80R9928 YDB-D
  By: Zerwas H.B. No. 2800
relating to the appointment of associate judges in the district
courts in Waller County.
       SECTION 1.  Chapter 54, Government Code, is amended by
adding Subchapter CC to read as follows:
       Sec. 54.1401.  APPOINTMENT.  (a) A judge of a district court
in Waller County may determine that one or more full-time or
part-time associate judges are needed to serve the court.
       (b)  The judge shall issue an order reflecting that
determination and specifying the number of associate judges and
support staff needed.
       (c)  Subject to the determination of need by the district
court and the approval of the commissioners court of the county, a
judge may appoint one or more associate judges and support staff to
serve the judge's court.
       (d)  District judges may act together to appoint associate
judges to serve their courts.
       Sec. 54.1402.  QUALIFICATIONS.  To be eligible for
appointment as an associate judge, a person must:
             (1)  be a resident of this state; and
             (2)  have been licensed to practice law in this state
for at least four years.
       Sec. 54.1403.  ORDER OF APPOINTMENT.  The order appointing
an associate judge must be entered in the minutes of each court
making the order and must state:
             (1)  the associate judge's name and state bar
identification number;
             (2)  the name of each court the associate judge will
serve; and
             (3)  the date the associate judge's service is to begin.
       Sec. 54.1404.  COMPENSATION.  The commissioners court shall
set the compensation for associate judges and support staff and
determine the total amount the county will pay as compensation for
associate judges and support staff.
       Sec. 54.1405.  JUDICIAL IMMUNITY.  An associate judge
appointed under this subchapter has the same judicial immunity as
the district court judges.
       Sec. 54.1406.  TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT.  (a) An associate
judge who serves a single court serves at the will of the judge of
that court.
       (b)  The employment of an associate judge who serves two
courts may be terminated by either of the judges of those courts.
       (c)  The employment of an associate judge who serves more
than two courts may be terminated by a majority of the judges of
those courts.
       (d)  To terminate an associate judge's employment, the
appropriate judges must sign a written order of termination. The
order must state:
             (1)  the associate judge's name and state bar
identification number;
             (2)  the name of the court ordering the termination;
             (3)  the date the associate judge's services end.
COURT. The judge of a court for which an associate judge has been
appointed may withdraw the associate judge's appointment to that
court by written order. The order must state:
             (1)  the associate judge's name and state bar
identification number;
             (2)  the name of the court ordering the withdrawal; and
             (3)  the date the associate judge's services end as to
that court.
       Sec. 54.1408.  PROCEEDINGS THAT MAY BE REFERRED.  (a) A judge
may refer to an associate judge any criminal case for proceedings
             (1)  a negotiated plea of guilty before the court;
             (2)  a bond forfeiture;
             (3)  a pretrial motion;
             (4)  a postconviction writ of habeas corpus;
             (5)  an examining trial; and
             (6)  any other matter the judge considers necessary and
       (b)  An associate judge may preside over a trial on the
merits, whether or not the trial is before a jury.
       Sec. 54.1409.  CASES THAT MAY BE REFERRED.  (a) A judge may
refer to an associate judge any juvenile, probate, or civil case or
portion of one of those cases brought:
             (1)  under Title 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, Family Code;
             (2)  in connection with Rule 308a, Texas Rules of Civil
             (3)  in connection with Title 7, Health and Safety
Code; or
             (4)  under the civil jurisdiction of the appointing
       (b)  An associate judge may preside over a trial on the
merits, whether or not the trial is before a jury.
       Sec. 54.1410.  METHOD OF REFERRAL.  A case may be referred as
prescribed by published local rules or by written orders.
       Sec. 54.1411.  DUTIES AND POWERS.  (a) Except as limited by
an order of referral, an associate judge to whom a case is referred
             (1)  conduct hearings;
             (2)  hear evidence;
             (3)  compel production of relevant evidence;
             (4)  rule on admissibility of evidence;
             (5)  issue summons for the appearance of witnesses;
             (6)  examine witnesses;
             (7)  swear witnesses for hearings;
             (8)  make findings of fact on evidence;
             (9)  formulate conclusions of law;
             (10)  rule on a pretrial motion;
             (11)  recommend the rulings, orders, or judgment to be
made in a case;
             (12)  regulate proceedings in a hearing; and
             (13)  do any act and take any measure necessary and
proper for the efficient performance of the duties required by the
order of referral.
