By: Uresti |
Amend HB 2883, beginning on page 1, line 56, (Engrossed |
version) by striking SECTIONS 1 and 2, and substituting the |
following: |
SECTION 1. Section 1.003, Water Code, is amended to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 1.003. PUBLIC POLICY. It is the public policy of the |
state to provide for the conservation and development of the |
state's natural resources, including: |
(1) the control, storage, preservation, and |
distribution of the state's storm and floodwaters and the waters of |
its rivers and streams for irrigation, power, and other useful |
purposes; |
(2) the reclamation and irrigation of the state's |
arid, semiarid, and other land needing irrigation; |
(3) the reclamation and drainage of the state's |
overflowed land and other land needing drainage; |
(4) the conservation and development of its forest, |
water, and hydroelectric power; |
(5) the navigation of the state's inland and coastal |
waters; [and] |
(6) the maintenance of a proper ecological environment |
of the bays and estuaries of Texas and the health of related living |
marine resources; and |
(7) the voluntary stewardship of public and private |
lands to benefit waters of the state. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 1, Water Code, is |
amended by amending Section 1.004 to read as follows: |
(a) The legislature finds that voluntary land stewardship |
enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of this state's |
watersheds by helping to increase surface water and groundwater |
supplies, resulting in a benefit to the natural resources of this |
state and to the general public. It is therefore the policy of this |
state to encourage voluntary land stewardship as a significant |
water management tool. |
(b) "Land stewardship," as used in this code, is the voluntary |
practice of managing land to conserve or enhance suitable |
landscapes and the ecosystem values of the land. Land stewardship |
includes land and habitat management, wildlife conservation, and |
watershed protection. Land stewardship practices include runoff |
reduction, prescribed burning, managed grazing, brush management, |
erosion management, reseeding with native plant species, riparian |
management and restoration, and spring and creek-bank protection, |
all of which benefit the water resources of this state. |
relating to a state policy of encouraging voluntary land |
stewardship to benefit the water in this state. |
SECTION 1. Section 1.003, Water Code, is amended to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 1.003. PUBLIC POLICY. It is the public policy of the |
state to provide for the conservation and development of the |
state's natural resources, including: |
(1) the control, storage, preservation, and |
distribution of the state's storm and floodwaters and the waters of |
its rivers and streams for irrigation, power, and other useful |
purposes; |
(2) the reclamation and irrigation of the state's |
arid, semiarid, and other land needing irrigation; |
(3) the reclamation and drainage of the state's |
overflowed land and other land needing drainage; |
(4) the conservation and development of its forest, |
water, and hydroelectric power; |
(5) the navigation of the state's inland and coastal |
waters; [and] |
(6) the maintenance of a proper ecological environment |
of the bays and estuaries of Texas and the health of related living |
marine resources; and |
(7) the voluntary stewardship of public and private |
lands to benefit the water in the state, as defined by Section |
26.001. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 1, Water Code, is amended |
by adding Section 1.004 to read as follows: |
(a) The legislature finds that voluntary land stewardship |
enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of this state's |
watersheds by helping to increase surface water and groundwater |
supplies, resulting in a benefit to the natural resources of this |
state and to the general public. It is therefore the policy of this |
state to encourage voluntary land stewardship as a significant |
water management tool by providing assistance to landowners to |
conduct those activities. |
(b) "Land stewardship," as used in this code, is the |
voluntary practice of managing land to conserve or enhance suitable |
landscapes and the ecosystem values of the land. Land stewardship |
includes land and habitat management, wildlife conservation, and |
watershed protection. Land stewardship practices include runoff |
reduction, prescribed burning, managed grazing, brush management, |
erosion management, reseeding with native plant species, riparian |
management and restoration, and spring and creek-bank protection, |
all of which benefit the water resources of this state. |
SECTION 3. Subsection (b), Section 11.0235, Water Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) Maintaining the biological soundness of the state's |
rivers, lakes, bays, and estuaries is of great importance to the |
public's economic health and general well-being. The legislature |
encourages voluntary water and land stewardship to benefit the |
water in the state, as defined by Section 26.001. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2007. |
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