECTION 8.  Section 5.04, Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and
  adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  A member who is eligible to retire and receive a
  [monthly] disability retirement annuity under Section 5.03(a) of
  this Act is entitled to receive an annuity from the fund equal to:
               (1)  50 percent of [the average of] the member's average
  total salary, if the member has served three years or more before
  the date of retirement [for the highest three years of the last five
  years, computed from the date of retirement, divided by 12]; [or]
               (2)  [if the member has served less than three years
  before the date of retirement,] 50 percent of the member's average
  monthly [total] salary as of the date of retirement multiplied by
  12, if the member has served at least two months and less than three
  years before the date of retirement; or
               (3)  50 percent of the member's average daily salary as
  of the date of retirement multiplied by 360, if the member has
  served less than two months before the date of retirement.
         (a-1)  Subject to Subsection (a-2) of this section a member
  who is eligible to retire and receive a catastrophic injury
  disability retirement annuity under Section 5.03(a-1) of this Act
  is entitled to receive an annuity from the fund equal to:
               (1)  87.5 percent of the member's average total salary,
  if the member has served three years or more before the date of
               (2)  87.5 percent of the member's average monthly
  salary as of the date of retirement multiplied by 12, if the member
  has served at least two months and less than three years before the
  date of retirement; or
               (3)  87.5 percent of the member's average daily salary
  as of the date of retirement multiplied by 360, if the member has
  served less than two months before the date of retirement.
         (a-2)  An annuity awarded by the board under Subsection (a-1)
  of this section to a member who was previously awarded an annuity
  under Subsection (a) of this section shall be increased to equal the
  amount the annuity awarded under Subsection (a) of this section
  would have been if the annuity had been awarded under Subsection
  (a-1) of this section, taking into account the cost of living
  adjustment increases provided for in Section 5.09 of this Act.  This
  subsection does not entitle the member to any additional payment
  for the period before the effective date of the award under
  Subsection (a-1) of this section [, or a theoretical monthly
  average if service is less than a full month].
         (b)  In making computations under this section, all [All]
  fractional years must be [under this section are] prorated based on
  full months served in [on] the [fire or police] department as a
  contributing member of the fund.
         SECTION 9.  Section 5.05, Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and
  adding Subsections (a-1), (a-2), (a-3), and (c-1) to read as
         (a)  The board may cause a disability retiree to undergo a
  medical examination or examinations by any reputable physician or
  physicians selected by the board[. Based on the examination, the
  board shall determine whether the disability retirement annuity
  shall be continued, decreased, restored to the original amount if
  it had been decreased, or discontinued, except that a disability
  retirement annuity may not be completely discontinued unless the
  disability retiree has first been accepted for reinstatement in
  that person's former position or status in the fire or police
  department by the chief of the respective department].
         (a-1)  A disability retiree who is awarded a catastrophic
  injury disability annuity under Section 5.03(a-1) of this Act shall
  undergo a medical examination by any reputable physician or
  physicians selected by the board:
               (1)  not later than 60 months after the date of the
  award of the annuity by the board; and
               (2)  thereafter, not later than 60 months following the
  last required medical examination of the disability retiree under
  this subsection.
         (a-2)  The board may require one or more medical examinations
  under Subsection (a) of this section in addition to those required
  under Subsection (a-1) of this section.
         (a-3)  Subject to Subsection (c) of this section, based on an
  examination under Subsections (a), (a-1), or (a-2) of this section,
  the board shall determine whether the disability retirement annuity
  shall be continued, decreased, restored to the original amount if
  it had been decreased, or discontinued.
         (c)  For those retired because of disability on or after
  August 30, 1971, the [monthly] disability retirement annuity may
  not be reduced to an amount that is less than the product of:
               (1)  2.25 percent multiplied by the number of years
  that the retiree served in the department and contributed a portion
  of salary as a member of the fund multiplied by the retiree's
  average total salary, if the retiree served three years or more
  before the date of retirement;
               (2)  2.25 percent multiplied by the number of years
  that the retiree served in the department and contributed a portion
  of salary as a member of the fund multiplied by the retiree's
  average monthly salary as of the date of retirement multiplied by
  12, if the retiree served at least two months and less than three
  years before the date of retirement; or
               (3)  2.25 percent multiplied by the number of years
  that the retiree served in the department and contributed a portion
  of salary as a member of the fund multiplied by the retiree's
  average daily salary as of the date of retirement multiplied by 360,
  if the member has served less than two months before the date of
         (c-1)  In making the computation under Subsection (c) of this
  section, all [two percent, for each year that the retiree has served
  and contributed a portion of salary, of the average of the member's
  total salary for the highest three years of the last five years,
  computed from the date of retirement, divided by 12, or if the
  member has served less than three years before the date of
  retirement, 50 percent of the member's average monthly total
  salary, or a theoretical monthly average if service is less than a
  full month. All] fractional years shall be prorated based on full
  months served in [on] the [fire or police] department as a
  contributing member of the fund before the date of retirement.