       (b)  An associate judge may not enter a ruling on any issue of
law or fact if that ruling could result in dismissal or require
dismissal of a pending criminal prosecution or civil case, but the
associate judge may make findings, conclusions, and
recommendations on those issues.
       (c)  An order of referral may limit the use or power of an
associate judge.
       (d)  Unless limited by published local rule, by written
order, or by an order of referral, an associate judge may perform
all acts and take all measures necessary and proper to perform the
tasks assigned in a referral.
       (e)  An associate judge may administer oaths.
       (f)  An associate judge has the jurisdiction provided by the
constitution and laws of this state for magistrates and is a
magistrate as defined by Article 2.09, Code of Criminal Procedure.
       Sec. 54.1412.  COURT REPORTER.  (a) A court reporter need not
be provided during a hearing conducted by an associate judge.
       (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a referring judge may
require a reporter at any hearing.
       Sec. 54.1413.  FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SUMMONS OR OATH.  If an
attorney, party, witness, or any other person fails to comply with a
summons or order, the associate judge may certify in writing that
failure to the referring court for appropriate action.
       Sec. 54.1414.  PERJURY.  (a) A witness appearing before an
associate judge is subject to the penalties of perjury as provided
by Chapter 37, Penal Code.
       (b)  A witness referred to the court under Section 54.1413 is
subject to the same penalties and orders that may be imposed on a
witness appearing in a hearing before the court.
       Sec. 54.1415.  RETURN TO REFERRING COURT; FINDINGS. At the
conclusion of the proceedings, an associate judge shall transmit to
the referring court any papers relating to the case, including the
associate judge's findings, conclusions, orders, recommendations,
or other action taken.
       Sec. 54.1416.  NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL.  (a) Notice of
right to appeal to the judge of the referring court shall be given
to all parties.
       (b)  The notice may be given:
             (1)  by oral statement in open court; or
             (2)  by posting inside or outside the courtroom of the
referring court.
       Sec. 54.1417.  APPEAL TO REFERRING COURT.  (a) A party may
appeal an associate judge's report by filing a notice of appeal not
later than the sixth day after the date the associate judge submits
his report to the referring court under Section 54.1415.
       (b)  An appeal to the referring court must be filed with the
court clerk and must specify in writing the findings of the
associate judge to which the party objects.
       (c)  Notice of an appeal to the referring court shall be
given to all opposing parties or their counsel under Rule 21a, Texas
Rules of Civil Procedure.
       (d)  If an appeal to the referring court is filed by a party,
any other party may file a response to the appeal not later than the
seventh day after the date the initial appeal was filed.
       (e)  The referring court, after notice to the parties, may
conduct a hearing de novo on the issues raised in the appeal not
later than the 30th day after the date on which the initial appeal
was filed with the referring court.
       Sec. 54.1418.  COURT ACTION ON REPORT.  (a) After the court
receives the associate judge's report, or in the case of an appeal
under Section 54.1417, after the court has decided the appeal, the
court may adopt, modify, correct, reject, or reverse the associate
judge's report or may recommit it for further information, as the
court determines to be proper and necessary in each case.
       (b)  If a judgment has been recommended, the court may
approve the recommendation and hear more evidence before making its
       Sec. 54.1419.  DECREE OR JUDGMENT.  The finding and
recommendations become the decree or judgment of the court when
adopted and approved by an order of the judge.
       Sec. 54.1420.  MASTER IN CHANCERY.  This subchapter does not
prohibit a court from appointing a master in chancery as provided by
Rule 171, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
       Sec. 54.1421.  REFEREES.  (a) An associate judge appointed
under this subchapter may serve as a referee as provided by Sections
51.04(g) and 54.10, Family Code.
       (b)  A referee appointed under Section 51.04(g), Family
Code, may be appointed to serve as an associate judge under this
       (c)  An associate judge appointed under this subchapter may
serve as a master as provided by Section 574.0085, Health and Safety
       SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2007.