         SECTION 10.  Section 5.07(b), Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  If the retiree received income from other employment,
  including self-employment, during the preceding year, the board may
  reduce the retiree's disability retirement annuity by the amount of
  $1 for each month for each $2 of income earned by the retiree from
  the other employment during each month of the previous year, except
  that the disability retirement annuity may not be decreased below
  the [an] amount determined [based on 2-1/4 percent of the retiree's
  average total salary computed at the time of retirement] under
  Section 5.05(c) [5.04] of this Act [for each year of service in the
         SECTION 11.  Section 5.09(a), Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  At or before its regular meeting in the month of March,
  the board annually shall review the Consumer's Price Index for All
  Urban Consumers (CPI-U), U.S. City Average or the nearest
  equivalent published by the United States Bureau of Labor
  Statistics for the preceding calendar year. If that index shows an
  increase during the preceding calendar year in the cost of living as
  compared with that index at the close of the previous year, the
  board shall order an increase of all service, disability, and death
  benefit retirement annuities by a percentage that varies by the
  date of the member's service or disability retirement, or, in the
  case of a member who died before retirement, the date on which the
  member died. If the member's service retirement, disability
  retirement, or death before retirement occurred before August 30,
  1971, the annuity shall be increased by a percentage equal to the
  percentage increase in the cost of living index. If the member's
  service retirement, disability retirement, or death before
  retirement occurred on or after August 30, 1971, but before October
  1, 1997 [1993], the annuity shall be increased as follows: if the
  percentage increase in the cost of living index is eight percent or
  less, the annuity shall be increased by a percentage equal to the
  percentage increase, and if the percentage increase in the cost of
  living index is more than eight percent, the annuity shall be
  increased by eight percent plus a percentage equal to 75 percent of
  the percentage increase that is more than eight percent. If the
  member's service retirement, disability retirement, or death
  before retirement occurred on or after October 1, 1997 [1993], the
  annuity shall be increased by a percentage equal to 75 percent of
  the percentage increase in the cost of living index. A percentage
  increase in annuities shall be rounded to the nearest one-tenth
  percentage point for a cost of living increase.
         SECTION 12.  Section 6.02, Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections (a), (c), (g),
  and (m) and adding Subsections (g-1), (g-2), and (o) to read as
         (a)  Subject to Section 6.03 of this Act and the provisions
  of this section, if a member or [disability] retiree receiving a
  disability pension under Section 5.03(a) of this Act dies leaving a
  surviving spouse or at least one dependent child, the surviving
  spouse and the children are entitled to receive from the fund an
  aggregate death benefit annuity, computed and payable from the date
  of the member's death. The surviving spouse may elect the annuity
  in an amount that is equal to either:
               (1)  50 percent of the member's average total salary; or
               (2)  the same percentage of the member's average total
  salary that the member would have been entitled to receive as a
  retirement annuity if the member could have retired on the date of
         (c)  Subject to [Section 6.08 of this Act and] the provisions
  of this section, if a retiree other than a [disability] retiree
  receiving a disability pension under Section 5.03(a) of this Act
  dies leaving a surviving spouse or at least one dependent child, the
  surviving spouse and dependent children are entitled to receive
  from the fund an aggregate death benefit annuity, computed and
  payable from the date of the member's death, in an amount that is
  equal to the lesser of:
               (1)  the retirement annuity to which a member with the
  same average total salary as the deceased retiree and 27 years of
  service credit would be entitled if the member retired on the date
  of the deceased retiree's death; or
               (2)  the retirement annuity the retiree was receiving
  at the time of the retiree's death.
         (g)  A child who is born after the date of retirement of the
  member is not entitled to a death benefit annuity under this Act
  unless the retiree was married to the other parent of the child on
  the date of retirement. A surviving spouse of a retiree who was not
  married to the retiree until after the retiree's retirement is
  entitled to receive only the benefits, if any, provided under
  Subsection (g-1) [(m)] of this section or [and] Section 6.08 of this
         (g-1)  A surviving spouse of a retiree who was not married to
  the retiree until after the date of the retiree's retirement is
  entitled to receive the entire death benefit of a surviving spouse
  in this section if the surviving spouse was married to the retiree
  for a period of at least the five consecutive years preceding the
  date of the retiree's death. A surviving spouse of a retiree who
  was not married to the retiree until after the retiree's retirement
  and was not married to the retiree for a period of the five
  consecutive years preceding the date of the retiree's death is
  entitled to receive only the benefits, if any, provided under
  Section 6.08 of this Act. The benefit provided by this subsection
  applies only with respect to a retiree death that occurs on or after
  October 1, 2007.
         (g-2)  The surviving spouse of a retiree who made an election
  under Subsection (m) of this section before October 1, 2007, and who
  does not cancel that election in accordance with Subsection (m) of
  this section is not entitled to receive the death benefit annuity
  provided for under Subsection (g-1) of this section.
         (m)  Subject to Subsections [Subsection] (n) and (o) of this
  section, a service retiree who marries after the date of retirement
  may elect to receive a reduced annuity during the retiree's
  lifetime and provide for a death benefit annuity to the retiree's
  surviving spouse. The amount of the reduced annuity and spousal
  death benefit shall be determined by the fund's actuary and shall be
  actuarially equivalent to the annuity the retiree was receiving
  immediately before the election under this subsection. An election
  made under this subsection may be canceled by the retiree before the
  retiree's death [on the divorce of the retiree or the death of the
  retiree's spouse]. After the election is canceled, the retiree
  shall be entitled to receive the same annuity to which the retiree
  would have been entitled if the election had not been made. A
  retiree who cancels an election under this subsection is not
  entitled to any additional benefits for the period of time before
  the cancellation. The board shall adopt policies and procedures
  governing elections and cancellation of elections under this
  subsection. An election or cancellation of an election made under
  this subsection must be made in accordance with the board's
  policies and procedures.
         (o)  A retiree may not make an election under Subsection (m)
  of this section after September 30, 2007. A cancellation of an
  election by a retiree under Subsection (m) of this section must be
  made on or before December 31, 2007.
         SECTION 13.  Sections 6.08(a) and (b), Chapter 824, Acts of
  the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o,
  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section, a
  surviving spouse of a retiree whose status as such resulted from any
  marriage after the date of the retirement of the retiree and who has
  been married to the retiree for a period of at least the 2-1/2 but
  less than the five consecutive years preceding the date of the
  retiree's death, [member] is entitled to a lump-sum death benefit
  because of the retiree's [member's] death in the amount of $2,500 [:
               [(1)     $10,000 if the marriage occurred 10 years or more
  before the member's death;
               [(2)     $7,500 if the marriage occurred 7-1/2 years
  before but less than 10 years before the member's death;
               [(3)     $5,000 if the marriage occurred five years or
  more but less than 7-1/2 years before the member's death; and
               [(4)     $2,500 if the marriage occurred 2-1/2 years or
  more but less than five years before the member's death].
         (b)  A surviving spouse is not entitled to a lump-sum death
  benefit under this section if a child is entitled to receive death
  benefits under this Act as a result of the retiree's death.
         SECTION 14.  Section 6.11, Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
  active member dies and does not leave a beneficiary, the estate of
  the deceased member is entitled to a death benefit payment from the
  fund in an amount equal to the greater of:
               (1)  10 [five] times the amount of an annuity computed
  in accordance with Section 5.01(f-1) [5.01(f)] of this Act using
  the deceased member's service credit and average total salary as of
  the date of death; or
               (2)  the refund of the member's contributions that were
  picked up by the municipality.
         SECTION 15.  Section 6.115, Chapter 824, Acts of the 73rd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article 6243o, Vernon's Texas
  Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 6.115.  DEATH BENEFIT FOR RETIREE'S ESTATE. If a
  retiree dies and does not leave a beneficiary, the estate of the
  retiree is entitled to a death benefit payment from the fund in an
  amount equal to 10 [five] times the amount of the annuity awarded by
  the board effective on the retiree's date of retirement, less any
  retirement or disability annuity and any lump sum under Section
  5.015 of this Act paid to the retiree.
         SECTION 16.  Sections 6.14(e), (f), (h), and (j), Chapter
  824, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article
  6243o, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as
         (e)  The annuity used to compute the lump-sum payment is
  determined in the manner provided by Section 5.01(f-1) [5.01(f)] of
  this Act for retired members, using:
               (1)  the deceased member's average total salary for all
  months, excluding the number of months immediately preceding the
  member's date of death that equal the number of months elected by
  the surviving spouse under Subsection (f) of this section; and
               (2)  the amount of service credit as determined by
  Subsection (g) or (h) of this section.
         (f)  The surviving spouse must elect the number of months
  used in computing the lump-sum payment. The number of months may
  not exceed the lesser of:
               (1)  the number of months of service credit in excess of
  20 years that the deceased member has on the date of death; or
               (2)  48 [36] months.
         (h)  In determining the annuity under Subsection (e) of this
  section for a surviving spouse whose death benefit annuity is
  limited by Section 6.02(b) of this Act, the deceased member's
  service credit is the lesser of:
               (1)  the deceased member's service credit computed as
  provided by Section 5.01(g) of this Act, less the number of months
  elected by the surviving spouse under Subsection (f) of this
  section and less any service credit for unused sick leave to which
  the member would have been entitled; or
               (2)  27 years.
         (j)  The reduced annuity is determined in the manner provided
  by Section 5.01(f-1) [5.01(f)] of this Act for retired members,
               (1)  the deceased member's average total salary for all
  months, excluding the number of months immediately preceding the
  member's date of death that equal the number of months elected by
  the surviving spouse under Subsection (f) of this section; and
               (2)  the amount of service credit as determined by
  Subsection (k) or (l) of this section.
         SECTION 17.  Sections 4.07(a), 5.04(c), and 6.08(c), Chapter
  824, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993 (Article
  6243o, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are repealed.
         SECTION 18.  This Act takes effect October 1, 2007.
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